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New Moral Order™

Books & Media
for the
Conscious Thinker

New Moral Order™


New Moral Order™

Informing the Discerning Mind


The New Moral Order™ Knowledge Library lists only books and media that assist in freeing the individual from the systematic brainwashing that has been inflicted on humanity by the control system, particularly since the early part of the 20th century.

Everyone who is born into the modern society is a victim of negative social conditioning, from the womb until the day on which the individual truly awakens to the reality that everything that has been taught by the system is a lie – somewhere between a grossly manipulating half-truth of misinformation and disinformation, and more often than not, outright fabricated, fictitious fakery.

The vast majority of people go to their graves without ever even imagining that the reality they have been spoon-fed is a nefarious invention, manufactured by those who are pathologically driven to utterly control and dominate everyone and everything around them. This psychopathic personality disorder increases in number and in its severity of effect on others, at each higher level of a social hierarchy.

Therefore, precisely opposite to the blatant lie that is relentlessly promoted by the gatekeepers of that control system, the proven reality is that instances of people secretly conspiring to gain power and financial advantage over others is always far more prevalent within circles of political and social influence. The greater the potential for influence, the more psychopathic personalities will be found. In other words, conspiracies concerning global events are far more certain to be occurring, whether anyone knows about them or not, than conspiracies concerning families, relationships and everyday situations regarding the general populace.

Over generations (psychopathy is hereditary), these psychopaths naturally collude to gain total control in all significant arenas of power – financially, politically and socially. This psychopathic takeover of society is the very foundation of globalism, and the blueprint for the relentless violence, debt enslavement, and wholly corrupted world you see around you today.

This parasitic cabal of psychopaths and sociopaths know full well that “knowledge is power”. A key purpose of secret societies has always been to preserve certain ancient knowledge for a privileged few, whilst concealing it from humankind as a whole. In order to control the knowledge, and thereby control the power in society, the parasitic elite promote only false information and half-truths to the general public, whilst concealing the reality.

Schools, universities, publishing companies, news media, and the establishment’s institutions of science, history and nature, are all simply agencies designed to conceal the important knowledge, whilst promoting only information that is outdated, false, or useful to their plan to further enslave the populace within the control system.

As always, the solution begins with each individual; with you. By reading the books that you won’t see promoted on the bookshelves of any chainstore bookshop or at the top of a search engine, and by accessing the information that ‘they’ don’t want you to know about, you free yourself from the system of mind control, not just mentally, but physically and spiritually. You can’t undo consciousness. Once you are consciously enlightened, there is no going back. Yes, it is a constant expansion with no end, but once you realise that you – just like everyone else – was once a programmed sheep, then you are indeed ready to become a shepherd for others. That is the solution. You are the solution.

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