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THE JURY IS IN: 100% of millions of viewers who expressed an opinion agree that Dr. Stephen James is correct in what he said about vaccine mandates being illegitimate and natural immunity beating booster jabs, and that Sajid Javid’s ‘experts’ are wrong.


Date: Thursday, 13th January 2022.

Time since Dr. Stephen James confronted Sajid Javid: 6 days.

Sajid Javid Credentials:
Ex International Banker.
Career Politician.
UK Minister for Health.

Dr. Stephen James Credentials:
Consultant Anaesthetist at King’s College Hospital since 2013.
The lead for cardiopulmonary exercise testing at King’s College Hospital.
Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.
Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

Key Points made by Dr. Stephen James:
Vaccine mandates break internationally ratified Human Rights Laws.
Vaccine mandates will mean that over 10% of NHS staff will be lost in April, therefore being the main cause of any potential NHS collapse.
Natural immunity against COVID outranks vaccinations against COVID [now unequivocally proven by ‘the Israeli Study’ of 700,000 participants, and the acceptance of EU regulators this month that too many boosters will cause VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)].

Key Points made by Sajid Javid:
We [the UK government] listen only to the [State approved] ‘experts’.

Youtube Channel: Sky News Official Channel.

Viewers of the Video: 2,046,939 views in first 6 days.

Thumbs Up Approvals for Dr. James & the Nurses: 64,000+ in first 6 days.

Number of Comments: 17,329 Comments in first 6 days.

Number of Disapproving Comments Found: ZERO!

Mainstream Media’s General Reports of Dr. James:
Empowering anti-vaxxers.
Putting lives at risk.

The Public’s View of Dr. James:
The kind of doctor society needs.
Finally, a doctor who is willing to speak truth to power.
Love him.
Speaks for a significant number of health professionals who have been silenced.
Balanced and calm.
A real medical expert, unlike Sajid Javid.
Speaking common sense…
The list of praise is endless, for both him and the five nurses who refused to answer the UK Health Minister, with the only derision from those who commented being directed, in bucket loads, towards Mr. Javid and his so-called ‘experts’.

“I’m so appalled at how his calm, factual and well explained views (and having spent years in Med School) were simply dismissed by someone that clearly doesn’t have a clue, or his own opinion. This doctor is a legend and I believe we should all have and keep our own rights to have the vaccine or not. I have to attend surgeries in my post and was willing to have the vaccine if my boss (the surgeon) said I had to for the safety of others. I’m pleased to say, he was as knowledgeable as this awesome guy and said every individual/patient has the right to refuse any treatment, even if deemed beneficial to their health and survival in a multitude of medical conditions. We need more guys like them!”
👍 1.3K
30 replies


Reality or Media Invention - Which World Are You In? [Dr. Stephen James & 'Kingsgate'] Youtube Stats screenshot taken on 13. January 2022, 6 days after the Sky News video was published.

“Well-done to that doctor for speaking up. A reasonable discussion is needed. This doctor gave a very courageous and well reasoned argument. I’m so pleased there are still doctors like this in our NHS. I would be very happy for this doctor to deal with my health care if needed. Please don’t silence or dismiss such people. It would be a huge loss to kings Hospital.

Support, don’t silence your staff. They have a right to their professional opinion, even if it differs from that of others. Science is about evidence base and being willing to re-investigate testing mainstream theory and being willing to contradict it if needed.”
Rebecca Mehrshahi
👍 185


  • This video was published on Youtube, the most mainstream video sharing channel on the Internet, and thereby has the broadest possible mix of people watching and commenting on its content.
  • The video was published on Sky News UK’s official Youtube Channel. Sky News UK is a very mainstream news channel, and there is very little to distinguish its State aligned narrative from that of the BCC. It has nearly 4 million subscribers on Youtube, and therefore it can be presumed that the 2 million+ people who have watched this video in the first week, adequately represent a balanced and broad spectrum of the British and global public.
  • On the 6th January, when this was written, there was not a single derisory comment that I could find within the comments section of this video. The comments blatantly illustrate that the 64,000+ ‘Thumbs Up’ Approvals are approvals of what Dr. James stated (along with the nurses’ silence), and are disapprovals of what Sajid Javid said, and for the position of the government, their representatives, and their official COVID-19 policies.
  • Whereas the video page evidence illustrates that 100% of the public who made a comment apparently agree with Dr. James’ condemnation of vaccine mandates; the looming loss of 10% of NHS staff because of vaccine mandates; and the proven superiority of the natural immune system compared to COVID vaccines, the mainstream media continues to stick to exactly the same Big Pharma narrative – that COVID vaccines are effective and universally required; that vaccine mandates are legitimate and ethical; and that any NHS crisis has nothing to do with over 10% of staff being sacked in less than 3 months time because of the government’s vaccine mandate policy. The media are thereby spinning a totally false reality, which contradicts the opinion of the entire general population. In other words, they are completely gas-lighting the public, in order to push an agenda that benefits nobody but the vaccine industry, globalist crooks, and their bought-and-paid-for political puppets.

“This doctor speaks for a significant number of health professionals I know. The amount of qualified people’s voices getting hushed on this topic is shocking, it’s great that they are finally getting represented.”
Samuel Holden
👍 682
12 replies

You can watch the video on New Moral Order’s channel at

One Good Doctor and 5 Awake Nurses Prescribe the Red Pill to the UK's Minister for Health - view video on

“I’m sending my respect and appreciation to this doctor. He’s one of [a] kind and a very rare hero [whose] gonna save us from this medical dictatorship.”
👍 97
3 replies

“This doctor was protecting the nurses from saying something that could jeopardize their jobs.
He was saying what they all wanted to say.”
Ruffled Feathers
👍 291


A People’s ‘Award of Words’ to Dr. James & the Five Nurses

While the psychopaths that illegitimately control society have statues built to glorify their crimes, those who really speak for the people are never rewarded, but instead are attacked by the system. It is now time for the tables to be turned. The following comments represent the people’s ‘living’ award to Dr. James and the five nurses, which is far more relevant and authentic than any monument of metal or stone. The nation and the world have given their unbounded praise to these ‘true’ heroes. This publication is simply my testament to that universal support shown by the people as a whole towards one man and five women who refused to kowtow themselves on camera to State propaganda, supporting tyrannical policies.

Also, please consider nominating Dr. James and the Five Nurse for the ‘King’s Stars’ (King’s College Hospital) Commendation Award. To nominate them go to:

“We take the best advice from “vaccine experts” …
Let me rephrase to what he really meant 
We ONLY take the best advice from the vaccine experts that fit our narrative.”
Amanda Boser 2.0
👍 387
6 replies

You Are Not Alone

One of the main methods used by the control system to disempower you is to make you believe that you are alone in what you think, or at least that you are part of a very small contingent that is opposed by the vast majority of the general public. I hope that this article and the following hundreds of comments, make you realise, once and for all, that the reality is actually exactly the opposite to what the government and the controlled media falsely peddles as fact.

It is, in actual fact, the controllers who are part of a tiny group of psychopaths and sociopaths who use the brainwashing capacity of chemicals in your water, food and veins; frequencies that surround you in the air; and repetitive soundbites and violence that persistently bombards your eyes and ears – targeted at the human populace via news media, consumer technology, and entertainment – to make you falsely believe that your opinions are extreme, and that you are alone in your opposition to the State’s draconian policies and agendas. Remember, a few thousand British civil servants ruled India through propaganda and spin. A few hundred news channels, social media platforms, newspapers, and entertainment companies, do exactly the same today, but on a global scale.

You are not only in the majority, there are actually very few people that oppose your opposition to the control system; a system that wishes to make you poor, and make you fully obedient to the State and the corporation. They can manipulate elections and politicians; they can manipulate news; they can manipulate science; they can manipulate history; and they can manipulate the economy, but they are dramatically failing to hide the reality behind their ‘Truman Show’ depiction of how the people really think.

The following comments, and the numbers listed against this video, as evidenced here, unequivocally prove that what the media tells you about EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING is falsified. Politics, news, science, human history, the economy, are all fabricated, in order to support one agenda or another. It is time to peacefully eradicate ALL mainstream media and the power structures and criminals that enable their existence. The people require the truth, and only the truth from this point forward.

“I’m not a doctor but I too thought the same, that I’ve had Covid so I already have antibodies. I was forced to get 2 vaccinations for my job (I need to work). I resent this police’ state attitude.
Clearly this doctor talks sense and clearly current vaccines can’t keep up with the speed at which covid is mutating.
Some people will continue to die and the fittest will survive. The sooner this is accepted, the sooner we can get on with living.”
Nicola Rollinson
👍 9

A Permanent Record of How The Public Really Think About COVID

Yes, the people have spoken once again, but how long will it be before Sky News or Youtube remove this video and the evidence that I am documenting here? How easy is it for Youtube to delete all these comments, or change the stats? They have already hinted that they may get rid of all comments in the future. When you read through the comments below, it is easy to see why a gatekeeper of the control system like Youtube would be ordered to do exactly that by its puppet masters. This is why I believe that the people need to start re-publishing such comment lists, in order to break through the great deceptions of the MSM, because these comments represent the ‘real’ opinions of the people, and in that extent, they are the ‘real’ news. Ignore what CNN or the BBC say about public opinion. The following is how humanity really regards the COVID debacle – the ‘scamdemic’.

As members of the peaceful revolution, it is important that we all help to document the truth about this current monumental transition of humanity, from the hierarchical tyranny of the last few thousand years to the ‘new people’s society’ that we are beginning to see emerge from the ashes of the NWO. Future generations will wish to see exactly how the control system attempted to pull the wool over the faces of the sheeple, and how those who were awakened to the attempted globalist takeover, stood up against the tyranny and the war against information and freedom of speech – the lies of the State designed to overshadow the censored truth of the people.

“We live in a time where speaking common sense is a heroic act.”
Enigma Vids
👍 288

The labelling of the anaesthetist as an “anti-vax” and everyone else who doesn’t want to be vaccinated is just pathetic.
Polka Dots
👍 48

A Testament to The Sheer Level of Deception That the MSM Represents

Even those who believe themselves to be awake (opposite of ‘woke’) will have trouble getting their heads around what these video statistics actually reveal. What you are seeing here is that even with a few possible exceptions that have not been found, or which remain hidden in the background of the social fabric, the stats record that 100% of people who commented on this mainstream news video, opposed the vaccine mandate, and wholly supported a doctor who said that natural immunity should be focused on above vaccines in regards to COVID. Many refer to the good doctor as a “hero”, because in a society run by villains, real heroes may only be found within the general populace. Dr. James speaks for them.

Perhaps it is 99% of the public that fully support Dr. James, not 100%. Perhaps it is 95%. The important thing to recognise is that the mainstream news have been ‘programming’ the people over the last two years to believe that the majority of people fall in with the government in regards to COVID. It is so easy to interview 100 people in the street, and broadcast on the evening news only the 3 who didn’t say the government and their ‘experts’ are lying about everything. That is exactly what they do. They must stick to their propaganda. Nobody who understands what is really going on is ever going to get their 15 seconds of fame on the 6 o’clock news. You know this, right? Well, all the following comments represent the views that the news media relentlessly record but never show on the news, and from the evidence here, they probably have to bin about 95% of the opinions of people they question. Is the mainstream news fake news? Haha. That’s being kind, very kind indeed. It’s enough to make Hans Christian Anderson blush!

If there is not one supporting comment in over 17,000 comments on the subject of vaccine mandates and natural immunity vs COVID vaccines, when the news media tells an opposite tale in regards to the most important global news issue of the time, then we can logically be pretty sure that everything the same media tells us about anything from vaccines in general, to election results, to terrorism, to war, to economic collapse etc etc, is also just as ridiculously opposite to reality. It’s not news; it’s simply invention.

With evidence as clear as what is shown here, the default must always be to watch the mainstream news – any channel you like, no matter how radical they claim to be – and know without any doubt in your mind, that you know that what they are showing you is a total and utter lie. Begin there. What ever the truth really is, it is definitely not what the MSM is stating. Once you discount, wholesale, everything they say, you are on the road to awakening. The long journey to the real truth must begin with that comprehension. If you are still quoting a talking head on the mainstream news, you may as well be quoting the Chronicles of Narnia.

“Amazing how the health secretary said we take advice from the vaccine experts. Who exactly is a vaccine expert, we do not have near enough technology or research to show the long term effects of the vaccine as well as create a form of protection that lasts us longer that 1-2 months.”
👍 14

“The COURAGE of this man. Inspiring. A real disaster for the NHS would be to lose a man like this.
MJB 112
👍 3.6K
76 replies

A Clear Message to Others in the Medical Industry to Stand Up and Grow a Backbone!

We are now firmly over the brow of the COVID propaganda hill – can you feel it? The vaccine industry’s fake narrative is falling apart at the seams, in so many ways, so rapidly, that it is difficult to believe that there will actually be a vaccine industry in a few years from now. Indeed, I will make the prediction that we are seeing the beginning of the end of the entire Rockefeller Medical Industry – aka Big Pharma. The promotion of natural immunity is the only possible future in regards to human health, as it has been for all life on earth for billions of years. Only fools and liars say otherwise.

The courage of Dr. James to raise his head above the parapet when so many thousands of doctors in the last two years have cowered in the dungeons of their career-focused minds, is a clear message to others within the medical profession. There is a reckoning coming, and it is approaching fast. It is time to not only pick a side if you have not done so already – the side of “do no harm” and human rights, or the side of State tyranny and intimidation over informed consent – but also a time to make your voice heard if you have chosen the virtuous side as Dr. James so clearly did when he was confronted by Sajid Javid. The unequivocal praise that the people have shown towards Dr. James, mirrors the praise and admiration shown in the US towards Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, who was banned from Twitter last month for telling the truth about the scamdemic on the Joe Rogan Show. He swapped his Twitter ban for 50+ million views of that record breaking Joe Rogan Show episode. Nice swap!

Those doctors and scientists who come out of the closet at this stage will certainly receive the support and admiration of the people. Those who leave it much longer will be seen for who they truly are – rats leaving a sinking ship. We are already witnessing those medical and scientific rats leave their technocratic posts before the whole house of cards comes crashing down. Scapegoats, most notably Fauci, are already being lined up to take the blame, and to shield the more powerful perpetrators and puppeteers such as Gates et al. The whole cabal needs to be swept away. We know this. What we also want to know is which doctors we might be able to trust on the other side of the ‘reckoning’. It’s your time to come forward and enter the stage. For your own sake, don’t leave it too long. The people are watching.

“He’s just explained that in such a calm and factual way. He’s my ‘022 hero 🏆
Tracey Robinson
👍 99

Did Sajid really say he’ll take advice from “vaccine experts”??? This shows how unqualified he is to be the health secretary because what the doctor said made complete and utter sense to me and I don’t even have a medical degree. Such a disgrace and BRAVO to the doctor for speaking up 👏🏾
Marie Nana
👍 98

A Milestone that Separates the Era of COVID Lies and Globalist Deceit from the Birth of a New People’s Society

Everything that that Sajid Javid’s so-called ‘experts’ told the people about the nature, threat and origins of COVID-19; about lockdowns; about masks; about PCR tests; about the number of deaths; about the dangers of vaccines etc etc has been wrong. In contrast everything the so called ‘conspiracy theorists’ – which include any journalist seeking the truth through the lies and any scientist or doctor who dares to speak out against the profit hungry vaccine industry – since the very beginning of the debacle has since either been proven to be right all along, or increasingly likely to be proven right in the very near future.

Those who wish to to be generous to these so-called ‘experts’ who represent the face of medical and scientific officialdom, may say that they are merely wrong ONCE AGAIN, just like they were wrong about AIDS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and every other kind of virus that has since been linked to ‘accidental lab leaks’, but previously blamed on animal-to-human transmission. Yes, these technocratic ‘experts’ who have been positioned to ‘scientifically’ validate the totalitarian policies imposed on democratic nations, are just a bit dim. That is certainly the case for most of them. They’re just not that bright. They are lower management status at best. That’s what makes them perfect for a role as a government advisor, because they do not have the discernment to question their government paymasters. They simply do as they’re told. Like all mainstream scientists today, they question nothing. This is the nature of ‘yes’ men, and they have been persistently employed by governments and monarchs for centuries.

These ‘experts’ apparently didn’t have a clue that PCR tests were useless and gave totally distorted results, which in turn gave those who required the destruction of independent businesses, inline with globalists’ ‘Great Reset’, the excuse to invent the need for lockdowns. I knew it from the beginning because I had watched a video in which the creator of the PCR test had clearly stated that they MUST not be used for testing for the presence of viruses, simply because they would give false results. Yes, I knew that from day one, but because the second-rate ‘experts’ advising governments obviously didn’t study enough about PCR tests in their medical training, and because that video was censored, they weren’t as knowledgable about PCR tests as I was – FACT! Millions of other people who managed to watch that same video, or listen to censored doctors and scientists – the real heroes of the last two years – who refused to kowtow to the lies of the vaccine industry, also knew far more about PCR tests than those straw-politicians who wallowed in the admiration of their paymasters, while the people suffered for their bad science.

PCR test are, of course, just one example. The list of bad – or rather corrupted – science is endless. It’s still going on, as the issue of ‘mystery’ ingredients within the vaccines – the existence of which would immediately negate any notion of ‘informed consent – is systematically banned from being disclosed or discussed in the media. We know that numerous labs have found these ‘undisclosed’ ingredients, some of which can only be described as nanobiotechnology, as well as identified molecules, such as graphene oxide/hydroxide, which simply should not be found in any medical injection, because of the potentially fatal dangers they pose to the subject. Such dangers were exposed by Dr. Andreas Noack, one of the world’s leading experts on graphene hydroxide, who was murdered for exposing the potential link between graphene hydroxide in the vaccines and the sudden cardiovascular adverse events and deaths of the vaccinated, including athletes and sportsmen.

The effects that lockdown would have on society were also fully known by millions of people who understood the basics of how such imposed incarceration would affect the mental and physical state of the population, and how it would bring about the collapse of national economies. Millions knew and spoke about it, but their comments were censored or quashed by the same so-called experts hired by taxpayers money, who ignored both the medical and economic concerns, and simply ploughed on with the agenda of their globalist bosses. We knew what would happen a couple of years down the line, but they were ignorant, because they were either ‘not fit for purpose’ or ‘bought and paid for’. Those are the only two authentic options.

We knew that ‘face coverings’ were useless in respect to the purposes for which they were proposed. Perhaps it’s because we watched the video by the WHO, which stated they should not be worn, not just about a cotton face covering, but about any mask in any general situation, outside of a surgery. Just like the sudden changes of the medical definitions of “vaccine” and “natural immunity”, the CDC, the WHO and all the so-called ‘experts’ were willing, at the drop of a hat, to accept a totally new understanding of how masks work. We knew that these changes in medical thinking were BS, but the ‘experts’ were happy to support the propaganda and tell everyone that masks were absolutely necessary. They were wrong. The only question is whether they knew they were wrong and were simply lying to the public, or if they were just stupid and knew less about medical basics than millions of non-medical professionals people like you and me. I say a bit of both.

I know the REAL reason behind the mandatory face covering rules, and I will be exposing that in due course, in a further article. It may not be what you think. I knew it from the beginning, because my sources informed me, and my research confirmed it. Once you become aware of it, the whole issue should make perfect sense to you.

The fact is that there are those – many millions – who will soon accept, as they always do, the admissions of failure of the government and corporate culprits that accompany the phrase, “mistakes were made; lessons have been learnt.”

However, there will also be those – the same people who knew from the beginning what the ‘experts’ apparently didn’t know about medical and economic issues – who do not accept the excuse that those in charge were just not that good at their jobs.

The difference between those who accept that government has once again made catastrophic errors of judgement, and those who do not accept that excuse, is simply that the latter are conscious, critical thinking people. They are ‘awakened’. They understand that conspiracies do not suddenly stop in the political realm, but instead know – just like they knew everything about COVID two years before the ‘experts’ did – that the will to conspire actually increases with those who seek and attain political and financial power. Most people are happy to accept that their family, friends, co-workers, neighbours, and others have at one time or another conspired behind the backs of others, but when it comes to big business, billionaires and politicians, they somehow fail to accept that such people would want to conspire against the people who they so obviously wish to control. That, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, is called cognitive dissonance, aka, sheer stupidity. As you move up the pyramid, the conspiracies simply get bigger and more horrific.

Yes, we know that many of the medical and scientific ‘experts’ we have seen attempting to imitate Mussolini on the public stage over the past two years, were purposefully chosen by the globalists because they are useless, as a visible lack of common sense is a good cover for those who are conspiring behind the political stage. When you really think about it, you know who the patsies are, and who the true psychopaths are, in this tragic medical drama you have been watching on the TV over the last two years. The thicker the political puppet, the less they need to be compromised and blackmailed. It is much easier to bribe an average or lower intelligence individual with the promise of a social or academic title, or financial rewards, if they simply do as they are told and don’t ever rock the propaganda boat.

If you are one of the awakened minority, you will understand, at least to some extent, the bigger picture. You will know that this has nothing to do with a natural pandemic. You will know that COVID was created in a lab. You will know that the real reasons for face coverings, lockdowns, vaccines have nothing to do with stopping a pandemic. If you think you know what the real reasons for each of those really is, then you are probably right to some degree. The fact is that there are a number of reasons behind each of those three main factors imposed on the people over the last two years, but there is a more central objective that drives each one of them. I will be exposing everything, some of which you may know, and some of which you will not have considered, as time goes on.

The important thing to understand is that in this particular stage in the current peaceful revolution that is taking place, which will bring about a totally new society that is free of the parasitic elite, the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 ushered in a new chapter. Can you feel it? As the cornered tiger of Globalism becomes ever more desperate in its attempt to survive the peaceful rising of the people towards a true democracy, you will see the Dark State actors attempting to condition the populace more and more towards war and violent revolution. Do not fall for their propaganda. They want war because – just like the vaccines – it provides them with great investment profits, and allows them to regain control over the people through military and police state policies.

I urge you to scan through the comments below in order to understand just how the real people within our society think and feel. People like you and me. We have no need for war or violence, because the people are all on the same page. It only takes a tiny percentage of people to destroy a peaceful society, but they cannot do so without being co-ordinated by those at the top of the pyramid. Once you understand the nature of the social conditioning, you can ignore it, laugh at it, and wake up others to the same level of intelligent, conscious thought. Stop watching violent movies and playing violent video games; stop being obsessed with the history of war and with the military; stop seeing the people of any other nation as your enemy. The real enemy is exactly the same in other nations as in your own. The enemy is Globalism. Globalism does not respect nations. It simply uses them to destroy each other. The enemy is the Parasitic Elite, who wallow in their billions while millions of children starve to death every single year. The people are on the same side. You are facing the same psychopathic and sociopathic enemies as the Chinese people are currently facing. If you want to see the real enemy, stop looking across the street or across the water, and instead LOOK UP!

I am yet to read or hear a response from the ‘vaccine experts’ (Sajid Javid’s expression) to this Doctors specific points and articulate argument. The silence is deafening! They’re clearly just hoping it all gets forgotten.”
👍 5

“Amazing Dr for stepping in for the nurses who clearly felt uncomfortable speaking freely.  Common sense delivered in a calm and professional manner. Let’s hope other medical professionals can find the courage to follow his lead and speak up for themselves & colleagues that are being blackmailed to keep their jobs!”
hollie jones
👍 103
4 replies

“That’s your opinion” so years of experience in healthcare and 2 years experience in working an ICU is an opinion. That man [Sajid Javid] needs to be kept away from any position of power he’s very dangerous.
Craig Burns
👍 6

A Milestone that Separates the Era of COVID Lies and Globalist Deceit from the Birth of a New People’s Society

Everything that that Sajid Javid’s so-called ‘experts’ told the people about the nature, threat and origins of COVID-19; about lockdowns; about masks; about PCR tests; about the number of deaths; about the dangers of vaccines etc etc has been wrong. In contrast everything the so called ‘conspiracy theorists’ – which include any journalist seeking the truth through the lies and any scientist or doctor who dares to speak out against the profit hungry vaccine industry – since the very beginning of the debacle has since either been proven to be right all along, or increasingly likely to be proven right in the very near future.

Those who wish to to be generous to these so-called ‘experts’ who represent the face of medical and scientific officialdom, may say that they are merely wrong ONCE AGAIN, just like they were wrong about AIDS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and every other kind of virus that has since been linked to ‘accidental lab leaks’, but previously blamed on animal-to-human transmission. Yes, these technocratic ‘experts’ who have been positioned to ‘scientifically’ validate the totalitarian policies imposed on democratic nations, are just a bit dim. That is certainly the case for most of them. They’re just not that bright. They are lower management status at best. That’s what makes them perfect for a role as a government advisor, because they do not have the discernment to question their government paymasters. They simply do as they’re told. Like all mainstream scientists today, they question nothing. This is the nature of ‘yes’ men, and they have been persistently employed by governments and monarchs for centuries.

These ‘experts’ apparently didn’t have a clue that PCR tests were useless and gave totally distorted results, which in turn gave those who required the destruction of independent businesses, inline with globalists’ ‘Great Reset’, the excuse to invent the need for lockdowns. I knew it from the beginning because I had watched a video in which the creator of the PCR test had clearly stated that they MUST not be used for testing for the presence of viruses, simply because they would give false results. Yes, I knew that from day one, but because the second-rate ‘experts’ advising governments obviously didn’t study enough about PCR tests in their medical training, and because that video was censored, they weren’t as knowledgable about PCR tests as I was – FACT! Millions of other people who managed to watch that same video, or listen to censored doctors and scientists – the real heroes of the last two years – who refused to kowtow to the lies of the vaccine industry, also knew far more about PCR tests than those straw-politicians who wallowed in the admiration of their paymasters, while the people suffered for their bad science.

PCR test are, of course, just one example. The list of bad – or rather corrupted – science is endless. It’s still going on, as the issue of ‘mystery’ ingredients within the vaccines – the existence of which would immediately negate any notion of ‘informed consent – is systematically banned from being disclosed or discussed in the media. We know that numerous labs have found these ‘undisclosed’ ingredients, some of which can only be described as nanobiotechnology, as well as identified molecules, such as graphene oxide/hydroxide, which simply should not be found in any medical injection, because of the potentially fatal dangers they pose to the subject. Such dangers were exposed by Dr. Andreas Noack, one of the world’s leading experts on graphene hydroxide, who was murdered for exposing the potential link between graphene hydroxide in the vaccines and the sudden cardiovascular adverse events and deaths of the vaccinated, including athletes and sportsmen.

The effects that lockdown would have on society were also fully known by millions of people who understood the basics of how such imposed incarceration would affect the mental and physical state of the population, and how it would bring about the collapse of national economies. Millions knew and spoke about it, but their comments were censored or quashed by the same so-called experts hired by taxpayers money, who ignored both the medical and economic concerns, and simply ploughed on with the agenda of their globalist bosses. We knew what would happen a couple of years down the line, but they were ignorant, because they were either ‘not fit for purpose’ or ‘bought and paid for’. Those are the only two authentic options.

We knew that ‘face coverings’ were useless in respect to the purposes for which they were proposed. Perhaps it’s because we watched the video by the WHO, which stated they should not be worn, not just about a cotton face covering, but about any mask in any general situation, outside of a surgery. Just like the sudden changes of the medical definitions of “vaccine” and “natural immunity”, the CDC, the WHO and all the so-called ‘experts’ were willing, at the drop of a hat, to accept a totally new understanding of how masks work. We knew that these changes in medical thinking were BS, but the ‘experts’ were happy to support the propaganda and tell everyone that masks were absolutely necessary. They were wrong. The only question is whether they knew they were wrong and were simply lying to the public, or if they were just stupid and knew less about medical basics than millions of non-medical professionals people like you and me. I say a bit of both.

I know the REAL reason behind the mandatory face covering rules, and I will be exposing that in due course, in a further article. It may not be what you think. I knew it from the beginning, because my sources informed me, and my research confirmed it. Once you become aware of it, the whole issue should make perfect sense to you.

The fact is that there are those – many millions – who will soon accept, as they always do, the admissions of failure of the government and corporate culprits that accompany the phrase, “mistakes were made; lessons have been learnt.”

However, there will also be those – the same people who knew from the beginning what the ‘experts’ apparently didn’t know about medical and economic issues – who do not accept the excuse that those in charge were just not that good at their jobs.

The difference between those who accept that government has once again made catastrophic errors of judgement, and those who do not accept that excuse, is simply that the latter are conscious, critical thinking people. They are ‘awakened’. They understand that conspiracies do not suddenly stop in the political realm, but instead know – just like they knew everything about COVID two years before the ‘experts’ did – that the will to conspire actually increases with those who seek and attain political and financial power. Most people are happy to accept that their family, friends, co-workers, neighbours, and others have at one time or another conspired behind the backs of others, but when it comes to big business, billionaires and politicians, they somehow fail to accept that such people would want to conspire against the people who they so obviously wish to control. That, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, is called cognitive dissonance, aka, sheer stupidity. As you move up the pyramid, the conspiracies simply get bigger and more horrific.

Yes, we know that many of the medical and scientific ‘experts’ we have seen attempting to imitate Mussolini on the public stage over the past two years, were purposefully chosen by the globalists because they are useless, as a visible lack of common sense is a good cover for those who are conspiring behind the political stage. When you really think about it, you know who the patsies are, and who the true psychopaths are, in this tragic medical drama you have been watching on the TV over the last two years. The thicker the political puppet, the less they need to be compromised and blackmailed. It is much easier to bribe an average or lower intelligence individual with the promise of a social or academic title, or financial rewards, if they simply do as they are told and don’t ever rock the propaganda boat.

If you are one of the awakened minority, you will understand, at least to some extent, the bigger picture. You will know that this has nothing to do with a natural pandemic. You will know that COVID was created in a lab. You will know that the real reasons for face coverings, lockdowns, vaccines have nothing to do with stopping a pandemic. If you think you know what the real reasons for each of those really is, then you are probably right to some degree. The fact is that there are a number of reasons behind each of those three main factors imposed on the people over the last two years, but there is a more central objective that drives each one of them. I will be exposing everything, some of which you may know, and some of which you will not have considered, as time goes on.

The important thing to understand is that in this particular stage in the current peaceful revolution that is taking place, which will bring about a totally new society that is free of the parasitic elite, the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 ushered in a new chapter. Can you feel it? As the cornered tiger of Globalism becomes ever more desperate in its attempt to survive the peaceful rising of the people towards a true democracy, you will see the Dark State actors attempting to condition the populace more and more towards war and violent revolution. Do not fall for their propaganda. They want war because – just like the vaccines – it provides them with great investment profits, and allows them to regain control over the people through military and police state policies.

I urge you to scan through the comments below in order to understand just how the real people within our society think and feel. People like you and me. We have no need for war or violence, because the people are all on the same page. It only takes a tiny percentage of people to destroy a peaceful society, but they cannot do so without being co-ordinated by those at the top of the pyramid. Once you understand the nature of the social conditioning, you can ignore it, laugh at it, and wake up others to the same level of intelligent, conscious thought. Stop watching violent movies and playing violent video games; stop being obsessed with the history of war and with the military; stop seeing the people of any other nation as your enemy. The real enemy is exactly the same in other nations as in your own. The enemy is Globalism. Globalism does not respect nations. It simply uses them to destroy each other. The enemy is the Parasitic Elite, who wallow in their billions while millions of children starve to death every single year. The people are on the same side. You are facing the same psychopathic and sociopathic enemies as the Chinese people are currently facing. If you want to see the real enemy, stop looking across the street or across the water, and instead LOOK UP!

“The fear in his voice for speaking the truth was utterly saddening, what an incredibly articulate explanation for why this nonsense should not be allowed to happen.
kate H
👍 127
2 replies

“Much respect to Dr. Steve James for saving the awkward silence amongst the nurses. The way he freely expresses himself in such a thoughtful, calm and respectful way says a lot about his character. This helps raise awareness on the importance of Pro-Choice and the freedom to think for yourself. Vaccinations in theory do carry benefits but they are also not without risks and people should be given the freedom to make an informed decision. Something else to think about…. if the Omicron  variant was discovered in South Africa – a country with less than 50% of the population vaccinated – why are their infection rates sooooo LOW compared to other countries? AND why are the manufacturers of vaccines released from any liabiities should someone suffer a severe reaction? It’s events like these that truly make me understand Dr. James even more when he says there just isn’t enough science to justify mandating the vaccine. We need to ask more questions ! Seems to me , he is neither anti-vaccine nor pro-vaccine – he is PRO CHOICE.”
Inner Beyonds
👍 10


[The following is an exact copy of the first few hundred comments of over 17,000 comments posted in just the first week following publication of the video. No editing has been done, other than to delete repetitions of words and to adjust the text for easier viewing.]

NHS doctor tells Health Secretary he won’t get jabbed

Reality or Media Invention - Which World Are You In? [Dr. Stephen James & 'Kingsgate'] Sky News Video Feature Image

Jan 7, 2022


Sky News
3.93M subscribers
A consultant anaesthetist has told Sajid Javid that he will not get vaccinated against COVID and is unhappy at the mandatory requirement.

Steve James told the Health Secretary that his ‘natural immunity’ after contracting coronavirus was far superior to any booster.


R Montgomery

5 days ago

Imagine being the health secretary who  hasn’t even studied medicine and telling a doctor he knows what’s best it’s an absolute joke at this stage 😂

👍 6.5K

203 replies


1 day ago

I’m so appalled at how his calm, factual and well explained views (and having spent years in Med School) were simply dismissed by someone that clearly doesn’t have a clue, or his own opinion. This doctor is a legend and I believe we should all have and keep our own rights to have the vaccine or not. I have to attend surgeries in my post and was willing to have the vaccine if my boss (the surgeon) said I had to for the safety of others. I’m pleased to say, he was as knowledgeable as this awesome guy and said every individual/patient has the right to refuse any treatment, even if deemed beneficial to their health and survival in a multitude of medical conditions. We need more guys like them!

👍 1.3K

30 replies

YogaG with Gillian McClure

19 hours ago

Well done to this young doctor to stand up for many others, if should totally be a personal choice for everyone!

👍 655

10 replies


17 hours ago

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act

👍 101


1 hour ago (edited)

This doctor is such a Chad just explaining his views in a uncompromising and unapologetic way, while still doing it respectfully and concisely. 

Big round of applause washhands

👍 12

Dominic William

18 hours ago

More people like this HAVE to start speaking up. The media tries to paint everyone who does not want this jab with the same brush. We need people like this to stand up now.

👍 91


5 days ago (edited)

They were not expecting that answer. Even the cameraman knew this was going to make headline news. So refreshing to hear a calm discussion on this topic.

👍 8.9K

193 replies


1 day ago

I think it’s awesome that this doctor spoke his mind and explained his views. Health Secretary was completely unprepared for technical discussion which means he cannot clearly explain why jabs should be required. Just an unqualified beaurocrat who should not be doing this kind of work.

👍 206

Rebecca Mehrshahi

1 day ago

Well-done to that doctor for speaking up. A reasonable discussion is needed. This doctor gave a very courageous and we’ll reasoned argument. I’m so pleased their are still doctors like this in our NHS. I would be very happy for this doctor to deal with my health care if needed. Please don’t silence or dismiss such people. It would be a huge loss to kings Hospital.

Support, don’t silence your staff. They have a right to their professional opinion, even if it differs from that of others. Science is about evidence base and being willing to re-investigate  testing mainstream theory and being willing to contradict it if needed.

👍 185

Samuel Holden

21 hours ago

This doctor speaks for a significant number of health professionals I know. The amount of qualified people’s voices getting hushed on this topic is shocking, it’s great that they are finally getting represented.

👍 682

12 replies

cathrene ferreira

19 hours ago

he is so correct.. i take my hat off to him for standing up to the madness..

👍 447

Alison Lewis

9 hours ago

I really admire this doctor for expressing his views, sharing his knowledge and experience in a balanced manner.

👍 5


4 days ago

The SILENCE of the nurses is as significant as what the doctor says.

👍 6.5K

155 replies


19 hours ago

I’m sending my respect and appreciation to this doctor. He s one of the kind and a very rare hero who s gonna save us from this medical dictatorship

👍 97

3 replies

Ruffled Feathers

1 day ago

This doctor was protecting the nurses from saying something that could jeopardize their jobs.

He was saying what they all wanted to say

👍 291

Amanda Boser 2.0

1 day ago

We take the best advice from “vaccine experts” …

Let me rephrase to what he really meant 

We ONLY take the best advice from the vaccine experts that fit our narrative.

👍 387

6 replies

Dave Henshall

1 day ago (edited)

We need more Doctors speaking out. The silence from the group of Nurses in this clip speaks volumes.

👍 520

16 replies

Nicola Rollinson

11 hours ago

I’m not a doctor but I too thought the same, that I’ve had Covid so I already have antibodies. I was forced to get 2 vaccinations for my job (I need to work). I resent this police’ state attitude. 

Clearly this doctor talks sense and clearly current vaccines can’t keep up with the speed at which covid is mutating.

Some people will continue to die and the fittest will survive. The sooner this is accepted, the sooner we can get on with living.

👍 9


5 days ago

Non-medic asks medic for his opinion, then essentially tells him he isn’t really qualified to offer an opinion, when the answer didn’t suit his agenda. Bravo, doctor!

👍 2.7K

54 replies


2 days ago

Fantastic. Kudos to this doctor for putting it straight and shutting Mr.Out of his depth right up. Top marks

👍 1.5K

19 replies


1 day ago

He was speaking nothing but pure common sense

👍 271

4 replies

Enigma Vids

1 day ago

We live in a time where speaking common sense is a heroic act.

👍 288

Polka Dots

17 hours ago

The labelling of the anaesthetist as an “anti-vax” and everyone else who doesn’t want to be vaccinated is just pathetic.

👍 48


1 day ago

Oh wow, how wonderful of this man to speak up! So much respect for him

👍 123


21 hours ago

Amazing how the health secretary said we take advice from the vaccine experts. Who exactly is a vaccine expert, we do not have near enough technology or research to show the long term effects of the vaccine as well as create a form of protection that lasts us longer that 1-2 months.

👍 14

MJB 112

2 days ago

The COURAGE of this man. Inspiring. A real disaster for the NHS would be to lose a man like this.

👍 3.6K

76 replies


1 day ago

I’m so glad he spoke up 🙌🏾✨

👍 11

Aidan D

17 hours ago

“We take the best advice we can” while someone is giving the best advice he has heard 😂 if your eyes aren’t woken up to the world by now and what is really going on then nothing will.

👍 24


22 hours ago

Well done this amazing man standing up to these clowns. Our bodies, our choice, our free will ✌🏻🔥❤️

👍 10

Tracey Robinson

1 day ago

He’s just explained that in such a calm and factual way. He’s my ‘022 hero 🏆

👍 99

Marie Nana

16 hours ago

Did Sajid really say he’ll take advice from “vaccine experts”??? This shows how unqualified he is to be the health secretary because what the doctor said made complete and utter sense to me and I don’t even have a medical degree. Such a disgrace and BRAVO to the doctor for speaking up 👏🏾

👍 98

James Humphries

5 days ago

I can’t express how proud I am of this man. Well done for speaking the truth.

👍 2.1K

28 replies


1 day ago

I am yet to read or hear a response from the ‘vaccine experts’ (Sajid Javid’s expression) to this Doctors specific points and articulate argument. The silence is deafening! They’re clearly just hoping it all gets forgotten.

👍 5

hollie jones

22 hours ago

Amazing Dr for stepping in for the nurses who clearly felt uncomfortable speaking freely.  Common sense delivered in a calm and professional manner. Let’s hope other medical professionals can find the courage to follow his lead and speak up for themselves & colleagues that are being blackmailed to keep their jobs!

👍 103

4 replies

Craig Burns

13 hours ago

“That’s your opinion” so years of experience in healthcare and 2 years experience in working an ICU is an opinion. That man needs to be kept away from any position of power he’s very dangerous.

👍 6


1 day ago

What a amazing guy well done for speaking out 👊👽

👍 11

brace brace

16 hours ago

finally someone who has the brain and the courage 😎👍

👍 11

Ashryl De Souza

5 days ago (edited)

And this is called living life. He knows he can lose his job, but still gonna speak up the truth. Dr. Brave 👏🏼

👍 1.7K

20 replies

Ryan H

23 hours ago

That was very brave of him to speak out like that. Well done! I could hear how nervous he was when he first started to speak but slowly towards the end he grew in confidence. Everyone has a right to decide if they want the vaccine or not, nobody should be forced or pressurised into having it. A healthy society is built on freedom of choice not by an authoritarian Government telling people what to do.

👍 107

Kevin Harmer

5 days ago

Incredibly courageous young Doctor. Well done Doc, at last the reality of what’s going on is being heard. My heart goes out to all those who stand to lose their jobs because of these insane mandates. God help us all.

👍 1.2K

18 replies


21 hours ago

The doctor is a hero! ❤️

👍 11

Margaret Whittaker

1 day ago

God bless this Dr. for speaking truth and walking the walk, that takes courage and integrity. Much respect!

👍 200

Keanu Reeves

1 day ago

“From the people that are vaccine experts” felt like he was putting down the doctor

👍 8

2 replies


10 hours ago

So very proud of Dr Steve James. I stand with him and other NHS staff

👍 65

Colin Tittums

19 hours ago

We take advice from vaccine experts? Wait isn’t that doctor considered an expert being that he is on the front line in the hospital treating people? 

I think when they say vaccine experts they mean the big pharmaceutical companies that line their pockets!

👍 8

Red Stag

5 days ago

He made the man that’s in charge of making these ridiculous rules look like a complete idiot! Well done! Legend

👍 1K

10 replies

Buggy May

17 hours ago

I think the 3-4 second awkward silence and then laugh from the nurses when he asked about compulsory vaccination just prove that they more than likely felt the same as the doctor but daren’t speak up

👍 6

kate H

12 hours ago

The fear in his voice for speaking the truth was utterly saddening, what an incredibly articulate explanation for why this nonsense should not be allowed to happen

👍 127

2 replies

Inner Beyonds

4 hours ago

Much respect to Dr. Steve James for saving the awkward silence amongst the nurses. The way he freely expresses himself in such a thoughtful, calm and respectful way says a lot about his character. This helps raise awareness on the importance of Pro-Choice and the freedom to think for yourself. Vaccinations in theory do carry benefits but they are also not without risks and people should be given the freedom to make an informed decision. Something else to think about…. if the Omicron  variant was discovered in South Africa – a country with less than 50% of the population vaccinated – why are their infection rates sooooo LOW compared to other countries? AND why are the manufacturers of vaccines released from any liabiities should someone suffer a severe reaction?  It’s events like these that truly make me understand Dr. James even more when he says there just isn’t enough science to justify mandating the vaccine. We need to ask more questions ! Seems to me , he is  neither anti-vaccine nor pro-vaccine – he is PRO CHOICE.

👍 10


1 day ago (edited)

Go on lad! Well done for standing up and shouting out 🙌🏼 bet some manager called him in an office once cameras were off!

👍 6


1 hour ago

Fair play to this doctor , spoke up and spoke sense 👏🏻

👍 2

Paula Lowbridge

5 days ago

Poor nurses so scared to say what they really think, what a world we live in,, everyone is scared to speak up and not lose their jobs.. well done to this Doctor,,, I only hope your job will  be spared 🙏🏻

👍 730

17 replies

Kinki Dot

1 day ago

Well done to this doctor for having the bravery to speak his truth

👍 118

3 replies


19 hours ago

A massive well done to this doctor for being honest and say the truth 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

👍 78


17 hours ago

A banker disagreeing with a medical professional about medical decisions. 


👍 8


22 hours ago

GOD bless, and keep this Doctor for saying it as it is period.

👍 119

Mela Mar

9 hours ago

If anyone is interested in learning more about this doctor, his name is dr Steve James and I just watched his latest interview on UnHeard. He’s a legend.

👍 10

Sean Davies

5 days ago

Well done to that man. Willing to say what those nurses couldn’t.

👍 2K

76 replies

Darren Quinn

1 day ago

Finally a man with a set of balls! 

Respect sir

👍 40

David James

3 days ago (edited)

The body language of the nurses says it all, well done Dr. for protecting your staff from a sensitive question

👍 3.9K

50 replies

Jody Clune

1 day ago

I would of thought a doctor that had been on the front line for the whole journey would of been an expert…a one that is not afraid, my kinda doctor

👍 25

North Whitakers

7 hours ago

This was so good, so good. Thank goodness there are people alive who can think for themselves and ask serious questions. And contribute with well thought out answers.

Susan Shelton

22 hours ago

🙄 .. for the media guy!! He’s trying to contradict and undermine the doctor with his BS, when the doctor would know far more about virology and immunology than the media and general public giving opinions to the contrary !! The doctor makes some good points!

👍 3

Chantelle Duncan

1 day ago

“I respect your view” but we get advise from “vaccine experts” . If im going to a doctor to get vaccinated, he’s the first person I’m going to trust about the medications he’s giving me. 

Its not easy to against the grain. I really respect him for this.  👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

👍 61

3 replies

Apples .Pears

9 hours ago

I love this doctor👌. My gran who is a nurse was forced by her employer to get the vaccine, they told her she’d lose her job if she didn’t. It’s bullying at this point.

👍 22


5 days ago (edited)

This guy is on the front line, he knows what he’s talking about. He is helping save lives and your willing to brush him to one side because he is expressing his right as a human to say no. Expecting a person to inject a drug multiple times into their body they do not want is unfair, especially in the modern light of freedom of expression and respecting others’ beliefs.

👍 2.4K

109 replies

Rachelle Walters

1 day ago

Good for him for standing up for the right to make one’s own medical decisions!

👍 50

Joey Down Under

3 hours ago

The doc is an anaesthetist. They do another 5 years minimum of difficult study and training on top of their medical degrees. I’ll stick with him, not the government hack.

👍 3

Matthew Hodge

22 hours ago

Finally the other view is being published on mainstream media, instead of being force fed how critical these jabs are 🙄

👍 3


1 day ago

I’m praying for this MAN! A  man who is happens to be a Doctor! Hes no better than us, standing up for his rights!

👍 60

Stephen Walder

15 hours ago

Loved how the 4 nurses remained quite and then this guys speaks up. Really admire his courage and determination to get the message across.

👍 43


5 days ago

Well done to that man for having the courage to speak his mind on such a public platform and directly to those in power. 

I don’t believe there’s any cut-and-dried right or wrong in this. People must have the right to weigh up the risks according to the evidence and their personal circumstances. Stop the madness of one rule for all and denigration of people who hold the “wrong” opinion.

👍 1.7K

30 replies

Amy Kiernan

10 hours ago

We definitely need more people like this doctor to come forward to

 discuss these issues. His honesty about are we going to keep getting boosters every couple of months was informative.

👍 1

The Encouragement Kid

21 hours ago

Wish this doc could replace the doctors helping the govt, great to see sometime actually being rational and logical

👍 15

Kellie R

1 day ago

And he’s right. You’d have to have it every month just to have slightly less symptoms. That’s not cost effective and at some point the ratio of injuries from it will increase.

👍 2

lorela Kaloglian

19 hours ago

I’m with the doctor! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

👍 2

Taras Kinash

1 day ago (edited)

Well done to this doctor. The interviewer asking the questions was looking for the answer ‘yes we should keep getting boosters and mandates are acceptable’ yet he didn’t get it. The reason is more people are being brave and saying hold on a minute, the science and data is not supporting the narrative for forced and mandated vaccination. Then at the end of the interview he said we will look to vaccine experts for advice… so why is he interviewing these people then?! They didn’t give him what his employer / the government / the mass narrative needs to extend this pandemic. I’m all for right to choose, the need for transparency in the science and data, and importantly the ability for open dialogue. This news reporting is agenda driven and perpetuates fear mongering – shame on them.

👍 6

Paul Mc Carron

5 days ago

Congratulations  to that doctor. He was nervous but he stood hid ground. He can be very proud of himself, but I fear his words are falling on deaf ears

👍 533

11 replies

Ed Price

1 day ago

Well done to this man, inspiring stuff.

👍 9

an zho

5 days ago

this doctor has the knowledge and balls to stand up for his right. respect

👍 467

3 replies

Ste Andre-Cole

1 day ago

Full respect to this doctor. The water here is so murky. The vaccine experts who are advising the government, often rely on funding from companies like Pfizer, GSM and Astrazeneca.

👍 166

2 replies

Bum Whiskers

14 hours ago

He doesn’t disagree with vaccines, he disagrees with the need for HIMSELF to be vaccinated due to having antibodies.

I also sense that he doesn’t like being told he has to. I’ve been vaccinated, but disagree that they should be mandated.

The science is not settled on this Javid. Should we be expected to have 6 boosters a year? I don’t believe we should

👍 38

2 replies

Nina Zomorod

6 hours ago

Good for him, finally someone is courageous enough to speak up inside a health care facility.

Magdalena Zuk

21 hours ago

Well done to this Doctor for speaking out from his professional, personal point of view and challenging the politican👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Currently, I have been tested positive and my symptoms are very mild, almost nothing, maybe 5-10%. 

Just feeling a bit tired and sleepy. 

That is it! 

Yet, I am healthy young woman with no underlying health conditions. Not vacinaited.

I understand, other people are not that lucky

👍 40

Stevey K

21 hours ago


👍 23

Ari B

5 days ago

If they’re going to give away Knighthoods to just about anyone, I’d say this guy deserves one for actually telling the truth and standing up to these lying politicians! Kudos to him 👏

👍 1.3K

25 replies


1 day ago

Great answer from a real dr. God bless him & all those who stand for their rights and the truth!

👍 70


18 hours ago

I applaud this doctor’s stance and his clear explaexplanation of such and even more so enlightening all that the booster only provides protection for just about 2 months. Health secretary was prepared for an all yes team , we need more people like this doctor who are knowledgeable about the true and real effects of being vaccinated .

👍 22

Helen Adams

9 hours ago

It is good to hear an honest response from a health care professional, it is good that he got to speak his truth. I hope the government respect his wishes

👍 7

Rosa Martinez

11 hours ago

Good for this man ! We need to stand up for our selves

Dave’s In His Garage

17 hours ago (edited)

Well done for standing up for himself and millions of other’s not only in the nhs but the public, its not a selfish act what he and many others are doing but it is selfish to have the right to a choice taken away and that’s the point do it or lose it is a disgusting act and it should not be a thing as I’m sure millions of others have had no choice but to bow down and be walked over.

👍 9

Orla Mccahey

5 days ago

Brilliant to see a doctor standing up

👍 250

11 replies

Hammy Sammy

12 hours ago

I agree with this doctor. And it made me very skeptical about getting a 3rd shot and I doubt I’ll get a 4th. What’s the point in getting shots that barely last a few months?

👍 1


12 hours ago

Some one buy this guy a beer. Thanks for being brave enough infront of the vile media. Salute!

Liam Sweeney

18 hours ago

The way he instantly dismissed him with “that’s your view,” when Javid has zero medical education past his A Levels, if he even took biology.

👍 1

Jonathan Eloi

13 hours ago

Big up this man for speaking his mind 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Jim Payne

1 day ago

“We take the very best advice we can.” 

If that is actually true, then I hope they listen to this doctor, as well as other world-class experts who are being deplatformed for actually following the science.

👍 3

Phil The Powerhouse

5 days ago

A big shout out to the doctor, great man who actually talks real science

👍 628

17 replies


4 hours ago

GOD BLESS THAT DOCTOR !! He speaks the unbiased truth. Fair minded people are rare and worth their weight in gold 💖🙏

👍 1

Justine Weyman

2 days ago

I’m proud of him for standing up for his personal views on the vaccine, and how much pressure he must of felt in that situation, he’s inspiring!

👍 1.5K

28 replies

Daren Nolan

12 hours ago

A Doctor with a spine and a set of balls. Nothing but respect for this man. He is risking his career for speaking common sense.

👍 1

Graham the Grand

9 hours ago

very heartwarming to see a news source post this and what a wonderfully calm conversation, i’m someone who lost their job because of the mandate.

Mishka Baloo

1 day ago

Can we all, no matter-jabbed or not, -just would go away from our workplaces to end this worldwide madness?  

I hope for it, that in some moment in time this will happen. We should unite!

👍 1

Matt Bolt

17 hours ago

Takes a strong man to redress the balance and bring back the freedom to speak.

👍 2

Todor Tashev

1 day ago

We should fear the time when expressing our views becomes shameful and can have severe consequences on our jobs and life in general.

This time is already now.

👍 28


5 days ago

So much respect for this doctor speaking the truth

👍 463

3 replies


1 hour ago

Shocking how the secretary dismissed it was “well that’s your view”. It’s not a view,   what the doctor was saying are facts, logic, and science.

👍 1


14 hours ago

Wow, this Dr. is a brave one. I do salute his courage.


22 hours ago

And already there’s a witch hunt against this poor outspoken doctor 🥲

👍 2


1 day ago

The health secretary seemed clueless, just spewing standard government rhetoric

👍 2

Sophie Adams

21 hours ago

How dare those nurses stay silent! They should have said they love the mandatory vaccine rules! How dare they!

👍 1

Robyn DeBank

3 days ago

Massive respect to that doctor!!! If only this was the normal news instead of the bias bullshit pumped out 95% of the time!

👍 445

6 replies


18 hours ago (edited)

People seem to completely forget that Natural immunity is real…big up to that doctor for Thinking logically

👍 1

John Moss

3 hours ago

How easily  the so called health minister dismisses him and can’t  engage a well qualified  Dr in conversation  but replies by saying we refer to our health experts 🤔  the experts that suit their narrative .. well done to this Dr.. so many  nurses have  lost their jobs for standing up to their principles good to see Dr’s  doing so  at last.

👍 1

Kellie R

1 day ago

I would be really interested to find out why I’ve managed to escape getting it even though I’ve been exposed several times, twice by those who had it pretty bad.

I’m seriously considering finding a doc who will prescribe the T test and just paying the 150 for it. Because either I have those or I’m being protected.

Mya Goldy

11 hours ago

brave brave man for speaking out. We need to hear from more people who feel similarly, rather than marginalising them – a real chance to air opinions, rather than be dictated to. Good, decent, honest, qualified, human beings having to choose in this way between their vocation and their own right to decide re vaccine. Unthinkable position to be faced with.

Trish Robbins

16 hours ago

Excellent. Good for him; logical, reasonable, healthy. Best for him, and countless millions. No one drug is effective, necessary, for everyone. Trust people like him far more than CDC, U.S. government, that’s for sure!

👍 8

Nicky Johnson

3 days ago

So much bullying going on. It’s despicable. Brave doctor. Much respect to him.

👍 711

6 replies


1 day ago

I hope more doctors step into their hero scrubs as this one has! Thank u doc for speaking boldly in the face of media🤝

Kim Lee

3 days ago

Massive respect to this doctor, interesting how he comes across as informed, kind, honest and even assisted in deflecting away from those nurses being manipulated into answering a sensitive question…..Sajid seems to be in over his head seeing how he couldn’t refute this doctors information so he bullies ahead with the narrative expected from him. Busted!!!

👍 1.4K

33 replies

Qilorar V

1 day ago

Bravo doctor! Speaking the truth!

👍 1

Adam Smith

17 hours ago

So proud of this man

👍 1

Ezra Clark

1 day ago

Medical expert: “i say no” 

Puppet: “We take advice from vaccine experts”

Medical expert: “…..”

👍 1

Jenny Ruscitti

1 day ago

This is excellent, what great timing. At last, a doctor is able to state his knowledge. Shame on the government for putting pressure on those that don’t want the jab!

Shitposter #7343

19 hours ago

“the ministry of truth has declared this information too dangerous for public consumption”

👍 2

The Hemp Avatar

3 days ago

What a brave doctor to speak out.  Thank god for people like this who are willing to stick their necks out for something that is so wrong and unfounded.

👍 478

2 replies


1 day ago

This doctor is very COURAGEOUS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

👍 17


1 day ago

Finally a doctor who is bold enough to speak the truth!

👍 1

Jamie Potter

16 hours ago

I’m vaccinated I believe in it but i feel doctors shouldn’t be forced to become vaccinated if they dont want to

👍 8

2 replies

rumplestiltskin mcrumplestiltskin

1 day ago

He said what all those nurses wanted to say 😂 the shoulder shrugs said it all.

👍 1


10 hours ago

These are the people who represent the UK what a shambles. Well done to the Dr or Nurse for speaking up and speaking truth. 👏🏼

👍 1


4 days ago

All my respect to the doctor for being willing to speak his mind, and to Sky News as well for being willing to show it. 

The media has done nothing but whip us up into a frenzy since the beginning, silencing any attempts to have a discussion. Hopefully this is now going to change.

👍 1.4K

22 replies

Amelie Ami

15 hours ago

What a wonderful doctor to stand up for what’s right!

lee mccutcheon

1 day ago

I agree , I have worked in a covid ward for nearly two years now , I must have encountered every variant and developed natural antibodies . I think we should be able to choose.

👍 1

zola ‘s world

15 hours ago

Bravo! Finally ! Its so good to hear the truth!

👍 1

J Anderson

20 hours ago

I’ve waited 2 years to hear this. An opposing view on NATIONAL television about the vaccine. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾Protect that doctor at all cost.

👍 39

Dana R. Toliver

8 hours ago

silence sometimes speaks louder than words and although I applaud this doctor for speaking up the silence of the nurses speaks volumes!

Joe s

5 days ago

Kudos to that doctor for standing up for what he believes in. Took a lot of courage.

👍 985

11 replies

Joey La Mèche

4 hours ago

We can only ascertain. So my own interpretation of body language is that the awkward hesitation from the group of nurses showed how scared they were of saying what they really thought about the mandate. 

The young Doc sounded like it was REALLY difficult for him to speak up and say his actual views and so good on him for actually doing so.

This entire cultural & political situation is getting so bloody laughable.


5 days ago (edited)

This doctor is an absolute legend. Having the courage to speak up on camera…he really put Javid in his place. This is what we need, someone with proper medical knowledge in that position respectfully letting Javid know ( as a torie mp banker with absolutely no medical background) that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about!

👍 969

30 replies


12 hours ago

Anything non pro vax is always argued against and ridiculed even though what this guy says makes perfect sense.

👍 2

Miss S R

1 day ago

I actually like how this doctor explained his views. The companies that are firing staff because they are unvaccinated didn’t take this into account. Bravo, I think we need real medical experts advise on vaccine


14 hours ago

I trust the qualified medical professional that doctor is over the ex-banker interviewing him any day.

👍 1


1 day ago (edited)

Amazing how this has gone viral but not one mention of this on Sky News channel (501) but only makes it on Sky News YouTube channel 🤔 Well done to the Doctor for standard up for what he believes in.

👍 1


7 hours ago

Well done to this doctor!! Sending him all the best wishes he is a credit to his country 👍👍 hope it encourages more people to stand up and wake the hell up👍👍

The King at work

5 days ago

A travesty that the doctor speaking could be fired from his job for not taking the jab. AND he’s right about perpetual boosters. The world has gone insane.

👍 559

13 replies

Ian Lansdowne

1 day ago

What a great guy, wish he was my doctor

👍 1

Geraint Davies

1 day ago

I love how as soon as any doctor says anything, everyone disregards everyone who knows more.

👍 1

Kris Justin

5 hours ago

The reason for the nurses awkward silence was explained by the doctor’s brave response. Hopefully we can get a sensible balance between vaccination and immunity from previous infection.

Ivy Rameshfar

9 hours ago

God bless the doctor for having the courage to speak out.  We need honest and courageous people like him to help sort out this crazy mess we are in. May God protect all those who are trying to do the right thing, with common sense and following real science rather than the constant fear mongering.

James Fournier

4 hours ago

What a brave doctor! We need more people like him to speak up. So apparently to the health secretary only vaccine health experts and not medical doctors can read data and come to conclusions. So in other words the health secretary is stating doctors are no longer to be trusted with coming to their own conclusions based on their own analysis. “come on man!” -FJB

Brian Gatt

2 days ago

‘By saying to a doctor  That’s your view’  tells me that Sajid Javid doesn’t respect his view simply because he’s only a doctor and not a politician.

👍 533

12 replies

nancy mae yap

1 day ago

my admiration to the brave doctor! We should get the right information from the experts… then form our stand. The science is obviously not followed anymore.. The good doctor said it all. He is a doctor, he has the MIND to think so what he said, as a professional, as a thinking person.


21 hours ago

Respect to this doctor.

👍 1


1 day ago

Can we just take a second to acknowledge that even this hospital is calling it a jab and not a vaccine 🤨

Andrew Bishop

15 hours ago

This chap should be the Health Secretary.

👍 2

Fat Frank The Pe Teacher

16 hours ago

I know that doctor was being nice. He had way worse things to say in his mind

👍 2

Gilbert Walker

5 days ago

The silence of those nurses was absolutely deafening.

👍 2.1K

44 replies


1 day ago

Brave man. I respect him so much x

Henry Balfour

3 days ago (edited)

What an absolute legend. This guy is just making too much sense for the health secretary to handle. He can’t even say anything to deny it. 😂

👍 261

5 replies

Lana Headstart

1 day ago

Wow! The silence from group of doctors is the real story!

👍 1

hoobla joobla

14 hours ago

We need more of this

I take me hat off to this guy weldone sir 👏

James Parker

10 hours ago

Somebody give that doctor a medal

👍 1

Galia Angel

1 day ago

Big applause for this Doctor and team! Everyone should be following on the actual science these people who are doing it everyday! And shut down the Politicized “science”!

Sara H

20 minutes ago

This is exactly why I and thousands of others quit working in social care and why there are immense staff shortages in health care 🙌


5 days ago

Finaly someone who hasnt lost his mind. Very brave to stand up for himself, its not easy these days. Insanity is the new normal.

👍 296

6 replies

Its Me

16 hours ago

Fair play to this Dr handled it in the right way with facts.

👍 38

Faulkner 26

18 hours ago

Love how he couldn’t even argue that point😂


8 hours ago

I this doctor. We don’t have enough medical evidence yet. We don’t have a clue what we are doing xxx


20 hours ago

“We take advice from vaccine expects”.. who are this so called vaccine expects?.. well Doc for speaking for truth and not being weighed down by people’s opinions

Lara Cassar

1 day ago

What an amazing doctor! He was giving an honest true opinion!

Sir Turdcraps

5 days ago

This guy is an absolute hero. Well done Sir!

👍 274

3 replies

Zuzana Boldizarova

22 hours ago

All my light and power and support to this doctor….👏👏👏👏👏🤘

MJ Tate

1 day ago

MP says “we take vaccine advice from our vaccine experts” …. Any pharmaceutical company that pays us!!!!!! That doctor said it perfectly and the MP still wants him to get a daily booster 😂

👍 39

David Davidsen

21 hours ago (edited)

“we take the best advices we can, from people who are vaccine experts” Clearly they don´t. And u can here in his voice that statement is a belief he has, it´s a conditioned belief that has been adopted and not done any reesearch on. Not his own conclution. And talking about vaccine experts.. Dr. Robert Malone is one of the greatest experts on this feald, he´s advice resonates completly with what the unvaxed doctor is saying. He´s the one talking fact and logic, not this pro vaxer guy. It´s the twilight zone, bananas!👍 1

Clive Bonneywell

10 hours ago

This doctor is a true hero, best bit of news for two years

👍 1

Alice Grant

1 day ago


I agree with all he said 👌

👍 1

Tipsman Pr

5 days ago

This has made my 2022. They were not expecting this response. Guy is a legend. Even the nurses didn’t want to comment on the farce.

👍 146

Gxkcan __

22 hours ago

Look at the way he started getting defensive when the doctor is simply explaining why it doesnt make sense  instead of understanding

👍 1

suzie Lynne

5 days ago

Refreshing to see a man prepared to speak up for what he believes in, I only hope more people will grow a backbone and push back.

👍 710

6 replies

Josh Bonnefin

22 hours ago

What a reasonable guy. Straight up says it how it is with a needed calmness. Much respect, agree with everything he said.


21 hours ago

Courageous doctor. Good man

👍 1


14 hours ago

“There are three classes of people:   those who see;    those who see when they are shown;   those who do not see.”   Leonardo da Vinci

👍 1


11 hours ago

Protect this doctor at all costs. Please and thanks.

Alice Moller

11 hours ago (edited)

The man asking questions says ‘we take advice from the vaccine experts so the doctor isn’t an expert that knows more than him. Vaccines are meant to last years, not a couple of weeks.


5 days ago

If anyone wants to know what a backbone looks like, look no further. What a guy! Maximum respect.

👍 342

Pink Glitzzz

1 day ago

Yes thank GOD for this man 🙏 some sense at last

👍 1

Inasya L

1 day ago

Respected love to the doctor

👍 1


23 hours ago

I’m all for the vaccine, I think it’s a fantastic win for the scientific community and the general population – despite the misinformation that’s spreading like wildfire about it.

However, I am not for mandatory vaccinations. People should be trusted to make their own decisions about their health, just as we do about religion and politics, instead of imposing it on everyone.

Vitario ospina

2 hours ago

I want the science to recommend vaccines at least 4 times a year. 😂😂

👍 1

Caroline Place

1 day ago

Good for him for speaking up. Arguing with a Doctor, no chance

Tiffany Williams

3 days ago

God Bless that Doctor, he’s one of the good ones. I pray he gets to keep his job. I agree with him 100%.

👍 242

3 replies

Sheena Dunlap

7 hours ago

I admire this Doctor for speaking out.

Kevin Brennan

19 hours ago (edited)

Fair play to the doctor – at least some people still have courage to stand up for what’s right and what they believe in, while most just follow like sheep

Matt Everett

18 hours ago

I really feel for the doctors and nurses who’ll lose their jobs when vaccines become mandatory. Javid says he follows the science but he doesn’t… He follows the opinion that supports his agenda. I think the NHS and care system will suffer deeply as a result.

Omour Ali

18 hours ago

I respect this Dr for his brave response and being honest like them others who portrait them lies and deceiving the nation.

Masoud Abdun-Noor

1 day ago

It must be so much easier to hold the company line on camera w a mask on 😷

👍 2


5 days ago

Well done Doctor! 👏  good to hear someone educated and in position speaking the truth!

👍 172


6 hours ago

This doctor is a legend 👌

Nour Touafek

5 days ago

“we take advise from vaccine experts”  such as Pfizer not from doctors who have no conflicts of interest.

👍 217

6 replies

Paula Freeman

1 day ago

Well done to this doctor 👏 👍

👍 1

Sam Course

10 hours ago

What a brave man speaking up for his own views


9 hours ago

Whats the doctors name? We need to follow this guy and see if he gets pressure to loose his license and back him if needed. 

I wish i had power to do something about this crazy times

👍 2

anna ruda

1 day ago

Finally one brave doctor. Bravo. The rest is just saying what they been told. Big respect to this one…

sonya busby

5 days ago

A doctor with the guts to tell the truth, Natural immunity works.

👍 422

7 replies

Caroline Oates

4 hours ago

Steve James your a courageous fellow.

Bravo for your free speech.

👍 1

Purchase Reviews

1 day ago

Breathe of fresh air to hear someone else say it. I was thinking the same thing all along.


21 hours ago (edited)

Longitudinal studies on patients who had SARS and MERS (wild type) show they still have antibody immunity over a decade later. This “Health Secretary” knows nothing and it shows.

👍 1

The_ Shortski

7 hours ago

This reminds me of the Ryan Long video where he joked being a health expert and beat up the doctor who disagreed with him. “When an expert disagrees with the experts” the video was. 

It’s kinda sad that these people who are even in the field are scared to speak. Even the women’s silence when asked about the vaccine just says a lot. That part reminded me of when the women olympians were asked about competing against a trans woman. Good on this guy for standing up and speaking his views and doing what’s best for him. Need more of that than these “experts” Boris and his Peppa Pig Party crew tell us to obey the will of.

sarah jones

1 day ago

smart doctor wish there were more like him

👍 1


3 days ago

These are the doctors we need, question everything.

👍 1K

12 replies


1 day ago

Now this guy is a hero,he is standing up for what he believes and more shoukd do the same.

Its disgusting how the NHS are being treated when they decline the jab

👍 39

Philip Wright

21 hours ago (edited)

Bravo that guy for stepping in and hitting peanut head with truth bombs. It was clear the poor nurses were scared to tell him how they really feel about the jab.

👍 1

Sarah Brown

4 hours ago

It’s messed up. This guy is the expert. Those who say they are just want to sell the poison. Notice the other workers were to afraid to speak up. That says a hole lot!

👍 1

Englisholic Expressions

1 day ago

Salute his courage 👍God bless him.

Terry Quinn

1 day ago

He has already had covid and has been in daily contact with it for two years. At some point the government have to start accepting the likelihood of natural immunity. That was their misguided plan at the start of the pandemic, but it might not be as careless and risky two years down the line.

Miss Hummingbird

5 days ago

Hats off to the Doctor for voicing his opinion. We don’t see enough of this!

👍 201

Kayleigh Ellsworth

1 hour ago

Love this go on lad! More people need to get behind this

Stuey Sasquatch

4 days ago

That uncomfortable moment when a doctor manages to get their opinion out without it going through a PR filter.

👍 229

7 replies

Pav W

1 hour ago

Wow! Bravo for the man who’s full of courage 👏 👏💪

ben butcher

12 hours ago

It’s also pretty obvious the other staff Javid is desperately looking to for moral support aren’t entirely on board given how they leave him out to dry.

👍 1

Delorean 88 Music

7 hours ago

He takes advice from the vaccine experts, also known as the vaccine manufacturers

👍 1

Pe Iv

1 day ago

This doctor is a reasonable man using logic that clearly the 90% of staff in that hospital lacks


18 hours ago

good on the nurse telling him straight and sticking to natural immunity instead of nonsense jabbing.

👍 1


5 days ago

Respect to this guy. Love how taken aback they were by his views. Simply expecting drodian compliance to be jabbed constantly 🤪 ”from the people that are vaccine experts” I.e. people with a huge financial interest in keeping this gravy train moving along

👍 490

8 replies


1 day ago

I have worked for 20 years in the NHS and I am so sad that the NHS has come to this. Mandating ineffective vaccines that have not completed Phase 3 trials, destroying careers and livelihoods.

👍 23

Dean Payne

21 hours ago

This is pure gold.  Love his response.  Well take some better advice lol

👍 1

Erik l

1 day ago

Forget about it just having short term effectiveness….we don’t even know about the long term side effects

👍 2

Lisa Burch

1 day ago

Awesome this doctor stood up and told the FACTUAL TRUTH


13 hours ago

Godbless the Doctor 🙏🏾

👍 1

Louise Shaw

5 days ago

Huge respect to this man! He stood up & spoke out on the truth as a medical professional. His points & facts are valid & shouldn’t be dismissed

👍 318

8 replies

Loved & Favoured

1 day ago

Bravo. Well done doc for standing up for your rights and educating many others. Your other colleagues coward and couldn’t speak their minds…👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 👏🏾

👍 35

Mary lose

13 hours ago

Love this….well done to the DOCTOR on his honestly and fundamental facts .. 👌

👍 3

Liam Roe

21 hours ago

I’m pro vaccine, fully respect what that Doc’s saying

Leti Zia

7 hours ago

I respect people who don’t want to have vaccines and I respect people who want to get vaccines.

👍 1

max mix

10 hours ago

Government takes advice from “Vaccine Experts” ie:  “Vaccine Sellers”   Well done to the doctors SPEAKING UP

👍 1

Beata Bronikowska

3 days ago

Well done, I’m absolutely  agree,  I’m Nurse  with  30 years experience, in my opinion Government instead of supporting  NHS during  this difficult  time and improving  medical  care  services, they  do everything  to stop  the  system working  effectively.

👍 137

2 replies


23 hours ago

Good on the Doctor who spoke up🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👊🏻🙏🏻 

“We take advice from the experts”?! I hope their not referring to FRAUDCI OR THE CDC😳



2 days ago

Well done to that man, massive respect to him.

👍 173

Miroslaw Horbal

19 hours ago

Gotta love it when the health secretary needs to resort to appeal to authority “vaccine experts” to make his case.

Natalie Pol

1 day ago

This doctor is a legend! 👏🏻👏🏻 He suggest we all follow his IG to show our support ❤️

Noel Dixon

1 day ago

The nurses looked so uncomfortable at the question posed, and it was unfair of a powerful politician to bend the question to support his ideal. Brave Doctor, a keeper for sure.

👍 20

Mr Mando

19 hours ago

One of these 2 people is a doctor. Enough said

👍 2

John B

5 days ago

The fact the nurses wouldn’t answer says it all. How happy were they when that Dr. stepped in and advocated for them.

👍 96

Stuart Griffin

10 hours ago

As a fellow nurse I feel slightly frustrated by this group who had a golden opportunity to roast the health Secretary but when presented with the opportunity sat around lost for words, come on folks, no wonder us nurses get shafted at every turn by the gov. Take a leaf out your medical colleagues book, grow a set and speak out more. We are great at sounding off in the staff room or our nurses forums but failed to speak out when it counted.


1 day ago

Thankfully, someone has the guts to question – Wow, Sky actually broadcasted this!  The tide is turning.


1 day ago

We Need More Brave Souls to Speak Up 🥳🌎🥳

👍 1

jaggaj 1980

1 day ago

Brave and well educated doctor,bravo🤗❤👏

Lorraine Marshall

12 hours ago (edited)

Good for the doctor. All my family who have been vaccinated have had covid. I am not vaccinated, not had it and will not get vaccinated.

Duane Fox

3 days ago

It takes courage nowadays to speak plain truth because there is real fear of being ostracized, or worse, if one doesn’t parrot the approved narratives of the government agencies, irregardless of their truth.  It’s disgusting.  Kudos to this doctor.

👍 561

5 replies


1 day ago

He is brave!!! Well done Doctor.


16 hours ago

Well done doc! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

👍 2

Stephen Conlon

20 hours ago

He’s entitled to his view

👍 1


6 hours ago

I love how he said, “At some point that will wane as well” as if that were true.

Gabriel Doru

10 hours ago

How the video ended with him saying taking advice from vaccine experts 🙁

👍 2

Tdr94 19

5 days ago

So pleased we are hearing this straight from a doctor

👍 210

Jonni Gerlach

12 hours ago

Well said doctor!

👍 1

Iain Randell

5 days ago

A professional doctor giving a scientific answer to a political puppet sniffing for support and votes to feather their own nest. Give this doctor a pay rise and a position in the medical world were he can  carry forward the fight for common sense without fear of loosing his medical practicing skill set in the NHS.

100% well done sir.

👍 614

7 replies

Stephen Jackson

20 hours ago

Absolute hero! 💯 well done sir 👏

Bilqis Campbell

1 day ago

Finally someone with courage👑


1 day ago

Respect to the dr.

👍 1

English Edge

1 day ago

Well done to that Doctor for standing up for what he believes in!

👍 13


19 hours ago (edited)

Well done my men!

👍 2

Anarchy Jay

5 days ago

No spin, no politics and someone that can’t be smeared. Factual, articulate and laying down true facts and asking common sense questions. Take the Knighthood away from Blair and give it to him. Saving lives and standing up for himself and his colleagues.

👍 610

15 replies

Scott Morrison

10 hours ago

This right here ladies and gentlemen is a real doctor , one that knows what’s best for the body , not ones that are willing to just read of there scripts to keep there teslaa fully charged

👍 1

Andreea Nicoleta

15 hours ago

Well done to all doctors that stand up and speak facts

👍 24

Forefather Of Mankind

1 day ago

Great man the doctor 🙏🙏🙏👍

👍 1

Gilson De Jesus

1 day ago

Reading the comments, it’s good to see that everyone respects his opinion on the vaccine whether they themselves have had it or not, it should always be a choice and never be a mandatory situation.

👍 42

Botley MTB

21 hours ago

Fantastic guy, well done to him!


5 days ago

Well done sir, you did it on TV for us to all witness, this is just the beginning, stay strong pal

👍 196

White Samurai Athletics

14 hours ago

Salute to this doctor!

Vee Kay

1 day ago

Respect the doctor for his clarity👌

marigold beam

17 hours ago

He has intelligence, integrity and courage. We could do with some of that in others who have positions of power.

Imran Baloch

1 day ago

Give that man a knighthood!!!

👍 2

Thomas Joshua

34 minutes ago (edited)

Best piece of advice the government has received in 2 years 👍


5 days ago

I do respect that he shared his opinion.

👍 2.6K

172 replies

Noodles Soul

1 day ago

I applaud this brave Doctor for standing up against nonsensical BS. Acquired natural immunity is the best one, every good scientific knows this.

👍 1


John UK

5 days ago

this is one of the most powerful videos I have seen. The body language from those nurses and the Doctor says it all really.

👍 329

3 replies


20 hours ago

Love the notice at the end of the video, such a gentle touch on the subject, 90% already done so, but we don’t force the staff just yet because most likely they’ll all resign. 🤣🤣

lyes khelfoune

1 day ago

He is man ,realy big respect,  hope he can keep the job for saying the truth

👍 1

Nora Loulou

20 hours ago

We need to check if this doctor is still alive after 😬 I mean he basically tell the truth to a propaganda minister 😅

👍 1

Amba Hudson-Skye

18 hours ago (edited)

The most important video of 2022 so far, thankyou thankyou thankyou to this doctor for speaking up!


13 hours ago

Well done

Stand your ground against tyranny

👍 1

Robert Cheyne

5 days ago

Big shout-out to this brave and TRUTHFUL doctor speaking facts in the face of a sold-out, patronising spin doctor.

👍 53

Property With Nic Clark

12 hours ago

Amazing that the health secretory just disregarded the advice of a doctor

perfectpoppy35 pilgrim

1 hour ago

personally think it’s yr right to have the vaccine or not and we shouldn’t have to prove things to be able to go placed. fair play to him 👏

👍 1

Sydney Dee

1 day ago

Imagine a lousy ‘reporter’ arguing with a medical expert… Welcome to the 21st century madness


1 day ago

That took courage. Good for him!!

Ana Belen Sanchez Prieto

19 hours ago

Wow! I want this doctor to be my doctor!

Chris Pawlus

5 days ago

If only more doctors had the integrity of this doctor and stood up to be counted

👍 188

5 replies


6 hours ago

My respect to this Dr.

Salokym x

16 hours ago

Respect to this guy

👍 1


3 hours ago

This “Health Secretary” needs to be FIRED.

👍 1


23 hours ago

What this doctor (and MANY MANY MANY other doctors and scientists) is saying is relevant to not only medical staff but to the whole population in general!

Let’s Take The Party To Micheal’s House!

1 day ago

Physicians can get away with this as they are contracted by the hospital in most cases and not actual ‘staff’. Nurses or other healthcare workers wouldn’t be granted the same courtesy or ability to air their views in such a manner

1 1

5 days ago

Full respect to this doctor for sticking with what he believes is right for himself. People need to have freedom to choose

👍 280

3 replies

Ed yarlington

3 hours ago

He’s a living patriot.

👍 1

David Viola

5 days ago

Imagine a world where a politician tells an actual doctor “we listen to the experts”

👍 68


21 hours ago

“The Vanities of all Visionaries are always Calculated to Appear So Natural” be proud and loud, every human has a RIGHT to be human

Neil Brewster

15 hours ago

Well done that man

👍 2

doTERRA Greece

22 hours ago (edited)

We need more doctors like him.  Good on him!  It’s a shame those nurses were too scared to speak up.

👍 18

Sonya H

2 hours ago

Pretty sad day when the media doesn’t want to hear from Doctor’s who are giving health information because they aren’t the right type of expert.

Cyber Tommo

5 days ago

Let’s hope this one man is the hero that stops this disgusting discrimination against unvaccinated people and allows all of those people currently working in the NHS who don’t want to take the injections to carry on working for what they have spent many years training to do and what they have worked hard at for years.

NO to any mandated medical procedures!

👍 421

11 replies

truth station

1 day ago

Well done. A doctor standing up for the truth. Immediately they try to belittle his medical knowledge.

Swift 211

12 hours ago

The new health Secretary right there, with a medical background. Just imagine.

Devon McKnight

14 hours ago

FUN FACT!  By the same time next year, I will still be covid vaccine free!

👍 1

Lynne Wood

2 hours ago

So glad he spoke up!

👍 1


19 hours ago

One of the most important videos on YouTube at the moment. Especially for us in the UK

👍 12

3 replies

Adrian Cojocaru

5 days ago

There are still humans in this world who know what they are living and standing for!

Bravo REAL SIR!!!

👍 139

Lee Smith

11 hours ago

What an absolute legend. Hero!


34 minutes ago

This doctor is my hero!!!!

Patricia Noll

1 hour ago

Love that guy good for him

👍 1


1 hour ago

God bless that brave health care worker. May he find a better career after all that nonsense

John V

5 days ago

Finally, an ex-banker has it explained to him by someone who knows about medicine and is not afraid to speak up. Well done that doctor.

👍 93

Kamrul Hassan

1 day ago

At last someone with proper medical knowledge spoke up for all of us who do not want to take the vaccination for good reasons.  If SJ can be the health Secretary with no prior medical education,  I am sure my mother in-law can better him with her home cooking knowledge !

👍 35

Jekaterina Gremitskiha

3 days ago

This is a real doctor.hats off to him.well done.we need more like him to represent the society.

👍 183

3 replies

Georgia Sykes

19 hours ago

At last. A working doctor or surgeon speaking out. The advice the governments are giving out is by doctors and scientists who are being paid to give specific (wrong) advice

Trevor Clark

9 hours ago

There are so many holes in this consultant’s logic and indeed facts. Also i’d prefer a vaccinated doctor to look after my  anaesthetic especially as I’d likely have a co-morbidity simply by me being there. He’s no doubt an expert in his field but his field isn’t virology. By the way he is not an anti-vaxxer.

👍 3

Peter Charlton

10 hours ago

The silence from the other members of staff said a million words, basically they did not want to say they never agreed with it. If they did agree I’m sure the would of spoke straight away


9 hours ago

Much respect to the doc

Rémy Bourgmeister

21 hours ago

❤️❤️❤️ Good luck doctor! Keep fighting the ignorant sheep! They definitely don’t want to hear about science.

👍 1

james Miller

4 days ago

Salute the doctor for having the balls to tell him how it is and of course, Javid is taking advice from vaccine experts….that would be the pharma companies then who are making billions out of this

👍 1K

21 replies

Callum Murphy

17 hours ago

Yeah they wasn’t prepared for him to say that at all😂😂😂 Well done Dr whoever for actually standing up and making Sky look like the mugs they’re

margaret mcclung

18 hours ago

Quite right it’s his choice …I’ve just been told I’m classed as unvaccinated and I have had 2 …didn’t have booster due to complications

Soul harmony

4 hours ago

We will take the best advice from the vaccine experts ! (paid by Pfizer, J&J, Moderna) …🤔

👍 2


18 hours ago

Well done that man! True courage

yamil santos

9 hours ago

Immunity stays for years in the body it depends upon each human beings system since every body is different

👍 1

Sarah Louise Johnson

4 days ago

That doctor is brave he’s spoken his truth knowing he’ll now have patients complaining and even his hospital trying to embarrass him with that statement at the end. We need strong people like this guy willing to stand up and be honest, even when it will directly affects his life by doing so. It was mindblowing to see an actual doctor with first hand experience just be dismissed and brushed off by the health secretary who is most likely given their data by drugs companies who are making billions. What a joke.

👍 909

26 replies

Filipe Mendes

20 hours ago (edited)

“well we take the very best advice that we can…from the people that are vaccine expert’s” – I’m so mad with the way he replies that, to someone who he asked his opinion about the rule to vaccinate. And he is a NHS member. Shame on that politician

Sean Gardner

16 hours ago

Imagine an epidemiologist going into his ITU ward and telling how to manage his patients.


21 hours ago

I am a Nurse working in health and social care I had all three vaccine and Covid twice if the first one was mild but after the vaccination I have suffered with covid symptoms 10 times verse

👍 1

divine providence

1 day ago

The doctor is right to call out the health secretary. The health secretary didn’t have an answer but rather than look out of his depth he predictably used rhetoric we hear all the time from the government to reply to the doctor’s valid argument against mandatory vaccinations. How long can this uselessness government last?

👍 1

Incurable Romantic

13 hours ago

The creepiest part of that video is the five nurses who were all too scared to answer the question.

👍 1


5 days ago (edited)

I really appreciate the doctor for speaking out. It’s clear that his rational argument against mandatory vaccination fell on deaf ears unfortunately. The need for vaccination has become politically and ideologically driven, so only a mass opposition within the NHS and across the general public will end this insanity.

👍 407

9 replies

Linda Newall

12 hours ago

Javid “we take our advice from experts”, what a way to talk to a doctor who knows more about medical issues than Javid ever will. just shows he did’nt want to listen no matter what!!

Neil Sotheby

3 days ago

Hero standing up for free choice in front of colleague peer pressure and the health secretary! We need more doctors like this!

👍 160

2 replies

Neil Law

21 hours ago

A great guy, telling it how it is

Ahmed Hashem

1 day ago

👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 respect this doctor 👏

Guñs N Røses

1 day ago

I wonder what they did with the doctor did they fine him, release him from his job. If it was any average worker and not a doctor

👍 1

s Cb

1 day ago

Bless him🙏🏽

Summer Lea

21 hours ago

Good on ya !! I won’t be having the vaccine either 👍

👍 1

Rose Higgins

3 days ago

Absolute facts. Well done to this doctor for standing up!!!!!

👍 42

Sean Galloway

14 hours ago

Sky news gets some legitimate “likes” for once

👍 1

Hummingbird Lady

1 day ago (edited)

Well done doc for standing up to the bully

👍 7


1 day ago

There was 0 enthusiasm for the mandate the very moment he asked that question of the medical workers there.  Tells us all we need to know.


13 hours ago

Well done Dr 👏

alexej gorodnicenko

1 day ago

i hope the doc STILL has his job. XD

👍 1

Laura Marques

4 days ago

I am glad, someone finally took a stand and didn’t feel pressured to say what it is expected from them while live on TV.

👍 461

12 replies


1 day ago

This is a real man standing up for the truth and his convictions!

Siobhan Mcelvar

1 day ago

Respect for this doctor!!!

👍 8


9 hours ago

When I tell people I’ve had covid twice and my body will produce an anti body response they think I’m crazy but that just came from a doctors mouth so 🤷

thatpersonoverthere 666

18 hours ago

What a legend 👏

Smile Jesus Loves you

1 day ago

Thank goodness a dr with brains

👍 1

Kodak Black

5 days ago

Surprised this has been put on the media. Well said doctor keeping it real.

👍 152

Bella M

1 day ago

Kudos to this young Dr for speaking up. I’d have supported him if I were one of those standing RN’s


4 days ago (edited)

This doctor is more of a vaccine expert than he’ll ever be. He asks a professional on the frontline his opinion yet he’s trying to discount what the Dr is saying because it does not fit his narrative. It’s obvious the nurses are scared to say what they really think. Typical of the current culture of scaremongering and bullying to achieve whatever the hidden agenda is. Huge respect for this doctor who opened his mouth and spoke the truth and damn the powers that be who tries to punish him for it. Doctor, stay safe, stay well. We are watching. We have your back.

👍 629

30 replies

Gail Mcdonald

1 day ago

He finishes with the statement “We take the very best advice we can……from the vaccine experts…… “

so exactly what is the background of these chosen so called experts, who is in charge of selecting these “experts” and is there any form of financial agenda for these so called experts ??? If so isn’t that what we class as a conflict of interest and not a true and just comparison to this Doctors theory


21 hours ago

Shows how insulated the Westminster bubble is. He couldn’t imagine this response.

👍 1

alex alex

19 hours ago

Vaxx experts??? 

That’s the greatest joke.

Biggest expert is Bill G. 

Imagine that:))))

👍 2

Yougot Alovenote

10 hours ago

That is what happens when politicians think they know more than doctors about medication.

👍 1


20 hours ago

Important guy:” were following advice”

Doctor:”Yeah but this”

Important guy:”Yeah we’re just following advice”


5 days ago (edited)

Huge respect to the Dr for expressing his views so clearly. And good on whoever at sky put this out there…keep em coming…about time we heard the other side of the story isn’t it,

👍 279

2 replies

Jorawar Binning

11 hours ago (edited)

Doctors missing the point. A law would last for a long time, including when vaccine come around that’s been adapted for Omicron variant. By which point he might not have antibodies and then is at an increased risk of transmitting covid compared with those who are vaccinated. “the science is not there”… I wonder how this man even qualified if he doesn’t see how wrong that is. And Javid should’ve done much better too!

Amy Niovi

11 hours ago

Haha the health secretary is struggling!😅…but doctor’s common sense won!

Ang 38

1 day ago

Good on him 👏


1 day ago

I agree with the Dr’s point of view regarding making it mandatory for NHS staff to be vaccinated. However many people are taking this to mean he is against the vaccine of people altogether. This is not the case.

mike fry

10 hours ago

This man should have a choice we live in a democracy or not?

👍 2

K Cottenden

5 days ago

Well done that doctor. Full respect for your courage in speaking out.

👍 259

10 replies

Kamala Chanda

1 day ago

“We take advice from deep pockets, not from nurses with real world knowledge and skin in the game”.


1 day ago

Absolute Legend! Well Done!

Cloud Link

14 hours ago

Who are all these people telling doctors to get jabs? Makes me question the knowledge of doctors themselves.

👍 1

Roberta Brown

1 day ago

Wow, an actual doctor with a back bone!


19 hours ago

He couldn’t get away from him quick enough 😂


4 days ago

The nurses were clearly afraid to speak💀

👍 207

8 replies

Mick Clarke

21 hours ago

Brilliant 👏 a man with integrity

Callum Chesterman Witts

4 days ago

Huge respect to this gentleman, how refreshing to see during these times.

👍 762

17 replies


1 day ago

About time someone tell the true 👍🏿 💯 well done 👏 👍🏿 👌 🙌

👍 1

David Allen

15 hours ago

I admire this doctor. I would however be very interested in why he doesn’t want the vaccine. Is it because he doesn’t need it, or is there another reason as well?


46 seconds ago

That is the doctor I would trust my life with. Wonderful and honest man

Jeff – Incognito Dance

1 day ago

Well done to this Doctor for speaking up for common sense

W Mc17

8 hours ago

Well done doctor

👍 1


4 days ago

I must say fair play to Sky News for showing and keeping this video up. The media being transparent and truthful is something I am not used to and is very refreshing

👍 678

9 replies

John UK

5 days ago

this is one of the most powerful videos I have seen. The body language from those nurses and the Doctor says it all really.

👍 329

3 replies


20 hours ago

Love the notice at the end of the video, such a gentle touch on the subject, 90% already done so, but we don’t force the staff just yet because most likely they’ll all resign. 🤣🤣

lyes khelfoune

1 day ago

He is man ,realy big respect,  hope he can keep the job for saying the truth

👍 1

Nora Loulou

20 hours ago

We need to check if this doctor is still alive after 😬 I mean he basically tell the truth to a propaganda minister 😅

👍 1

Amba Hudson-Skye

18 hours ago (edited)

The most important video of 2022 so far, thankyou thankyou thankyou to this doctor for speaking up!


13 hours ago

Well done

Stand your ground against tyranny

👍 1

Robert Cheyne

5 days ago

Big shout-out to this brave and TRUTHFUL doctor speaking facts in the face of a sold-out, patronising spin doctor.

👍 53

Property With Nic Clark

12 hours ago

Amazing that the health secretory just disregarded the advice of a doctor

perfectpoppy35 pilgrim

1 hour ago

personally think it’s yr right to have the vaccine or not and we shouldn’t have to prove things to be able to go placed. fair play to him 👏

👍 1

Sydney Dee

1 day ago

Imagine a lousy ‘reporter’ arguing with a medical expert… Welcome to the 21st century madness


1 day ago

That took courage. Good for him!!

Ana Belen Sanchez Prieto

19 hours ago

Wow! I want this doctor to be my doctor!

Chris Pawlus

5 days ago

If only more doctors had the integrity of this doctor and stood up to be counted

👍 188

5 replies


6 hours ago

My respect to this Dr.

Salokym x

16 hours ago

Respect to this guy

👍 1


3 hours ago

This “Health Secretary” needs to be FIRED.

👍 1


23 hours ago

What this doctor (and MANY MANY MANY other doctors and scientists) is saying is relevant to not only medical staff but to the whole population in general!

Let’s Take The Party To Micheal’s House!

1 day ago

Physicians can get away with this as they are contracted by the hospital in most cases and not actual ‘staff’. Nurses or other healthcare workers wouldn’t be granted the same courtesy or ability to air their views in such a manner

1 1

5 days ago

Full respect to this doctor for sticking with what he believes is right for himself. People need to have freedom to choose

👍 280

3 replies

Ed yarlington

3 hours ago

He’s a living patriot.

👍 1

David Viola

5 days ago

Imagine a world where a politician tells an actual doctor “we listen to the experts”

👍 68


21 hours ago

“The Vanities of all Visionaries are always Calculated to Appear So Natural” be proud and loud, every human has a RIGHT to be human

Neil Brewster

15 hours ago

Well done that man

👍 2

doTERRA Greece

22 hours ago (edited)

We need more doctors like him.  Good on him!  It’s a shame those nurses were too scared to speak up.

👍 18

Sonya H

2 hours ago

Pretty sad day when the media doesn’t want to hear from Doctor’s who are giving health information because they aren’t the right type of expert.

Cyber Tommo

5 days ago

Let’s hope this one man is the hero that stops this disgusting discrimination against unvaccinated people and allows all of those people currently working in the NHS who don’t want to take the injections to carry on working for what they have spent many years training to do and what they have worked hard at for years.

NO to any mandated medical procedures!

👍 421

11 replies

truth station

1 day ago

Well done. A doctor standing up for the truth. Immediately they try to belittle his medical knowledge.

Swift 211

12 hours ago

The new health Secretary right there, with a medical background. Just imagine.

Devon McKnight

14 hours ago

FUN FACT!  By the same time next year, I will still be covid vaccine free!

👍 1

Lynne Wood

2 hours ago

So glad he spoke up!

👍 1


19 hours ago

One of the most important videos on YouTube at the moment. Especially for us in the UK

👍 12

3 replies

Adrian Cojocaru

5 days ago

There are still humans in this world who know what they are living and standing for!

Bravo REAL SIR!!!

👍 139

Lee Smith

11 hours ago

What an absolute legend. Hero!


34 minutes ago

This doctor is my hero!!!!

Patricia Noll

1 hour ago

Love that guy good for him

👍 1


1 hour ago

God bless that brave health care worker. May he find a better career after all that nonsense

John V

5 days ago

Finally, an ex-banker has it explained to him by someone who knows about medicine and is not afraid to speak up. Well done that doctor.

👍 93

Kamrul Hassan

1 day ago

At last someone with proper medical knowledge spoke up for all of us who do not want to take the vaccination for good reasons.  If SJ can be the health Secretary with no prior medical education,  I am sure my mother in-law can better him with her home cooking knowledge !

👍 35

Jekaterina Gremitskiha

3 days ago

This is a real doctor.hats off to him.well done.we need more like him to represent the society.

👍 183

3 replies

Georgia Sykes

19 hours ago

At last. A working doctor or surgeon speaking out. The advice the governments are giving out is by doctors and scientists who are being paid to give specific (wrong) advice

Trevor Clark

9 hours ago

There are so many holes in this consultant’s logic and indeed facts. Also i’d prefer a vaccinated doctor to look after my  anaesthetic especially as I’d likely have a co-morbidity simply by me being there. He’s no doubt an expert in his field but his field isn’t virology. By the way he is not an anti-vaxxer.

👍 3

Peter Charlton

10 hours ago

The silence from the other members of staff said a million words, basically they did not want to say they never agreed with it. If they did agree I’m sure the would of spoke straight away


9 hours ago

Much respect to the doc

Rémy Bourgmeister

21 hours ago

❤️❤️❤️ Good luck doctor! Keep fighting the ignorant sheep! They definitely don’t want to hear about science.

👍 1

james Miller

4 days ago

Salute the doctor for having the balls to tell him how it is and of course, Javid is taking advice from vaccine experts….that would be the pharma companies then who are making billions out of this

👍 1K

21 replies

Callum Murphy

17 hours ago

Yeah they wasn’t prepared for him to say that at all😂😂😂 Well done Dr whoever for actually standing up and making Sky look like the mugs they’re

margaret mcclung

18 hours ago

Quite right it’s his choice …I’ve just been told I’m classed as unvaccinated and I have had 2 …didn’t have booster due to complications

Soul harmony

4 hours ago

We will take the best advice from the vaccine experts ! (paid by Pfizer, J&J, Moderna) …🤔

👍 2


18 hours ago

Well done that man! True courage

yamil santos

9 hours ago

Immunity stays for years in the body it depends upon each human beings system since every body is different

👍 1

Sarah Louise Johnson

4 days ago

That doctor is brave he’s spoken his truth knowing he’ll now have patients complaining and even his hospital trying to embarrass him with that statement at the end. We need strong people like this guy willing to stand up and be honest, even when it will directly affects his life by doing so. It was mindblowing to see an actual doctor with first hand experience just be dismissed and brushed off by the health secretary who is most likely given their data by drugs companies who are making billions. What a joke.

👍 909

26 replies

Filipe Mendes

20 hours ago (edited)

“well we take the very best advice that we can…from the people that are vaccine expert’s” – I’m so mad with the way he replies that, to someone who he asked his opinion about the rule to vaccinate. And he is a NHS member. Shame on that politician

Sean Gardner

16 hours ago

Imagine an epidemiologist going into his ITU ward and telling how to manage his patients.


21 hours ago

I am a Nurse working in health and social care I had all three vaccine and Covid twice if the first one was mild but after the vaccination I have suffered with covid symptoms 10 times verse

👍 1

divine providence

1 day ago

The doctor is right to call out the health secretary. The health secretary didn’t have an answer but rather than look out of his depth he predictably used rhetoric we hear all the time from the government to reply to the doctor’s valid argument against mandatory vaccinations. How long can this uselessness government last?

👍 1

Incurable Romantic

13 hours ago

The creepiest part of that video is the five nurses who were all too scared to answer the question.

👍 1


5 days ago (edited)

I really appreciate the doctor for speaking out. It’s clear that his rational argument against mandatory vaccination fell on deaf ears unfortunately. The need for vaccination has become politically and ideologically driven, so only a mass opposition within the NHS and across the general public will end this insanity.

👍 407

9 replies

Linda Newall

12 hours ago

Javid “we take our advice from experts”, what a way to talk to a doctor who knows more about medical issues than Javid ever will. just shows he did’nt want to listen no matter what!!

Neil Sotheby

3 days ago

Hero standing up for free choice in front of colleague peer pressure and the health secretary! We need more doctors like this!

👍 160

2 replies

Neil Law

21 hours ago

A great guy, telling it how it is

Ahmed Hashem

1 day ago

👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 respect this doctor 👏

Guñs N Røses

1 day ago

I wonder what they did with the doctor did they fine him, release him from his job. If it was any average worker and not a doctor

👍 1

s Cb

1 day ago

Bless him🙏🏽

Summer Lea

21 hours ago

Good on ya !! I won’t be having the vaccine either 👍

👍 1

Rose Higgins

3 days ago

Absolute facts. Well done to this doctor for standing up!!!!!

👍 42

Sean Galloway

14 hours ago

Sky news gets some legitimate “likes” for once

👍 1

Hummingbird Lady

1 day ago (edited)

Well done doc for standing up to the bully

👍 7


1 day ago

There was 0 enthusiasm for the mandate the very moment he asked that question of the medical workers there.  Tells us all we need to know.


13 hours ago

Well done Dr 👏

alexej gorodnicenko

1 day ago

i hope the doc STILL has his job. XD

👍 1

Laura Marques

4 days ago

I am glad, someone finally took a stand and didn’t feel pressured to say what it is expected from them while live on TV.

👍 461

12 replies


1 day ago

This is a real man standing up for the truth and his convictions!

Siobhan Mcelvar

1 day ago

Respect for this doctor!!!

👍 8


9 hours ago

When I tell people I’ve had covid twice and my body will produce an anti body response they think I’m crazy but that just came from a doctors mouth so 🤷

thatpersonoverthere 666

18 hours ago

What a legend 👏

Smile Jesus Loves you

1 day ago

Thank goodness a dr with brains

👍 1

Kodak Black

5 days ago

Surprised this has been put on the media. Well said doctor keeping it real.

👍 152

Bella M

1 day ago

Kudos to this young Dr for speaking up. I’d have supported him if I were one of those standing RN’s


4 days ago (edited)

This doctor is more of a vaccine expert than he’ll ever be. He asks a professional on the frontline his opinion yet he’s trying to discount what the Dr is saying because it does not fit his narrative. It’s obvious the nurses are scared to say what they really think. Typical of the current culture of scaremongering and bullying to achieve whatever the hidden agenda is. Huge respect for this doctor who opened his mouth and spoke the truth and damn the powers that be who tries to punish him for it. Doctor, stay safe, stay well. We are watching. We have your back.

👍 629

30 replies

Gail Mcdonald

1 day ago

He finishes with the statement “We take the very best advice we can……from the vaccine experts…… “

so exactly what is the background of these chosen so called experts, who is in charge of selecting these “experts” and is there any form of financial agenda for these so called experts ??? If so isn’t that what we class as a conflict of interest and not a true and just comparison to this Doctors theory


21 hours ago

Shows how insulated the Westminster bubble is. He couldn’t imagine this response.

👍 1

alex alex

19 hours ago

Vaxx experts??? 

That’s the greatest joke.

Biggest expert is Bill G. 

Imagine that:))))

👍 2

Yougot Alovenote

10 hours ago

That is what happens when politicians think they know more than doctors about medication.

👍 1


20 hours ago

Important guy:” were following advice”

Doctor:”Yeah but this”

Important guy:”Yeah we’re just following advice”


5 days ago (edited)

Huge respect to the Dr for expressing his views so clearly. And good on whoever at sky put this out there…keep em coming…about time we heard the other side of the story isn’t it,

👍 279

2 replies

Jorawar Binning

11 hours ago (edited)

Doctors missing the point. A law would last for a long time, including when vaccine come around that’s been adapted for Omicron variant. By which point he might not have antibodies and then is at an increased risk of transmitting covid compared with those who are vaccinated. “the science is not there”… I wonder how this man even qualified if he doesn’t see how wrong that is. And Javid should’ve done much better too!

Amy Niovi

11 hours ago

Haha the health secretary is struggling!😅…but doctor’s common sense won!

Ang 38

1 day ago

Good on him 👏


1 day ago

I agree with the Dr’s point of view regarding making it mandatory for NHS staff to be vaccinated. However many people are taking this to mean he is against the vaccine of people altogether. This is not the case.

mike fry

10 hours ago

This man should have a choice we live in a democracy or not?

👍 2

K Cottenden

5 days ago

Well done that doctor. Full respect for your courage in speaking out.

👍 259

10 replies

Kamala Chanda

1 day ago

“We take advice from deep pockets, not from nurses with real world knowledge and skin in the game”.


1 day ago

Absolute Legend! Well Done!

Cloud Link

14 hours ago

Who are all these people telling doctors to get jabs? Makes me question the knowledge of doctors themselves.

👍 1

Roberta Brown

1 day ago

Wow, an actual doctor with a back bone!


19 hours ago

He couldn’t get away from him quick enough 😂


4 days ago

The nurses were clearly afraid to speak💀

👍 207

8 replies

Mick Clarke

21 hours ago

Brilliant 👏 a man with integrity

Callum Chesterman Witts

4 days ago

Huge respect to this gentleman, how refreshing to see during these times.

👍 762

17 replies


1 day ago

About time someone tell the true 👍🏿 💯 well done 👏 👍🏿 👌 🙌

👍 1

David Allen

15 hours ago

I admire this doctor. I would however be very interested in why he doesn’t want the vaccine. Is it because he doesn’t need it, or is there another reason as well?


46 seconds ago

That is the doctor I would trust my life with. Wonderful and honest man

Jeff – Incognito Dance

1 day ago

Well done to this Doctor for speaking up for common sense

W Mc17

8 hours ago

Well done doctor

👍 1


4 days ago

I must say fair play to Sky News for showing and keeping this video up. The media being transparent and truthful is something I am not used to and is very refreshing

👍 678

9 replies


1 day ago (edited)

Kudos to this doctor for speaking up & even though I believe in vaccines taken to keep family members safe, I completely disagree with the mandate. Javed is a milquetoast and the debate on protection has been denied the public by the MSM.

Pamela Grace

9 hours ago

Hold strong Dr and way to go!

No Jab!!!

Annadurai Sundaram

11 hours ago

Hat’s of to him bravely told the vaccination won’t work……….


1 day ago

Well done Doc 👏


21 hours ago

Bless him 👍


4 days ago

“From the people that are vaccine experts”

Would these experts happen to be the ones developing the vaccines?

👍 224

11 replies

Bonneige Bukasa

5 hours ago

This guy was protecting the nurses with strong views on covid and vaccines gg for that

Harjit Singh

10 hours ago

The word redeploy gets used when NHS staff refuse the vaccine…in short another word for redundancy… Bravo to this Dr for calling it out for what it is…

George Lurum

17 hours ago

He Just told us the truth

👍 2

L Deanon Molina

1 day ago

God bless Dr Steve James. 🙏✝️


11 hours ago

Take a bow doc, take a bow 👏👏👏

👍 1


2 days ago

He’s on point. That’s exactly why I keep postponing getting a jab. How many times do we have to get vaccinated? Two times? Three times? Four times? Once every month? When I take a medicine, I know exactly how many pills I have to take and when. This vaccine campaign is out of control.

👍 783

28 replies

jonathan murray

10 hours ago

Love that he spoke up👏👏👏👏


4 days ago

I find it funny how the nurses don’t say a word. And to add to the awkwardness he then turns to the nurses later to get back up and they remain silent still.

👍 5.6K

258 replies

Albert Kang

1 day ago

I think the doctor is right and I thought the same about the booster. I got jabbed in order to follow the government and health advice. I think we need a mutating vaccine that can fight any form of Covid mutations.

👍 1

Takeshi Kovacs

21 hours ago

This doctor has balls the size of Javid’s head. What a legend.

👍 1

Dougie Roberts

10 hours ago (edited)

If a medical professionaI of 10% of the best in the world tells me something………I listen. If a unqualified political mouthpiece tells me something…… I dont listen. I am very proud of this level of honesty, this man is nothing short of an hero, tell the truth and shame the devil. God bless this man and all those angels of mercy who represent the greatest health system in the world.


10 hours ago

Legend for doing that!!

Room 3327

21 hours ago

To even ask that question shows how out of touch he and this government are.

Those nurses silence were the answer of many that are too afraid to speak up due to repercussions of being fired.

Lisa Sutcliffe

5 days ago

Well done Doctor for having the bravery to speak up 👏. Those nurses appeared uncomfortable, it’s almost like they wanted to say the same but they felt like they couldn’t 😔

👍 151

Janine Laver

20 hours ago

V well done for standing your ground!!

TiaraAnne Funflower

1 day ago

this courageous doctor should be the health secretary !!


“To discover who is most likely to be telling the truth, simply find out who is most censored.” – Quartz

VACCINE MANDATES – Did you know that you need to agree to them first, for them to be legally valid?

The Legal Definition of a Mandate & Mandatory: "Under Roman and Civil Law, a written command given in principal to an agent, specifically, a commission or contract by which one person (the mandator) requests someone (the mandatory) to perform some service gratuitously [voluntarily, willingly, without charge], the commission becoming effective when the mandatory agrees." Black's Law Dictionary, 11th Edition WHEN THEY TELL YOU IT'S MANDATORY, THAT LEGALLY MEANS IT'S YOUR CHOICE!
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