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Enemies of the State of Mind-Control and The World That Never Was



New Moral Army™ - The greatest political, social and economic movement in human history. #NewMoralArmy #NMA #ToxicWealth #50MM #NationalUsury #TUC. To support the movement, join @

New Moral Army™ []

The Only Real Solution to Toxic Wealth

New Moral Order™


• A Socially Engineered Society.
• Bad actors aren’t just in movies.
• We are the creators of the coming postglobalist world.

Conscious, Critical, Discerning

To my mind, the solutions to the problems we see in society are very simple. Furthermore, the powers that be (but should not be) also know that the solutions are very simple, and that is why the control system spends the majority of its energy on distracting people with disempowering entertainment, sports, consumerism, drugs, food, and other targeted sources of addiction.

If enough of the people became critical thinkers rather than just programmed fleshy drones that unconsciously hear and blindly obey the social engineers, the entire criminal, occultic system of political corruption, social control and planetary theft, would quickly collapse like a house of tarot cards and crumble into dust.

Consciousness, critical thinking and discernment are the true ‘enemies of the state of mind-control’ that has been imposed upon us all.

Thankfully, the two years of the scamdemic has awakened a significant enough proportion of the people to two essential truths.

The World That Never Was

Firstly, the people have learnt that the entire political system is not actually democratic at all, but rather it is controlled by unelected globalist entities.

Secondly, they have learnt that they cannot expect any protection, justice or genuine solutions from politicians, for they are not politicians in any traditional understanding of the word, but instead, they are simply actors reading from a script.

All the world is a stage, and all the politicians merely actors.

Indeed, they are ‘bad actors’ in both senses, and are almost all either completely compromised – and in many cases mind-controlled to some degree – by clandestine and globalist institutions, or have been hand-picked to be so incompetent that they are no more than puppet politicians on the hidden hands of their nefarious masters.

This perspective was once only portrayed in fictional movie scripts, but now the evidence clearly shows that this is the reality, and the worldview we once believed in is in fact a wholly scripted lie.

A New Authentic Democracy

No, the fake charade of democracy is not democracy at all. From this point forward, in our forthcoming postglobalist world, the people themselves need to create a completely new and authentic representation of democracy, which does not involve in any way, those who have utterly corrupted the current bogus system.

Today’s two-party politicians had their chance and they have utterly proven themselves to be a core part of the problem. They are weak-minded, stone-hearted, and soulless. The solutions must now come from the people. A political, social and economic system of the people; by the people; for the people. Nothing less must be accepted or tolerated.

We must use all the tools at our disposal – so long as they are peaceful, lawful and democratic – to recreate society in our true human image, a humanity of compassion but also of consistency; of true morality.

A holistically moral society must now be created, which comes from the people’s genuine desire for a peaceful and fair world, rather than the amoral society fashioned by orchestrated evil, violence and crime that we see everywhere around us today.

It did not become so by chance. Everything was planned and everyone was deceived.

New Moral Order™


It’s down to you. Stop looking to the establishment. Almost all of those who are not already compromised are far too scared to stand up as true champions of the people. We must applaud those who do, but we must realise that they need our voices and support more than ever because without us their voices would soon be silenced.

It is the people, not the politicians, who will drive political change, just as it has always been.

Reluctant politicians who want to do the right thing but are too scared to raise their heads above the parapet will be happily to do so once enough of the people are demanding that they act. That is the only excuse they require to discover their bravery.

It doesn’t matter how much more evidence of corruption that you expose. There is a thousand times the evidence required already available, and nothing has changed at the political level.

What is required are monumentally big policies that all people on all sides of the political divide can eagerly support, and which will override all the corruption and all the political, economic and corporate crime that is openly taking place.

That is exactly why the New Moral Army™ was created.

New Moral Order™


I challenge you to ask your family and friends a simple question.

“Would you support the capping of all personal wealth at $50 million, with the excess being returned to the people of the world?”

“It couldn’t be done” isn’t an answer. Furthermore, it can be done. What you need to find out is whether people believe that it is a moral policy, for society and for the world. All the other questions can be easily answered, and that’s exactly what I’ll be doing in future posts.

I want you to start thinking about this policy, because I guarantee to you that the more you question it, and the more you consider how it will transform our society, the more you will want to champion it. This is how we change society, because if I can get you to see what I have seen, then we can get everyone to see it.

As some bright spark once said, “nothing can stop an idea that’s time has come.” It’s now the time we eliminated all of society’s toxic wealth.

Join the New Moral Army™

If you want to join the New Moral Army™, and thereby play an active role in this game-changing movement to implement a Fifty Million Max™ worldwide wealth cap, along with the two other key policies of the New Moral Army™, then go to to find out more.

To join the New Moral Army™ now, simply donate £10 a month by following the links at and, or go directly to You can also join by signing up for a paid subscription at

Scroll down to find out more about the New Moral Army™, for links to the New Moral Army™ website, and to shop at the New Moral Army™ store.



New Moral Order™
Always Peaceful • Always Lawful • Always Democratic

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New Moral Order™



• Fifty Million Max™
The wealth of every individual capped at $50 million.

• Abolishing National Usury
An end to private central banks charging interest on the creation of money or on national borrowing.

• Total Universal Compensation
Full settlement for all historic crimes against society, because all toxic wealth leads back to criminality.

The New Moral Army™ exists for the sole purpose of promoting these three policies and seeing them fully implemented on a global scale.

Under the corrupted system in which we now find ourselves, there is no more valid social movement or worthwhile cause deserving of your support.

Please consider donating just £10 a month to join the New Moral Army™ and play an active role in the greatest political, social and economic movement in human history.

NEW MORAL ARMY™ Saint George & Dragon Half Curved Text (Black on White).

Find out more about the New Moral Army™ at

New Moral Order™

Clobber & Gear


NEW MORAL ARMY™ Saint George Shield Logo Sticker at Spreadshirt


NEW MORAL ARMY™ Saint George Logo Kids Premium T-Shirt

Spreadshirt STORE

New Moral Army™ St. George & Dragon Logo Giant Coffee Mug at Zazzle.

Zazzle STORE


The Greatest Political, Social & Economic Movement in Human History

NEW MORAL ARMY™ St. George Logo - join at

Discover more about the New Moral Army™

Join the New Moral Army™
You can play an active role in this truly game-changing movement by becoming a member for a monthly donation of just £10.

Join by simply donating at
or by becoming a paid subscriber at


NEW MORAL ARMY™ Saint George Logo (White) Unisex Baseball T-Shirt.

NEW MORAL ARMY™ Saint George Logo (White) Unisex Baseball T-Shirt.


Just Stop Globalism™ Black Classic Logo Men's 50:50 T-Shirt.

Just Stop Globalism™ Black Classic Logo Men's 50:50 T-Shirt.


A.I. MUST DIE™ Circle Logo (Black Military Font) Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt.

A.I. MUST DIE™ Circle Logo (Black Military Font) Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt.


Oms Not Bombs™ Logo (Black) Men's Vintage T-Shirt.

Oms Not Bombs™ Logo (Black) Men's Vintage T-Shirt.


New Moral Army™ Information Cards (100).

New Moral Army™ Information Cards (100). Hand out and leave in coffee shops, libraries etc to promote the 3 key policies of the NMA™.