New Moral Order™
Bring Back Beauty™
Bring Back Beauty™ is a political and social movement, of the people, by the people, for the people, which seeks to reverse the systematic agenda to undermine nations and humanity through the promotion of ugliness into society. Bring Back Beauty™ aims to return beauty back into the public sphere and restore it to human thinking.

Dangers of Halloween – The Dire Effects on Body, Mind & Soul that Might Just Haunt Your Child for Life
#NewMoralOrder#NewMoralArmy#SocialSatanism#SocialPsychopathy#BringBackBeautyFEATURED IMAGEA terrified young boy experiencing a Halloween 'Haunt' in the 1970s.Article: Dangers of Halloween - The Dire Effects on Body, Mind & Soul that Might Just Haunt Your Child for Life.New Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• Increased cortisol, the 'stress hormone'.• Programming the mind to accept, enjoy or even crave violence.• Advancing sociopathy, psychopathy and criminal tendencies.• An agenda to promote violence, torture and satanism to kids.• A 'gateway event' to the occult and black magic.• Becoming oppressed, obsessed or even possessed.• Celebrating a night on which children are sacrificed.• Closing thoughts - the open mind vs. the weak mind?Better Than You? PostsBetter Than You? posts are designed to get you thinking outside of the box-making factory, not merely outside the box. If you are someone who thinks stagnantly and without discernment, you may find some of these posts difficult to...

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