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New Moral Order™

Just Stop Globalism™


Info Images on topics relating to Just Stop Globalism™ & Globalism Zero™.

"Monkeygate: Bioterrorism, Eugenics, and the Depopulation Agenda of the Billionaire Oligarchs of Globalism"

Monkeygate: Bioterrorism, Eugenics, and the Depopulation Agenda of the Billionaire Oligarchs of Globalism

01 June 2022

“The Monkeypox outbreak in Brinia” will begin on “May 15, 2022.”

Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) Tabletop Exercise, March 2021 Prediction.

“Governments toppling in… Ukraine. A steep price with looming global food shortages in 2022.”

‘Food Chain Reaction’ Tabletop Exercise, December 2015 Prediction.

Tiananmen 2 - NWO Cavalry charge Human Rights peaceful protestors in Ottawa Feb 18, 2022. THE DAY DEMOCRACY DIED. GODBYE CANADA. HELLO CHINADA.
Globalists order puppet politicians to defeat calls for freedom at any cost.
Dictator Trudeau shows no remorse for brutality in attempt to outlaw Human Rights.

Tiananmen 2

19 February 2022

NWO Cavalry charge Human Rights peaceful protestors in Ottawa Feb 18, 2022. THE DAY DEMOCRACY DIED. GODBYE CANADA. HELLO CHINADA.
Globalists order puppet politicians to defeat calls for freedom at any cost.
Dictator Trudeau shows no remorse for brutality in attempt to outlaw Human Rights.

"This message goes out to the people in Australia. My name is Christine Anderson. I'm a member of the European parliament and I’m answering your S.O.S. call. I will do whatever i can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime, which tramples on humans rights, civil liberties and the rule of law." Christin Anderson MEP 06.12.21

Australia S.O.S.

06 December 2021

“This message goes out to the people in Australia. My name is Christine Anderson. I’m a member of the European parliament and I’m answering your S.O.S. call. I will do whatever i can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime, which tramples on humans rights, civil liberties and the rule of law.”

Christine Anderson MEP 06 December 2021

God Forgive Them. "Oh God… please forgive those who blindly trust the globalist elites, who undemocratically control politics, and who create war, economic problems and social unrest, in order to collapse nation States and bring about a totalitarian one world government. Please forgive those who naively believe that corporations, banks and billionaires have the people's best interests at heart rather than only their profits and greater control, as they spread fear about climate, disease, and our neighbours within the human race. And above all God, please forgive those who pretend to defend democracy and Human Rights whilst taking away our sovereign freedom, our cultures, and our individuality. Please forgive them, for they know what they do but do not care."

God Forgive Them

05 September 2019

God Forgive Them. “Oh God… please forgive those who blindly trust the globalist elites, who undemocratically control politics, and who create war, economic problems and social unrest, in order to collapse nation States and bring about a totalitarian one world government. Please forgive those who naively believe that corporations, banks and billionaires have the people’s best interests at heart rather than only their profits and greater control, as they spread fear about climate, disease, and our neighbours within the human race. And above all God, please forgive those who pretend to defend democracy and Human Rights whilst taking away our sovereign freedom, our cultures, and our individuality. Please forgive them, for they know what they do but do not care.”

What's really behind the Climate Change Hoax. The idea of Manmade Climate Change - concocted by New World Order enthusiasts, and politically engineered by the NWO-controlled 'Club of Rome' - is specifically designed to advance 3 keys objective of that evil cabal. Many whistleblowers and insiders over the past 250 years have testified to the NWO's particular tactics and methods, which allows those who have studied this historical information, to accurately see through the propaganda and social engineering, and to know that in the case of the 'Climate Change Deception', its purpose is to advance 3 NWO policies: TAXATION, GLOBALISATION, DEPOPULATION. If you don't understand the NWO, you don't know politics.

Climate Change – Taxation, Globalisation, Depopulation

29 August 2019

What’s really behind the Climate Change Hoax. The idea of Manmade Climate Change – concocted by New World Order enthusiasts, and politically engineered by the NWO-controlled ‘Club of Rome’ – is specifically designed to advance 3 keys objective of that evil cabal. Many whistleblowers and insiders over the past 250 years have testified to the NWO’s particular tactics and methods, which allows those who have studied this historical information, to accurately see through the propaganda and social engineering, and to know that in the case of the ‘Climate Change Deception’, its purpose is to advance 3 NWO policies: TAXATION, GLOBALISATION, DEPOPULATION. If you don’t understand the NWO, you don’t know politics.

From Freedom to Fascism. The bobby on the beat once served to protect the public. Now the police are taught to serve the corporation. Let's create a new police service - for the people.

From Freedom to Fascism

29 August 2019

The bobby on the beat once served to protect the public. Now the police are taught to serve the corporation. Let’s create a new police service – for the people!

When charity begins abroad, it ends at home. Please remember where real charity begins!

When Charity Begins Abroad, It Ends at Home.

28 August 2019

Please remember where real charity begins.

"Over and over again we have seen that there is in this country another power than that which has its seat at Westminster.
The City of London, a convenient term for a collection of financial interests, is able to assert itself against the Government of the country. Those who control money can pursue a policy at home and abroad contrary to that which has been decided by the people." Clement Attlee, UK Prime Minister 1945-1951. Not New Labour, True Labour!

A True Labour Party would Nationalise the Creation & Printing of Money

28 August 2019

“Over and over again we have seen that there is in this country another power than that which has its seat at Westminster.
The City of London, a convenient term for a collection of financial interests, is able to assert itself against the Government of the country. Those who control money can pursue a policy at home and abroad contrary to that which has been decided by the people.”

Clement Attlee, UK Prime Minister 1945-1951. Not New Labour, True Labour!

"We are creating here one massive great Frankenstein,
which will damage all of us in the long run... "…people like us, all over Europe… do not want to live in a EUROPEAN EMPIRE of the 21st century." Jeremy Corbyn MP speaking about the EU. Not New Labour, True Labour!

Corbyn’s Frankenstein EU

28 August 2019

“We are creating here one massive great Frankenstein,
which will damage all of us in the long run… “…people like us, all over Europe… do not want to live in a EUROPEAN EMPIRE of the 21st century.”

Jeremy Corbyn MP, speaking about the European Union (EU). Not New Labour, True Labour!

"I'm not anti-European, I'm just a democrat, a very committed democrat. I don't see why the hell I should obey a law made by someone I didn't elect and can't remove." Tony Been MP. Not New Labour, True Labour!

I’m Not Anti-European… (Tony Benn)

28 August 2019

“I’m not anti-European, I’m just a democrat, a very committed democrat. I don’t see why the hell I should obey a law made by someone I didn’t elect and can’t remove.”

Tony Been MP. Not New Labour, True Labour!

The Great Overpopulation Hoax. Every person on Earth can fit into Texas, even if there was only ground level housing, everyone would have 87 square metres.

The Great Overpopulation Hoax

28 August 2019

The Great Overpopulation Hoax. Every person on Earth can fit into Texas, even if there was only ground level housing, everyone would have 87 square metres.

The Club of Rome & Global Enslavement. "New enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined, and new weapons devised… 
In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill." From The Club of Rome's 'The First Global Revolution' Report 1991

The Club of Rome & Global Enslavement

28 August 2019

“New enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined, and new weapons devised… 
In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill.”

The Club of Rome’s ‘The First Global Revolution’ Report, 1991

The NWO's Overpopulation Hoax. "In 1972 the Club of Rome published THE ALARMIST "Limits to Growth" document, warning of worldwide overpopulation, the need for sustainable development. This was the beginning of the slow process of SOCIAL ENGINEERING AND PROGRAMMING PEOPLE to accept that the planet is struggling to sustain life." Honourable Ann Bressington Independent MLC of South Australia, speaking at the Adelaide Convention Centre, 2013

The NWO’s Overpopulation Hoax

28 August 2019

“In 1972 the Club of Rome published THE ALARMIST “Limits to Growth” document, warning of worldwide overpopulation, the need for sustainable development. This was the beginning of the slow process of SOCIAL ENGINEERING AND PROGRAMMING PEOPLE to accept that the planet is struggling to sustain life.”

Honourable Ann Bressington, Independent MLC of South Australia, speaking at the Adelaide Convention Centre, 2013.

Depopulation Bestsellers. An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus; Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler; and Agenda 21 and 30 - Global Plan for Sustainable Development by The Club of Rome and the United Nations.

Depopulation Bestsellers

28 August 2019

Depopulation Bestsellers:
• An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus
• Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
• Agenda 21 and 30 – Global Plan for Sustainable Development by The Club of Rome and the United Nations.

Available from the Eugencis Society, Supremascist Religions, NWO Secret Societies & The United Nations.

Do As We Say, Not As We Do! "The hypocrisy of the situation is rampant… like Leonardo diCaprio… He should be tried and convicted of hypocrisy, because he's saying we should stop using fossil fuels, with a 350ft yacht and private jets…" Dr Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace,
interviewed by Stuart McNish

Do As We Say, Not As We Do!

28 August 2019

“The hypocrisy of the situation is rampant… like Leonardo diCaprio… He should be tried and convicted of hypocrisy, because he’s saying we should stop using fossil fuels, with a 350ft yacht and private jets…”

Dr Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace,
interviewed by Stuart McNish.

Climate Corruption to Carbon Taxes. Manufacture the problem, which creates the reaction - extreme weather, giving the desired solution - Carbon Taxes.

Climate Corruption to Carbon Taxes

28 August 2019

Manufacture the problem – weather manipulation, which creates the reaction – extreme weather, giving the desired solution – carbon taxes.

New Moral Order™


Topic Category Links

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• Toxic Wealth


Topics relating to New Moral Army™, Toxic Wealth, National Usury, Total Universal Compensation, the parasitic class and more.

• Just Stop Globalism!


Topics relating to Just Stop Globalism™ & Globalism Zero™.

• Carbon Climate Change Con


The Club of Rome's 1968 globalist invention of a carbon climate change threat.

• The Depopulation Agenda


The well documented agenda of the parasitic class to actively reduce the human populace by more than 95% to less than 500 million in total.

• Occult Politics


Politics has always been driven by occult ideologies and forces. 'Occult' means 'hidden'. Once you understand the symboly, you will begin to understand the real politics that controls society.

• Social Conditioning & Mind Control


Info Images on topics relating to Social Conditioning & Mind Control. Most people go through their entire lives without realising that they have been played like a fiddle by those who control public information.

• Heroes of The Peaceful Revolution


 Whichever nation you live in, you can count the true heroes within mainstream politics on your fingers. We know that practically all politicians are bought-and-paid-for puppets. However, there are many 'people's politicians' who are real heroes and richly deserve our praise and support.

• Know Your Rights


Do you know your rights? What are Human Rights and how are they different from civil rights? Did you know a legal mandate is not compulsory? Do you know the difference between lawful and legal?

• Your Health vs. Big Pharma


What is Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome #VAIDS? WHO is behind the global cover-up of mass deaths following the scamdemic? Is Big Pharma too criminal to fail?

• Real Environmental Issues


Info Images on topics relating to genuine environmental issues.