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New Moral Order™


Are You Conscious Enough?

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The New Moral Order™ website promotes and utilises philopolitcs, satire, irony, parody, theory, enquiry, argument, abstraction, conception, logic and rationality, in order to expand the mind of the visitor and to think outside the box of brainwashing and mass mind control that confines the majority of minds.

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New Moral Order™
Always Peaceful • Always Lawful • Always Democratic


Those who are truly conscious understand and accept the need to be challenged on any belief, position of faith, or perceived comprehension. The primitive and closed mind simply cannot handle such challenges. The dumbed down person’s comfort and security relies on the illusions that they have been programmed to believe. All religions and ideologies are cults. Are you prepared to escape yours?

Being challenged in the way you think is fundamental to your growth as a human being and as a spiritual being.

The institutions of politics, religion and society want to utterly control you because they are fundamentally psychopathic in nature. Any entity that does not possess a soul is dead. This is the meaning of the word ‘corporation’. It derives from the word ‘corpse’ and represents a non-living legal alternative to a living human being who does possess a soul. The corporation has been illegitimately given the same legal rights as a human being, but acts within society without any empathy whatsoever, just as a psychopath acts with a permanent absence of empathy.

The State that attempts to dictatorially rule over you is a corporation. The religion that corrupts your spiritual reality is a corporation. The central banks that fleece you through planned recessions and debt enslavement are corporations. The multinationals that systematically destroy your national economy and your small independent businesses and local trade are corporations. The foundations of billionaires and the global charities that pretend to be altruistic while funnelling their toxic wealth into tax-free trusts and off-shore accounts are corporations. The globalist institutions that seek to destroy your culture and your nation, in order to bring about their nondemocratic New World Order dictatorship are corporations.

They are all dead entities, without a single ounce of empathy or compassion, seeking only ever greater power, wealth and control, exactly as a psychopath does. This is why you live in a society plagued by war, violence, greed, poverty, and sickness.

The social system that has been controlled by soulless entities – the psychopath and the corporation – is about to come to a crashing end. A new society, run by humanity, for humanity, is now fast emerging. That new society is being created by all the conscious free-thinkers who have been de-platformed, cancelled, and demonised by globalist agents and agencies.

The only real question is just how long this transition to a moral, peaceful and abundant society will take to construct, and how much death and suffering will occur before humanity completely replaces psychopathy in the governance of society.

Those who have been socially conditioned to only think with a collectivist, hive-mentality are the real problem. Such people have been systematically programmed to protect and defend the psychopathic dogma and ideology that is the current status quo. The sooner that enough of those who have been brainwashed by the institutions can be de-programmed, the sooner the fear, the misery and the chaos within the world will come to an abrupt end.

New Moral Order™ seeks to purposefully challenge the ideologies you cherish; the people you believe in; and the worldview you rely on. New Moral Order™ wants you to be free, but most of all, New Moral Order™ wants your mind to be free, because your natural, eternal state of being is as a sovereign individual within a universal singularity. You are an eternal expression of Self within the All. Without a free mind, your reality will always be a prison, and you will always see life as a tragedy rather than a blessing.

The institutions of corruption and deceit simply cannot control those who understand this reality of human existence, which must always balance the material with the spiritual; the physical with the metaphysical; the earthly with the divine. They can only control those who surrender their innate and unalienable sovereign individuality, and consent – or are manipulated – to remain as ‘a child of the state’; ‘a child of religion’; or ‘a child of ideology’ rather than a free-thinking individual of humankind.

Many will continue to live out their entire lifetimes as unconsciously programmed human beings. They are simply not ready for the level of awakening that is being discussed here. Indeed, they may be many worldly lifetimes away from such a level of conscious, critical, and open-minded thinking.

It is for this reason that New Moral Order™ gives fair warning to any website visitor via the ‘ADVISORY NOTICE AND LEGAL DISCLAIMER’.

Just as it is right to give warnings of violence or nudity in respect to protecting the minds of children, it is also the case that the most extreme ‘children of the state, religion or ideology’ – those who are so very easily and deeply brainwashed by the social mind control of collectivism – need to be similarly warned, in regards to the level at which the reader or viewer is challenged by New Moral Order™ to question his or her beliefs and perspectives on absolutely anything and everything.

Society is never improved by the those who walk as adults but think like children. Children tend to seek entertainment until they are told what next to do. is created for the grown-up mind; the adult thinker. Society is only ever changed for the better by those conscious individuals who think openly, and with discernment about the world around them. If that is how you see yourself, or that is how you are beginning to see yourself, then is for you.

It is time to take back your society from the psychopathic interlopers. It is time for a New Moral Order™.