A terrified young boy experiencing a Halloween ‘Haunt’ in the 1970s.
Article: Dangers of Halloween – The Dire Effects on Body, Mind & Soul that Might Just Haunt Your Child for Life.

New Moral Order™
• Increased cortisol, the ‘stress hormone’.
• Programming the mind to accept, enjoy or even crave violence.
• Advancing sociopathy, psychopathy and criminal tendencies.
• An agenda to promote violence, torture and satanism to kids.
• A ‘gateway event’ to the occult and black magic.
• Becoming oppressed, obsessed or even possessed.
• Celebrating a night on which children are sacrificed.
• Closing thoughts – the open mind vs. the weak mind?
Better Than You? Posts
Increased Cortisol, the ‘Stress Hormone’
Let’s begin with a slightly less challenging reason why you should distance yourself and your loved ones from Halloween and horror. If you’re not a psychopath, you’re likely to be receiving very large doses of cortisol and other ‘stress hormones’ by indulging yourself in anything that may trigger significant trepidation, stress, anxiety, fear etc etc.
A popular topic of conversation on certain less eminent social media channels right now is ‘cortisol face’. As you might have guessed, this term is about how your face changes when you’re getting too much cortisol; when you’re ‘on edge’ a lot.
Visible signs of cortisol face are: facial puffiness, under-eye bags or swelling, facial rounding, skin dullness, increased acne, more visible fine lines or wrinkles, redness or flushing.
Acne is very much connected to your body’s stress response system. Women with higher levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol have been shown to have more acne.
High cortisol has also been connected to diabetes, high blood pressure, Cushing’s syndrome, brain tissue damage, dementia, depression, accelerate ageing, and food cravings leading to unhealthy eating habits and obesity.
Popular candy and chocolate products generally contain high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other additives that can destroy your natural gut microbiome and promote endotoxin production, which promotes higher cortisol levels even without any additional stress factors. So the combination of ‘trick or treat’ and being scared is a recipe for bodily disaster, particularly when that combination of horror and sweet treats is more than just for one night a year, with horror, violence and scary movies now being constantly targeted towards kids in cinemas, via streaming channels, in books, video games, and on TV.
See the article ‘What Is Cortisol Face, and How Can You Treat It?‘ for further information on the above.
Programming the Mind to Accept, Enjoy or Even Crave Violence
The vast majority of people would happily live in a world without any violence, but there are a significant minority of people who would not want to do so. Whether you want to accept it or not, the plain fact of the matter is that some people just can’t get enough of war, fighting, blood sports, sadism, sexual violence, spectator combat sports, and other forms of physical and militaristic aggression. To ignore this reality is to bury your head firmly in the sand.
Sadly for our society, these violent-centric people tend towards all the positions of political, social and economic power, which in turn leads not only to the continuation and expansion of war, but also in the modern age, the promotion of violence as entertainment.
From the cheering crowds at spectator ‘sports’ such as MMA, UFC, cage fighting and boxing, to the myriad of video games in which a child can mutilate and kill an endless number of zombies, creatures or people – for fun, there can be no reasonable argument against the fact that extreme violence is being actively promoted to people, and especially concerning, to children.
If you claim that you are not part of the problem, just take a look back at all the movies that you and your family have watched in the past year, and notice how many of them feature guns, other weapons, or include physical violence in them at any point. A general inspection of the cover images of most people’s movie watchlist is enough to know that what I am stating here is the absolute reality.
Hypocritically, many people who say they stand for gun control regularly watch movies that glorify guns, and are therefore paying towards the ongoing promotion of gun use, as well as promoting gun use to any children who are also able to view those movies. Clearly, if you watch any movies in which guns are used, you’re pro guns, not pro gun control.
If you love guns, then your are obviously being consistent in watching movies that glorify them. You are not a hypocrite.
However, if you genuinely want to see less guns in society, then you must boycott all movies that feature guns. Not being a blatant hypocrite really isn’t that difficult, you simply have to decide to no longer be one.
Halloween and horror movies take the violence programming up to another level. Flesh, blood, torture and murder are mainstays of horror in the 21st century, but ‘haunts’ that are designed mostly for children now feature mannequin ‘exhibits’ such as toddlers with limbs ripped off, or babies roasting on a spit.
When you consider these presentations are supposedly designed ‘for fun’ and yet perfectly resemble images of dead children in the bombed apartment blocks of war torn death zones such as Gaza and Lebanon, you really have to consider the mental stability of those who produce such inhuman displays for young children in America or elsewhere to witness.
As we know from the documented secret service black project experiments on children of all ages, such as the evil MK-ULTRA and Project Monarch programs, children are very susceptible to ‘trauma-based mind control’. Trauma can deeply affect a child for life, but with the immediate visible effects being pushed down into their subconscious.
This means that even if your child does not display any visible signs of trauma after experiencing violent and frightening images and sounds, the real mental damage can be both significant and permanent, but is likely concealed beneath the surface.
Deeply considering and adequately responding to how your child may be negatively and permanently affected by Halloween and horror is simply a part of good parenting, just as not considering their mental health in regards to such negative influences may be one of the biggest mistakes you make as a parent.
Advancing Sociopathy, Psychopathy and Criminal Tendencies
In some cases, a child’s psychological makeup may lean towards being a social psychopath (innately devoid of all empathy for others) or a proxy psychopath (adopting the same unempathic traits, but arrived at through negative environmental experiences rather than being intrinsic).
As Robert D. Hare – who formed the psychopathic checklist – and other experts on psychopathy have emphasised, when a child is strictly conditioned to adhere to recognised moral principles and a respect for others, a psychopath can go through their entire life without posing any significant danger to those around them.
However, if these strict social conditioning rules are not applied in early life, or they are adequately compromised by negative environmental influences, it is impossible to predict how any single extremely violent or antisocial experience might dramatically affect a child who lacks all empathy for others.
One well-observed warning flag, which potentially indicates a psychopathic child who may become a physical danger to others in later life, is observing them pulling the legs and wings of insects, or torturing birds, cats, dogs etc. Many, if not most, serial killers have been documented to have acted in such a way as children.
Imagine how such a child’s psychopathic tendencies may be advanced by seeing dummies of babies with their limbs torn off, witnessing actors being strapped down and tortured, or observing children running in fear from a masked man with a chainsaw, all of which children experience at popular ‘haunts’ every year on Halloween? It’s not difficult to join the dots, is it?
An Agenda to Promote Violence, Torture and Satanism to Kids
Understanding the agendas that have been targeted towards humanity – and particularly western society – over the last century, is crucial in order to perceive events like Halloween as the really are.
In order to destroy western nations from within, western moral values and traditions, along with the western religion – Christianity, must be undermined. This internal destruction of Christianity and society in America begin in earnest the 1930s when – according to whistleblower Bella Dodd who was the highest ranking female communist in America at that time – thousands of communist (marxist-globalist) agents infiltrated the Catholic seminaries, the Protestant churches and the teachers’ union. The dramatic moral demise in Christian leadership since that time tallies with Bella Dodd’s testimonies to the FBI and her stark warnings to the American people.
Many Christians will be surprised to learn that it was a so-called ‘Christian group’ that was at the very heart of instigating Halloween ‘haunts’ into America. As Eric Lynxwiler, a Knott’s Berry Farm historian stated in the documentary ‘Haunters. The Art of the Scare (2017)’, “What a lot of people don’t realise is that an evangelical Christian group called ‘Youth for Christ’ was one of the biggest influencers on haunting. They started Campus Life Haunted Houses.”
This infiltration into western society by fifth column globalists is the sole reason for the unprecedented decline in social standards, values and culture in the west, with each generation since the 1940s becoming less and less morally conscious.
Not so far in the past, it would have been unthinkable for any Christian to ‘celebrate’ the most openly demonic pagan holiday of the year, Halloween. Indeed, anyone with positive spiritual beliefs should naturally regard any so-called celebration of death, murder, torture, satan, demons, hell etc as being abhorrent.
The fact that this blood-fest is for the first time in history specifically targeting kids should ring alarm bells in the mind of any sane parent or champion of children. Disney – surprise, surprise – opened its ‘Haunted Mansion’ attraction in 1969, which led to a huge up-tick in copycat ‘haunts’ that aimed to scare (traumatise) children.
If your church leader is not instructing all church members to boycott Halloween, for all the reasons I lay out above and below, that simply illustrates just how important and prescient Bella Dodd’s warnings of infiltration by that fifth column of evil really were.
To put it another way, what did Jesus teach in respect to how we should treat children? Did he want us to protect them from evil or to present it to them as a fun experience? If you claim to be a Christian, you should be asking yourself these sorts of questions.
A ‘Gateway Event’ to the Occult and Black Magic
I am no longer surprised by the number of people in western society who have been brainwashed to believe that there is no such things as the metaphysical.
We simply need to remind ourselves of how many people fell for the scamdemic – hook, line and sinker – to see that mainstream media ‘programming’ really is able to manipulate a significant proportion of people into blindly accepting information, no matter how unscientific it may be, simply be telling them that it is scientific, and ‘authorised’ by the establishment.
This is just as true in respect to the total denial of the existence of metaphysical forces and entities as it is for the total denial of the existence of government and industry conspiracies.
Simply type an Internet search for “13 dimensions science” and you may begin to realise that ‘materialism’ – aka ‘natural science’, ‘reductionist science’ etc, was only ever just a construct for social control, and never really a serious science.
[As an aside, you can disregard the number 13 as being the actual number of parallel dimensions to ours – there are potentially an infinite number. The number 13 in this context was introduced – as it almost always is – for occult ritual purposes by satanic insiders within the corrupted institutions of scientism.]
That’s right, in the 21st century, all scientists of any real standing (not simply your friend with a bioscience degree) are willing to accept the existence of metaphysical realms existing parallel to ours, with only levels of frequency keeping them separated from each other. What do you think the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is really all about?
This proper comprehension of the metaphysical is what makes Halloween a very dangerous science experiment rather than just a bit of scary fun for anyone taking part, which of course includes your children.
‘Black magic’ is the practice of attempting to commune and employ metaphysical entities and forces for personal benefit or to harm others, through: focusing on – or simply displaying – satanic and occult symbols; working with black magic apparatus, such as ouija boards and tarot cards; using certain narcotics and hallucinogens; taking part in satanic and pagan rituals; or performing incantations and spells.
Children who are exposed to Halloween and horror are essentially experiencing a ‘gateway event’ that can lead to a lifelong ‘attachment’ to occult practices and dangers. Even just one use of something as perilous as a ouija board can form a permanent connection (bond) to entities that are constantly looking for their next victim.
“There are innumerable realms in the unseen world, some of them far more dangerous than the worst jungles of the visible world. No person familiar with the teachings of Sufism would dare lay himself open to such forces without the guidance of a shaykh who has himself traveled the path, faced the dangers and overcome them, and been given a mandate from heaven to guide other seekers.”
The Sufi Path of Knowledge. Ibn Al-Arabi’s Metaphysics of Imagination – William C. Chittick (1989), page 263.
Becoming Oppressed, Obsessed or Even Possessed
Some people are blessed (or cursed) with the ability to see through the veil between dimensions, allowing them to observe the entities that walk among us, invisible to all but these few who possess ‘second sight’ or ‘two sights’.
Few people are aware that in the Vietnam war, the US military tested and then quickly decommissioned the testing of night vision goggles with a specific lens colour, because the commanders were reporting that the soldiers could see legions of demonic entities perched on the trees and chasing their helicopters. The soldiers wearing the goggles were desperately firing at them yet everyone else could see nothing but jungle. This technology appears to have replicated the natural ability of those with ‘two sights’.
If you research the testimonies of these gifted ‘seers’ – who often work with exorcist priests or become exorcists themselves, you will discover that a common topic of conversation is that these demonic entities, which feed on the negative emotions of human beings (energy vampires), tend to congregate in large numbers around situations and locales where such emotions are heightened.
These demon-attracting locations include: pubs, bars and nightclubs, music concerts (particularly those promoting satanic and occult lyrics and symbolism, such as heavy and death metal, sexualised/gangster rap etc), wars, riots, spectator sports stadiums, and anywhere that people are gathering that may promote an increase in their negative emotions, particularly with the use of alcohol or other drugs, and at events that promote group hysteria.
Walking past a bar, a seer will report how demonic figures are seen to be emerging from the backs and shoulders of their victims, while other dark entities hover over the drunks at the bar waiting for the right moment to dive in and attach themselves.
However, of all the locations and events that take place during the year, none can compare to Halloween as an attractant for negative entities to find countless victims. The staged violence, torture, and satanic costumes and symbols on display form the perfect ritualised setting to ‘thin the veil’ between the dimensions. Teenagers and adults often get drunk and high for the evening, and all children experiencing Halloween will have heightened levels of excitement, anxiety, and fear, which all adds up to a veritable smorgasbord for hungry demons.
Furthermore, adults, teenagers and children alike are encouraged on Halloween to partake in using dangerous occult tools such as ouija boards and casting spells. Adults can decide for themselves – often very foolishly – in respect to their own metaphysical safety and mental health, but parents should seriously consider the threats posed to their children by them naively taking part in such practices.
If you’re uneducated to the realities of demonic oppression, obsessions and possession, please undertake proper research before making any decisions in regards to your child’s participation in occult and horror based events and practices. Knowledge is power, so don’t be disempowered through ignorance.
Celebrating a Night on Which Children are Sacrificed
According to occult experts, and the testimonies of thousands (and growing) of ex-cult whistleblowers and survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), there are a number of ‘satanic holidays’ throughout the year, on which both adults and children are ritually tortured and sacrificed.
Sadly, despite their fake concern for victims of sexual abuse and violence, politicians, the mainstream media and all institutions of the establishment, including the biggest children’s charities, domestic violence charities, and sexual abuse charities, all ignore or dismiss as liars, the hundreds of victims of SRA that have now placed their testimonies on the record for the public to hear, often naming their very high-profile abusers, who never challenge these accusations.
The well organised response from all those who are paid to protect these members of the establishment is simply to ignore the subject all together, to cover it up with watered-down diversions such as the ‘Me Too’ movement, and in some cases, to relentlessly harass and defame the victims.
Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) survivors are not the only people who can shine a light on what must be the most evil sustained practices and events that are currently taking place in our society, but they are the best eye witnesses to the crimes and the criminals involved, because many of them have endured the extreme trauma of Satanic Ritual Abuse unceasingly from birth right through into adulthood.
I’ll be promoting these extremely brave women, men, and children, and other advocates involved in exposing SRA in articles, posts, and in anyway I can going forward. I believe it is the social and moral duty of anyone with any kind of a platform to do so. It really is the most important criminal issue of our time.
Child trafficking and child abuse are far more prolific today than they have ever been throughout recorded history. The easy explanation is simply to blame the globalism model. It is true that the globalists’ ‘free trade’ economy, which allows criminal operations – whether corporate or clandestine – to easily expand their monopolising operations across the planet, has produced a myriad of negative social problems, for which we are all currently paying the price – socially, politically, financially, physically, and mentally.
However, what even expert detractors of globalism almost always fail to recognise is the over-arching luciferian/satanic/occult bridle that steers all elements of this dissolute creed of power hungry evil-doers.
Just as narcotics addiction, terrorism, pollution, obesity, ill-health, sex-trafficking, slavery, economic instability and a host of other issues have all been turbo-boosted worldwide due to the globalist model, so too have ritualistic satanism and social satanism been catapulted into every aspect of society at the global level.
Satanic rituals rely on the focus and emotional energy of their participants and victims, in order to ‘feed’ their demonic masters and counterparts. That is why so many musical artists (actors) are tasked with performing satanic rituals on stage in front of their unwitting audiences. That is why they are featured at events such as the Superbowl where many millions more are watching the ritual on their TVs. It is all about syphoning the energy of those who are willing witnesses to the satanic ritual.
Now consider Halloween, the night at which more children are sacrificed around the world in satanic rituals than on any other satanic holiday. Millions of children and adults are willingly giving all their attention on that night to the idea of evil and all its representations and symbology.
If satanists/luciferians/occultists do control our central banks, our governments, our churches, our trade and industry, which they most certainly do, do you really think that this huge expansion over the last century of Halloween – the satanists’ biggest night of the year – and its massive marketing to children wasn’t planned? Of course it was.
Again, according to countless SRA survivors and investigators of satanic crimes, many children disappear from the streets in the weeks leading up to Halloween, for the purpose of being sacrificed.
Just like the witches covens that will be meeting on that night, and any other occult group that celebrates Halloween, the millions of children who will also be ‘celebrating’ the existing of evil in the world on that same night, are unknowingly taking part in that ritual. To my mind, that may be the sickest part of the whole ritualistic night of horror. While so many children laugh and have fun, many more will be dying in agony.
New Moral Order™
You should see this article as a test. Halloween is an almost perfect example of something in society that any good, decent, moral person should find very easy to relinquish, once they have been awakened to its really very blatant negative substance, effects and purpose.
There are two steps in the process. Firstly, you must begin to question everything about all the things you simply accept without question in your life. Secondly, you must act on the answers you find to those never-ending questions.
In regards to this second step, Halloween has systematically and purposefully been so intertwined with people’s social obligations towards family and friends that the very opposite is now the case; it has become a very difficult thing for most people to give up, or to even question it’s validity.
Only the very strongest of mind, or most moral of character, will find the courage to boycott something that they perceive will make them stand out within their peer group, and which may even turn certain people against them, no matter how much they know it is the ‘right’ thing to do.
It is only when you are able to overcome that weakness in yourself, and are able to stand up for goodness – even if you are the only person in the world who is doing so – that you truly begin to shine as a human being.
The example of Halloween is such a good test because if you can’t give up something so obviously negative for you, your children and your society, then how could you ever give up something like an institutional religious belief, or political ideology, if at any time your eyes are opened to its fakery and lies.
You will obviously understand this point more easily by considering someone who follows another religion or political ideology rather than your own. If you consider your own, then your mind immediately enters a state of denial, but when you consider another person’s religious belief or ideology, then you suddenly hope that they might think in a more open-minded way in order to escape their indoctrination.
Such hypocrisy is clearly laughable, but you know very well how you yourself think in this exact same way. Other people’s religious beliefs are totally misguided, but yours are unquestionable, right? This hypocrisy is just as true of the atheist as it is for the religionist. In reality, it is the unquestioning nature of your own belief that is always the only falsehood.
The lesson here is that if you do not question your own belief, then that belief is actually no different from anyone else’s. The only genuine belief is one that insists that every believer persistently questions everything about it.
The choice to give up Halloween can only come after you have begun to critically and discerningly question everything about it. That is the purpose of this article. The choice to do nothing or to do something is then up to you, but are you able to engage in the same process from beginning to end, in regards to your religion, your politics, your social norms, or your general worldview?
If you are Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, or you follow any other institutional religion, are you able to question every single thing about it? If not, then what makes you any less closed-minded, indoctrinated or misled than a person who follows a completely different religious belief system? The only authentic answer is ‘nothing’.
The only genuine spiritual truth is to be in service of goodness to others on this planet, as much and as often as you can be. Everything else is, at best, just window dressing, and very possible something of negative value to both your human experience and your soul.
Aim for good and reject evil. Life really is that simple, so why complicate it.
New Moral Order™
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New Moral Order™
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• Abolishing National Usury
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• Total Universal Compensation
Full settlement for all historic crimes against society, because all toxic wealth leads back to criminality.
The New Moral Army™ exists for the sole purpose of promoting these three policies and seeing them fully implemented on a global scale.
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