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New Moral Order™ posts published prior to 2024.

Monkeygate: Bioterrorism, Eugenics, and the Depopulation Agenda of the Billionaire Oligarchs of Globalism
Share to Social Media:Overview Is the monkeypox outbreak an act of bioterrorism? Are those responsible connected to the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)? NTI's bizarre 2021 prediction of monkeypox originating in 'Britain' in May 2022. Is NTI almost entirely funded by billionaire globalists? NTI's close links to the ideology of eugenics, population control (depopulation agenda), and synthetic biology (transhumanism). A long list of 'impossibly accurate' predictions regarding pandemics, economic collapse and war. The 2015 globalist 'war-gaming' prediction of a 2022 food crisis and the collapse of Ukraine. The link from monkeypox to the smallpox vaccine (smallpox vaccinia). The globalists' recent promotion of a smallpox terror attack. The well-accepted serious dangers connected with the smallpox vaccine. Smallpox vaccinia discovered in a Merck laboratory. The smallpox vaccine, the immune system, and the AIDs virus. The dangers of giving the smallpox vaccine to an...

Duck Duck Gone! No Longer a Trusted Source of Information
Share to Social Media:Another bogus online company bites the dust of public mistrust in the age of The Great Awakening. Until this month, DuckDuckGo had managed to secure itself as the number one alternative to CIA-Google and all the other Deep State data mining platforms that falsely called themselves 'search engines'. Now, in an instant, the credibility it once had with the awakened minority has suddenly Duck Duck Gone.March 2022 sees DuckDuckGo follow in the footsteps of the 'great brainwashed' by taking off its mask as soon as its controllers order it to do so. The revealing of its true allegiance to the control system narrative rather than to free and uncensored information began on March 1, as it severed its partnership with the search engine Yandex, which happens to be based in Russia."If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed."10 days later came a statement from DuckDuckGo's CEO Gabriel Weinberg,...

UK Human Rights Act Reform Bill 2022 Public Consultation. An Open Letter Response.
Share to Social Media:The State vs International Human RightsThe UK Government wants to subvert peoples 'Universal' Human Rights by expanding its 'domestic' version of rights, initially peddled in the UK Human Rights Act (1998). Understanding the impossible moral, lawful, and legal nature of any domestic 'Human Rights' legislation, is crucial to your personal security, and the security of your family and loved ones. Human Rights can only ever be morally, lawfully or legally applied 'UNIVERSALLY' and to the 'SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL'. They cannot ever be applied to the conceived group identity. Read the UK government's planned agenda on the GOV.UK website. AN OPEN LETTER RESPONSEThe following response was submitted to the UK Government at In reading the following in its entirety, you will gain a true understanding of Human Rights to a level that 99.9% of politicians simply do not comprehend.It is individuals such as you, who can and must...

UK NHS Whistleblower Doctor Tells Caller that Soon All Vaccines Will to Be Stopped & Warns Not To Get Jabbed 17.01.22
Share to Social Media:A posted video, recording the conversation of a woman speaking to a UK NHS 111 Advice Line doctor was published on Monday 17 January 2022. The number clearly shown on the phone - 01243 831500 - has been confirmed as belonging to St. Richard's Hospital, Chichester, by the website A screenshot of the website confirming the number on the video to belong to St. Richard's Hospital, Chichester, England.A screenshot of the website showing visitors' comments about the phone number, further verifying the video to be a genuine NHS call.Judging by the available published part of the call, the woman was phoning about her concerns over headaches that she was getting following vaccination. The conversation lasts just over two minutes, in which time the NHS doctor makes a number of very clear statements about not taking the vaccine, based on medical information that has recently come to light. We can only...
![Reality or Media Invention – Which World Are You In? [Do the Public Agree with Dr. Stephen James & ‘Kingsgate’?]](
Reality or Media Invention – Which World Are You In? [Do the Public Agree with Dr. Stephen James & ‘Kingsgate’?]
Share to Social Media:THE JURY IS IN: 100% of millions of viewers who expressed an opinion agree that Dr. Stephen James is correct in what he said about vaccine mandates being illegitimate and natural immunity beating booster jabs, and that Sajid Javid's 'experts' are wrong. LET'S FOLLOW THE DATA: Date: Thursday, 13th January 2022. Time since Dr. Stephen James confronted Sajid Javid: 6 days. Sajid Javid Credentials: Ex International Banker. Career Politician. UK Minister for Health. Dr. Stephen James Credentials: Consultant Anaesthetist at King's College Hospital since 2013. The lead for cardiopulmonary exercise testing at King's College Hospital. Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. Key Points made by Dr. Stephen James: Vaccine mandates break internationally ratified Human Rights Laws. Vaccine mandates will mean that over 10% of NHS staff will be lost in April, therefore being the main cause of any...

“Kingsgate” – One Good Doctor and 5 Awake Nurses Prescribe the Red Pill to the UK’s Minister for Health
Share to Social Media:On Friday 7th January 2022, the the UK Health Minister, Sajid Javid, walked onto the set of what he thought would be just another managed photo opportunity and scripted news segment for the pharmaceutical State’s vaccine mandate agenda. What he didn’t know was that there were no available crisis actors available that day, and Mr Javid found himself cornered deep within ‘enemy’ territory. Who are the enemy? Five nurses and Dr Steven James, consultant anaesthetist, at one of Britain’s most prestigious medical facilities - King's College Hospital in London, home to the world-class King's College London School of Medicine. We can safely assume that none of these medical staff are “anti-vaxxers”, whatever that term actually means within the new lexicon that includes such pioneers as Dr Robert Malone, the actual inventor of the mRNA vaccine, in that maligned group. No, what the video exposes is a lack of managed scripting, which is usually so...
![The Murder of Dr. Andreas Noack, Part 1. Graphene Hydroxide Razors [Grazors] in the Vaccines (Full Transcript & Analysis)](
The Murder of Dr. Andreas Noack, Part 1. Graphene Hydroxide Razors [Grazors] in the Vaccines (Full Transcript & Analysis)
Share to Social Media:Dr Noack died in hospital on 26 November 2021, following 2 days of what can best be described as some kind of persistent energy weapon attack on him at his home. This attack almost immediately followed his web chat on 23 November 2021, in which he exposed the existence of graphene hydroxide 'razors' in the vaccines. The specifics of the energy weapon attack and its implications will be covered in a follow-up article. Dr. Noack believed these graphene hydroxide nano-scale razor blades, aka 'Grazors', to be the direct cause of the severe cardiovascular adverse events being witnessed in unprecedented numbers of those who have received vaccines during the rushed COVID-19 vaccine rollout. He specifically cited the sudden collapse of many vaccinated sports players and the subsequent deaths of a significant number of them to be, in his expert opinion, an expected result of such razor sharp molecules being injected directly into the vein of someone...

Australia SOS: Christine Anderson MEP Stands Up to the Tyranny 06.12.21
Share to Social Media:#sosfromaustraliaChristine Anderson is one of the first politicians outside of Australia to speak out, in plain terms that everyone can understand, against the current totalitarian takeover of Australia, and the overt tyranny that the people of that once democratic nation are presently experiencing, and which is coming to a nation near you very soon, unless you and everyone you know immediately begins to speak against it, and to speak loudly. Be in no doubt, the world is facing a very clear and visible war against democracy, at its most fundamental levels. You may know it as the NWO, The Great Reset, Globalism, or some other name. It all refers to the same thing - a worldwide Police State, in which the 99% are under total surveillance and enslavement to a cabal of billionaires, multinational corporations and psychopathic family dynasties. As has always been the case throughout history, the vast majority of the politicians and people...

VAIDS: Is Sepsis the Smoking Gun?
Share to Social Media:WHAT IS 'VAIDS'? VAIDS stands for 'Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome'. The term was first used in an article published on the 23 November 2021, entitled "The 'VAIDS' PANDEMIC", which detailed the Israeli government's, and Israeli media's, apparent realisation that within the world's most vaccinated nation, the new wave of hospitalisations and death could actually be attributed to 'immuno-erosion' caused by the vaccines. 2021 has seen much of the world awaken to something that many doctors have been stating for years - that vaccines used against coronavirus flu and similar 'viruses' actually cause a persistent and sometimes aggressive depletion in the recipients natural immune system. In recent weeks, as the connection between the sudden rise in deaths and vaxxed individuals has become more statistically evident, certain people within the medical industry have been stating that in their opinion 'the vaccine' is actually generating...

Who Are The Parasitic Elite?
Share to Social Media:I first coined the term 'parasitic elite' back in the early years of the millennium. I used it to describe both a historically powerful political and priestly class within society, which lurks in the shadows with evil intent, and also to define that economic cabal of miscreants that have emerged over the last 300 years in line with the age of capitalism. Then, a few years later, I was listening to an episode of the Alex Jones Show and heard the words 'parasitic elite' emerge from within one of Alex's monologues. He had used it in the correct context. I was pleased. 'El' on Earth However, I have since noticed that some suggest that the word 'elite' should not be used, even in conjunction with the word 'parasitic', to describe such a malign and criminal group. The notion here is that the word 'elite' is somehow a complimentary term. I feel it is necessary to clear up some misconceptions, and in doing so, to also hopefully open up some...
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