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Orchestrated Mass Migration
The ‘Orchestrated Migration’ agenda is multi-faceted. It has certainly always had at its core the ultimate purpose of destroying from within the nation states of Europe and North America. However, connected to that key objective are a number of other entries on their globalist wishlist, which also benefit from a huge and unregulated influx of mostly young male adventure and opportunity seekers, migrating from 2nd and 3rd world countries.
If you thought that the current mass migration of millions was an unforeseen and uncontrollable event, think again. It is a fully orchestrated redeployment of human resources, in order to produce a new underclass – ‘the working poor’ – which will ultimately join the rest of the populace in becoming the ‘non-working poor’, living off Universal Basic Income (UBI) in 15-Minute Prison Cities, once their role in collapsing the economies of the first world nation states is complete.
• Urban Over-Concentration – a Purposeful Agenda
• The ‘Soft Invasion’ – a ‘Warm War’ on the Nation State
• Genuine Compassion vs Self-Interest & Virtue Signalling
• An Immoral Lack of Compassion for the Indigenous Poor
• Bank Robbing First World Nations to Bring About Their Collapse
• Orchestrated Migration & The Depopulation Agenda
1. The Strain on Public Health Services
2. The Strain on Sanitary Living Conditions
3. The Spreading of New Diseases
4. The Fast (Killer) Food Peddler
5. The Element of Stress as a Central Cause of Illness
“[In the US] about 75% of the population lives in large cities. The goal is to move everyone out of rural areas into the large cities, and to destroy representative government, and to move into government by elected boards and commissions.
Here in the EU, you’ve already moved to that position, where it’s an erasure of jurisdictional boundaries; an erasure of national boundaries, and that is the goal.“
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Urban Over-Concentration.
A Purposeful Agenda
Purposeful Over-Concentration of Humans is a Targeted Threat
Perhaps the most obvious benefit provided to globalist agendas by orchestrated migration is the false impression that there are indeed too many people in the world. The indigenous first world nation resident who is suddenly faced with a perpetually increasing day-to-day populace, in parallel with the controlled media’s propaganda of there being an ‘unsustainable’ human populace, may put two and two together and see the answer as five.
Anyone who has not yet fully woken up to the manipulative tactics of globalism might be forgiven for thinking that there were indeed too many people in the world, simply because there are suddenly many more people in their country, city or town than there ever used to be. If you are indigenous to somewhere like the US, the UK or Europe, this is no illusion, but it is purely and solely due to the orchestrated immigration of people who are after all seeking to live only in first world urban zones for their own financial benefit.
“The redeployment of human and financial resources has now become visible to us all via the cuts to services and programs to assist the sick, the young, the elderly, and of course, the creation of another level of poverty, now identified by the term “the working poor”. I was speaking to a person last week, and he said to me: “If Hitler was still around, he’d be sitting back thinking, ‘I didn’t need bullets for a global takeover.’ And he’d be right.“
Honourable Ann Bressington, speaking at the Adelaide Convention Centre, 2013.

Photo credit: Fiona Hanson/PA Wire
Urban overcrowding in London, UK, back in 2007. 14 years on, as of the year ending June 2021, people born outside the UK made up an estimated 14.5% of the UK’s population, or 9.6 million people (35% or 3,346,000 residing in London), with potentially many millions more who remain unregistered, hidden within the populace. In 2021, an estimated 64% of migrants were born outside of the EU.
To put these numbers into perspective, 70 years ago, in the 1950s, the total estimated number of non-indigenous British residents living in the UK was just 20,000, almost all of whom were born outside of the country.
The reality of any ‘overpopulation’ and stresses on public services and the economy in first world countries is therefore mainly or solely due to the purposeful redistribution of people via the globalist agenda of Orchestrated Migration.
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The ‘Soft Invasion’.
A ‘Warm War’ on the Nation State
The number of potential immigrants that can be utilised in this ‘soft invasion’ agenda is practically unending, and so it will continue until the globalists have no more need for the tactic, or until the indigenous populace stops globalism in its tracks, and fully reverses the orchestrated migration through strict and uncompromising legislation.
As this simmering ‘warm war’ on the nation state actually poses a very real and present existential threat to both the culture and core of the society on which it is imposed, such legislation is not only valid, but essential, not least in regards to national security.
If the planned or even inadvertent destruction of the nation state is not a national security issue of the highest importance, then national security really has no relevance at all.
“‘Social equity’ is about impoverishing large proportions of the population, and bringing down the developed nations… all you have to do is look at austerity measures; restrictions on transfers of wealth; additional restrictions on land use; and ability to produce and use your energy, your water, your industry. All of this is happening in developed nations. So when you have your infrastructure attacked like that, it’s going to have a tremendous effect on your ability to prosper.”
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Genuine Compassion
Self Interest & Virtue Signalling
The core political tactic of the globalists over the last century has been to coopt, manipulate and control those good people in society who believe in helping others, to become unwitting, amenable agents of globalism. ‘Socialism’ or ‘liberalism’ is the political name for this socially conditioned collective.
Anyone who attaches themselves to a narrative that is sanctioned by socialist/liberal agents, and the institutions of globalism, will automatically be showered with praise by the controlled media for their apparent moral stance. However, when viewing such narratives and policies with critical thought and the discernment they deserve, the stark reality is that they are actually highly ‘immoral’, and that the exact opposite stance is actually the only authentically moral position to take.
This is absolutely the case when it comes to Orchestrated Migration.
If you are a truly moral individual, you will realise that the globalists and their puppet politicians and agents of so-called ‘social justice’ only apparently care about very specific ‘identified groups’ of social victims, and do not give a damn about other people who are often far worse off and far more deserving of public funds.
If a politician or social activist throughout their career has not dedicated themselves to helping the homeless and the indigenous poor in their first world country of residence, then I guarantee that their apparent compassion for the indigenous people of nations thousands of miles away is either simply virtue signalling or is purely serving a hidden agenda, such as the globalist agenda to destroy all first world nation states from within, through their controlled economic collapse and the subversion of their cultural and moral traditions by criminal forces of ill-intent.

“Any government that hasn’t been able to solve the problem of thousands of indigenous people without a home, should never be permitted to spend even a penny on millions of non-native people who are looking for a new one. Authentic charity must always begin at home.”
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An Immoral Lack of Compassion
for the Indigenous Poor
The only retort that the globalists have in their attempt to counteract the only rational solution of a zero tolerance policy to orchestrated migration, is to brainwash the indigenous populace of each first world nation into thinking that any opposition to the globalist takeover of European and North American nations via an exponential social invasion by economic migrants is somehow racist.
Although laughable in its irrationality and naivety, this slanderous narrative does sadly still appeal to many who have been so brainwashed to virtue signalling that their critical thinking processes are essentially no longer present. The moral conclusion is an eternal one. “Charity always begins at home”. Never forget those words of wisdom. Not abiding by them will not only be your undoing, but also the undoing of civilised society at large.
Of course, it could just as easily be claimed that anyone who supports immigrants being financially supported before the indigenous homeless and underclass have been taken out of poverty are being racist towards that native population. Indeed, from any logical and factual standpoint, it is clearly far more racist to take money from a native ‘identified racial group’, many of whom are suffering in poverty or living on the streets, and to give ‘their money’ and ‘their homes’ to another ‘identified racial group’ who have given nothing to the nation state that is bankrolling them. However, such obvious moral logic is purposefully made absent from the debate.

The indigenous homeless poor get no financial help from immoral governments corrupted by globalism, while ‘Orchestrated Migration’ is fully funded by national borrowing and taxes.
If a government hasn’t been able to properly support its most vulnerable citizens at home, what moral right does it have to use the people’s money to even attempt to support millions of citizens from other nations. To stop such a corrupted government from doing so can never be regarded as racist by any truly moral individual. To the contrary, opposing that illicit policy is the only moral position to take.
Do not attempt to take the speck of dust out of your brother’s eye before you have removed the plank of wood from your own.
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Bank Robbing 1st World Nations
to Bring About Their Collapse
Welfare laws that support and actively encourage the theft of national treasuries by economic migrants were all introduced by globalist politicians. Most people do not realise the direct connection between the longterm corrupted manipulation of western welfare systems by globalist infiltrators inline with their planned and systematic orchestration of mass migration from the start of the 21st century. Indeed, this documented plan in respect to a ‘soft invasion’ of Europe had been in the works for at least 60 years prior to its full roll out.
This tactic is multi-purpose. Firstly, it bankrupts the nation states of North America and Europe, prior to the globalists future attempt for a complete economic takeover via their fire-sale auctioneers – the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Secondly, it once again spins the idea that there are now too many people in the world to support. Thirdly, it provides a cheap and hassle-free labour force for ‘great reset’ globalist multinationals such as Amazon, Internet delivery agents, and fast food companies, further assisting the collapse of the nation state by shifting retail from national and small independent businesses to globalist multinationals, and thereby funnelling all retail expenditure out of local economies and into transnational globalist bank accounts.
“Everything we are looking at now, is destined to collapse our economies, because this is a corporatocracy; it’s a totalitarian State being developed right now, all over the world, and what major corporations want in this fascist development is to be able to have full movement of workers without borders or boundaries; be able to move their goods through without regulations; and to reduce wages, and so this is the goal, so this is what you find with ‘social equity’ – that’s the code for ‘social equity’.
The obvious strain that Orchestrated Migration forces have on not only each nation’s borrowing (from globalist bankers), but also on all public services – from health to rubbish collection, should of course be expected and be at the centre of all current discussions regarding the state of the economy. However, once again the controlled government and media are ordered not to connect the very obvious dots, but to instead present only false narratives as to why your country is falling apart.
If you are a family of four, and I impose two penniless strangers into your household for you to fully support, would you be blaming your sudden lack of funds on the rise in cost of bread or the fact that you should have got an 8% pay rise instead of 5%. Of course you wouldn’t, but that is exactly what the government and media have been doing in every nation currently suffering under Orchestrated Migration.
Yes, there are other economic factors that play a part, not least the globalists manipulation of the global economy, their controlled food scarcity impositions, and the wars and mayhem they manufacture, but their Orchestrated Migration of millions upon millions of economic migrants into previously stable nation states must be placed at the very core of the issue.
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The Depopulation Agenda
As I have already explained, the reality behind the ruse of human overpopulation is the fact that the globalists do actually believe that the world is overpopulated with humans, but only from a psychopathic standpoint. From their perspective, there are simply too many people for them to effectively control within their political model of a non-democratic one-world-government.
200 years ago, when Thomas Malthus first presented his belief that drastic depopulation of the human species was the only thing that would save the planet, the eugenics movement was formed as a call to arms by those who believed that they deserved to prosper and rule, while other creeds, races, nations, and of course the poor, should be eliminated. Yes, that’s right, the same fear-mongering alarmists claiming that humanity only has a few years to set a new course before the earth is destroyed really have been peddling this stuff for the last two centuries. They were lying then, just as they are lying now.
Some key factors to consider in regards to the Depopulation Agenda when analysing it in connection to the Orchestrated Mass Migration Agenda are:
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The Depopulation Agenda.
The Strain on Public Services
A person who is migrating from a country without public health services to one that does, will have a life time of health issues that require treatment. The migration journey simply adds to these health issues. Within the migrant populace, there will be some, perhaps many, who have serious health problems and are migrating specifically because their destination provides such free health care for life.
Take just one element of health care – teeth. A person who has never received dental care who migrates to a country in which dental care is paid for by the taxpayer will likely want multiple free treatments from a dentist. When you multiply this by the tens of thousands of migrants entering a country each year, the real issue becomes crystal clear to all that have eyes to see.
In the UK, the government states that “Migrants should see a dentist within their first month of arrival to the UK”, and that “NHS dental treatments [for migrants] include dentures, root-canal treatment, crowns and bridges, fillings, preventive treatment (such as fluoride varnish, fissure sealants, scale and polish as clinically required), and orthodontic (teeth straightening) treatment for children and young people under 18 years.“
At the same time as tens of thousands of economic migrants are getting a life times worth of dental treatment and teeth straightening paid for by government borrowing, UK taxpayers are complaining that their dentists are no longer providing NHS treatment and will only treat existing patients if they pay hundreds or even thousands of pounds.
You should be in no doubt that the causes of strain on all Public Health services are very identifiable. The reality is that you are being lied to by corrupt politicians and mainstream media about every single issue. Non of the main political parties will solve this because they have all been far too infiltrated by globalist operatives to now be redeemable.
Dental Health: Migrant Health Guide
“Poor oral health is still closely linked to factors which may affect certain migrant groups.”
“Prior to their arrival in the UK, some migrants may have never received any dental or examinations or treatment advice on oral hygiene and prevention.”
“Dentists are not required to ask for proof of identity, proof of address or proof of immigration status from individuals applying to become an NHS patient.”
“Dental practices cannot turn down an applicant for NHS treatment on the grounds of dental condition.“
“Migrants do not need to wait for problems to appear to see a dentist in the UK.”
“Migrants should see a dentist within their first month of arrival to the UK.“
“NHS dental treatments include dentures, root-canal treatment, crowns and bridges, fillings, preventive treatment (such as fluoride varnish, fissure sealants, scale and polish as clinically required), and orthodontic (teeth straightening) treatment for children and young people under 18 years.“
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The Depopulation Agenda.
The Strain on Sanitary Living Conditions
Levels of sanitation dramatically differ from country to country, both socially and culturally. When a city or town is suddenly overpopulated, particularly with people who may have not been conditioned to regard first world sanitation standards as a behavioural necessity, it may soon pose new hazards to public health. As just one example, consider the attitude towards litter in an African country that does not have laws against littering the streets, or weekly rubbish collections. A person who is brought up in that society may think nothing about dropping litter or dumping their rubbish in a ditch. When tens of thousands of people do the same, issues of food and plastic waste can turn from a minor annoyance to a serious danger to health.

Sanitary conditions in Liberia.
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The Depopulation Agenda.
The Spreading of New Diseases
If you live in a country that is suffering under Orchestrated Migration you will probably have noticed stories in the media concerning cases of diseases suddenly appearing in communities and schools that were unheard of just a few years ago. What the mainstream media is ordered not to mention is the obvious source of these ‘new’ diseases. The danger to public health in regards to ‘imported diseases’ is quite obviously significant and potentially perilous. As with all of these factors, the knock-on effect in overwhelming Public Health Services is always very obvious.
“Immigrants and refugees originating from areas where infections persist can pose a significant challenge for national disease control and or elimination strategies.
The factors that support and sustain the prevalence of diseases in the less developed world are beyond the control of national and state/provincial/municipal public health programs at the migrant’s ultimate destination. As a consequence, the continued disparities in prevalence levels of infectious diseases in a world of increasing travel and migration makes national disease control or elimination almost impossible.
These same factors also increase the epidemiological likelihood that many infections that are now very well controlled in the developed world will be increasingly observed in migrant or foreign-born populations resident in host destinations.”
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The Depopulation Agenda.
The Fast (Killer) Food Peddler
You have probably noticed the ‘pizza peddler’, generally dressed in all black and wearing a mask, transporting dangerously unhealthy highly processed fast food from one of the usual multinational suspects to the homes of millions of daily take-away eaters.
The globalists ‘lockdown agenda’ was systematically planned to bring together Orchestrated Migration with its multinational poison food industry, in order to deal even more ‘killer-food’, more regularly, and directly to the populace, without them even needing to walk or drive to the take-away.
There are just so many reasons why you should never let this incredibly toxic amalgamation of poisonous ingredients ever touch your lips, from the food itself to the packaging it comes in.
For now, simply understand that almost all those who are paddling this killer junk food to the populace are newly arrived economic migrants. The globalists systematically use these migrants, of whom they have orchestrated the migration, to supply cheap, hard working labour to their multinational fast food and delivery companies, which in turn assists in reducing the long-term health, and life of the consumer, and once again, adding further strain to Public Health Services and to the public purse.

Multinationals get cheap labour.
The Labour Party gets cheap votes.
Voters get cheap takeaways.”
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The Depopulation Agenda.
The Element of Stress
as a Central Cause of Illness
The globalists are well aware that stress is just about the biggest contributing factor to a demise in your health. That is why the controlled news media drip feeds the populace a daily spread of only negative and traumatising stories about human society. That is why the controlled movie industry spoon-feeds people with wall-to-wall violence, horror and depravity. That is why the controlled but illegal drugs trade and the controlled legal drugs trade are both persistently increasing their grip on communities throughout the world, year on year. Nothing is coincidence. Everything is planned.
Within any migration metric, but particularly within Orchestrated Migration, there will be a significant ratio of criminals and sociopaths who are involved in both organised crime and independent criminal activity, who systematically use groups of migrants as a cover to illegally enter countries of opportunity with the sole purpose of committing crime. Any nation state that has suffered Orchestrated Migration will have noticed an alarming increase in both violent crime and drug dealing since Orchestrated Migration was implemented in full as an active globalist agenda at the beginning of the 21st century.
What is never discussed is the roll that such crime plays in the large scale increasing of mental health issues, particularly stress and anxiety, which in turn lead to longterm physical health issues, including most of all, cancer.

It is impossible to calculate exactly what percentage of deaths are ultimately attributable to stress, but what we can be sure of is that social issues that result in a notable increase of stress in the general population will have an identifiable, detrimental effect on the life-expectancy of that populace.
“Only a large-scale popular movement toward decentralization and self-help can arrest the present tendency toward statism.”
[The globalist luciferian ideology demands that they must inform you of their totalitarian plans. As far as they are concerned, if you then decide to ignore the warnings, you have willingly consented to the tyranny.]
First Director of UNESCO, globalist agent, President of the British Eugenics Society 1959-1962, brother of Aldous Huxley (author of ‘Brave New World’).
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Related Page Links
• The Carbon Climate Change Con (CCCC)
• The Overpopulation Myth
• Orchestrated Mass Migration
• The Expected Cataclysm
• Where Globalist Billionaires Go to Hide
• Hidden History - Pre-History & Neolithic Books & Audiobooks
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Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC)
• GeoengineeringWatch on Youtube
• Coming Soon
“World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.“