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New Moral Order™

Glossary & Definitions
Q / R / S / T

#NewMoralOrder #NMO

See the full list of words, terms and acronyms in the New Moral Order™ dictionary
at the NMO™ Lexicon Index Page.

New Moral Order™


List of Words, Terms & Acronyms
Under the Letters Q / R / S / T

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “The Satanic Left”




The Satanic Left refers to the left-wing of politics that originated in the French parliament following the W.O.R.M.‘s violent revolution to replace France’s monarchy with its own satanic globalist agents, and expanded into the ‘broad anti-church’ of atheistic-secularism that comprises one side of today’s two-party political control system. This faux-democracy now comprises of The Satanic Six™ alongside Social Destruction Movements and its non-democratic institutional allies of globalism such the UN, the WEF, the WHO, the CFR, NATO, Davos, Bilderberg, the G7, G8, G20 etc.

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “The Satanic Six” or “The Satanic 6”




The Satanic Six refers to the six inter-connected political ideologies of The Satanic Left: communism, globalism, liberalism, marxism, socialism, zionism [alphabetically ordered].

Common traits of all The Satanic Six are:
• The inversion of social norms.
• The promotion of Social Psychopathy in society.
• A general acquiescence towards social satanism within all areas of society.
• A pathological attachment to, and reliance on, political disinformation and lies.
• Secrecy as an ideological political policy.
• The use of mind control, social conditioning and social engineering – as the replacement to democracy – as the real means of acquiring public support, or the perception of public support.
• The use of deviant and child sexual blackmail as the main way of controlling key politicians (allied and opposing, domestic and foreign), the judiciary, the police, the media, and anyone in a position of social power or influence.
• Adherence to the the plan for a single global government, religion and military – full spectrum global control over humanity via a one-world dictatorship.
• Advancement of technocratic State and corporate control over all aspects of society.
• The destruction of small and independent businesses in favour of State and multinational monopoly control over all manufacturing and trade.
• The subsidising of multinationals out of taxpayers money, whilst increasing taxes for independent, small business owners.
• The promotion of employment only within large multinationals, and never small businesses, and a support of unions, which wholly rely on multinational big business to continue to exist.
• Destruction of the sovereign Nation State.
• A blind, unquestioning support for the Central Banking System and its private control of national economies and money creation.
• The relentless advancement of science over any moral or public concerns.
• The relentless advancement of military technology over any moral or public concerns.
• The use of targeted guilt and virtue signalling, as a means to advance political objectives.
• Advancing secularism to replace traditional religious traditions.
• The diminishing of individual rights in favour of the rights of the State.
• The undermining of sovereign Human Rights through the promotion and advancement of collectivist civil rights.
• The atomising of society – breaking down natural human trust and social alliances, turning the people against each other, and making them feel alone, in fear, and helpless, for the purpose of control.
• An aim to reduce and ultimately eradicate individual ownership of all personal property and savings.
• Idol worship of those who possess the most social power and wealth.
• Centrally and globally controlled and funded by those with Toxic Wealth.
• Adherence to the ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ (order out of chaos) doctrine as the method of reshaping society – manufacturing disasters, mass violence, global crisis ideologies, and social chaos, in order to destroy the existing norms and staus quo and make way for a new authoritarian order.
• A religious, ideological or hierarchical connection to Anunnakism.

You are conditioned to perceive The Satanic Six as individually operating political ideologies, each with their own organic evolutionary story, but nothing could be further from the truth. None are grass-roots; they are all ‘astroturf institutions’, funded by the toxic wealth of the parasitic class, in order to control the politics and the people (both the establishment and the controlled opposition to it).

All of their stories began with the same interconnected socially-psychopathic philosophers, freemasonic sponsors, criminal connections, and socially satanic belief system at the core of all their respective ideologies. They don’t call it the “left-hand path” for nothing.

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “Smaug Syndrome”





Smaug Syndrome is a chronic addictive mental disorder characterised by an innate or learned insatiable desire to accumulate and hoard unlimited or outrageous levels of toxic wealth.

Anyone who has more than a few million dollars, and who continues to seek to acquire and accumulate more wealth, could be said to be under the influence of this highly antisocial mental illness. All billionaires and their complicit offspring have Smaug Syndrome addiction.

Smaug Syndrome – or any equivalent term for the condition – is not officially recognised by the psychiatric or medical professions as an addiction. The reason for this is because those industries are owned and managed by those who have Smaug Syndrome.

To their eternal shame, the establishment – through its propaganda tools of media, entertainment and consumer corporations – persistently glorifies and promotes billionaires and their hoarding of extreme amounts of wealth as a positive social and personal trait, instead of allowing the true antisocial and undemocratic effects of such toxic wealth accumulation to be fully understood by the people.

Smaug is a character from J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit’. He is a dragon (reptilian creature) that has relentlessly hoarded gold and jewels inside his mountain lair, which already contained the mined riches of the dwarves. He expelled the dwarves from their home and by doing so stole their wealth. He then simply sat and slept on his ill-gotten gains, his only task being to kill anyone who threatened his extreme, gross wealth status.

In Tolkien’s mind, the dragon Smaug represented the ‘parasitic class’ who control central banking and the corporate world of multinational monopolies, and who have throughout history impoverished humanity through their hoarding of society’s wealth.

The term Smaug Syndrome perfectly describes the ‘rich sick’ dynastic families that infest human society as a pathologically controlling negative force, and who use their toxic wealth to corrupt politics and undermine natural social structures, in order to relentlessly gain ever more control over humanity and over the planet.

Smaug Syndrome is a mental disease, by which one single individual with this incessant greed addiction can negatively affect millions or even billions of innocent victims within society. It is for this reason that Smaug Syndrome should be regarded as one of the most, if not the most, severe of mental afflictions.

We know that chronic alcoholism can negatively affect the friends and family of the addict to a serious level. We know that someone with a gambling addiction can do the same. A person with a narcotics addiction can cause immeasurable harm to a community at large, but none of these addictions can ever be compared to the unprecedented harm that Smaug Syndrome causes to society at large.

That is because an addiction that causes the individual to hoard billions, and in some cases trillions, and yet still requires them to accumulate evermore of society’s wealth, without ever believing that they have enough, is a form of depraved rivalry that is ultimately bound to result in the misery and death of countless millions of people, as history has clearly shown to be the case.

No wars are started by the poor or the middle class, but only by those with toxic wealth. No economic collapses or recessions occur because of the machinations of the general public, but only because of those with Smaug Syndrome who fix the financial markets and happily gamble with the economies of nations. No violent revolutions ever take place without being bankrolled from behind the scenes by the usual billionaire and trillionaire suspects.

The people, who remain as constant victims of the hazardous effects of toxic wealth, must comes to realise that the only solution to Smaug Syndrome is to cap the legal level of wealth that any individual may accumulate and retain.

That is what makes the New Moral Army’s number one policy: Fifty Million Max™ – globally capping every individual’s wealth at a maximum of $50 million – not only the obvious solution to this most serious mental illness, but moreover, the key solution to every single major social problem that humanity currently faces.

Can we really ever say that we are living in a civilised and democratic society, when we still allow millions of children to die of starvation and malnutrition every single year, while at the same time we permit individuals and dynastic families to relentlessly hoard billions, and in some case trillions of dollars, which will never ever be spent? The sole reason for its accumulation is because these mentally ill addicts are constantly driven to secure evermore financial, political, and social power for themselves.

Those who have Smaug Syndrome require medical analysis, hospitalisation and therapy for this most dire mental disorder, not adulation and praise for their illicit hoarding practices.

It is high time that Smaug Syndrome is recognised as a mental illness by the people of the world, if not yet by the corrupted institutions of psychology and medicine. Furthermore, all hoarded wealth above and beyond a reasonable limit – to be set by the people – must be returned to our society forthwith. Now is the time to end the existence of toxic wealth forever.

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “Social Destruction Movement (SDM)”




Social Destruction Movements (SDMs) are a more honest and accurate term for ‘social justice movements’, which are all systematically constructed and financed by institutions and agents of globalism, for the key purpose of destroying the nation state from within.

Alongside the historical institutions of monarchy and religion, nation states are the third geopolitical obstacle to the globalists’ ultimate goal of a global dictatorship. In order to achieve one-world-government, globalism must either destroy or parasitically infest and totally dominate each of these three traditional forms of social governance that comprise The Political Triad.

This destruction of the nation state is performed through the systematic manufacturing of political and social disorder and division, and the dismantling of existing social structures and norms via these Social Destruction Movements.

SDMs are deployed in order to undermine and destroy all traditional, natural and normal elements of culture that are proven to underpin or sustain the cohesion of existing forms of The Political Triad. The more fear, confusion, uncertainty and despair that Social Destruction Movements are able to manifest within a populace, the easier it becomes to replace or eliminate existing cultural standards, norms and authorities.

The ultimate aim of the SDM is to manufacture a cultural vacuum that will allow for a total remoulding of all independent human and social identities and groups into a single population mass under the complete control of a nondemocratic global State.

SDMs are never grassroots movements, although their globalist funders hope that they are viewed as such by those whose cultures and ways off existence they are seeking to undermine and destroy.

The key markers of SDMs are:
• Their use of engineered public protest;
• Their focus on the necessity for only a ‘global’ solution to the problem.
• Their antagonistic opposition to social norms;
• An unnaturally relentless aim to affect urgent social change;
• Their links to occultic symbology and ritual;
• Their use of those who regard themselves as social outsiders and the disaffected;
• Their use of Fifth Column Globalists within academia, the media and politics;
• Their use of communist and marxist revolutionary tactics;
• Their funding by globalist billionaires;
• The support of globalist multinationals for their activities and objectives.

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “Social Psychopathy” & “Social Psychopath”




Social Psychopathy is the real-world definition of psychopathy. A Social Psychopath lacks all innate empathy.

The Social Psychopath, aka ‘true psychopath’, more accurately defines this most serious of mental disorders (than the generic word ‘psychopath’), as quite simply being a person who totally lacks all empathy, which in turn, automatically or generally, results in the formation of the numerous other traits that psychologists may attribute to the more generalised condition of ‘psychopathy’.

All other traits that are associated with the psychopath by traditional theories of psycho-analysis, are in fact, just secondary symptoms of this central cause of non-empathy, or at least require that central cause to exist in association with the secondary symptom, in order for a psychopathic personality to manifest itself.

This absolute lacking of an ability to experience empathy is innate within the Social Psychopath, meaning that it cannot be normalised. In other words, a Social Psychopath is psychopathic for life because he or she will never genuinely feel empathy, although they may become consummate experts at pretending to do so.

Many sociopaths, aka Proxy Psychopaths, can also exhibit a total lack of empathy. The difference between the proxy psychopath and the Social Psychopath is that – unlike the innately psychopathic Social Psychopath – the proxy psychopath is able to recover a true sense of empathy, and thereby also those positive social emotions that demand an underlying capability of empathy in order to be present, such as compassion, and cognitive thought (the natural ability in humans to experience the emotions that another individual is feeling, without having to personally experience them, aka to empathise). The Social Psychopath is able to mimic – through conditioning – this basic social standard, but is not able to be driven towards it be any innate sense or comprehension of morality. Therefore, the sociopath may be deemed to be ‘immoral’ but the Social Psychopath is ‘amoral’.

Social Psychopaths, who amount to around 1% to 3% of the general population, are likely to be highly dangerous to others unless they are positively conditioned during childhood, through being adequately programmed with moral standards. However, such positive social conditioning, alongside a total prohibition of any Social Psychopath holding any positions of power within society, may provide a social framework in which the Social Psychopath is not considered to necessarily be a clear and present danger to other individuals and to society as a whole.

It is more than fair to say that all wars and crimes against humanity, throughout history, have been at the hands of either Social Psychopaths, or sociopaths under their command. Once social policies are put in place to prevent the the Social Psychopath holding any position of political, economic or social power, 99% of all major social issues will see an immediate and dramatic decline, and people will suddenly realise who the one true enemy has been all along.

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “social satanism” or “social-satanism”




Social satanism defines the universal reality of the ‘immutable negative force’ that presents itself within the material realm, and the multitude of ways in which it manifests itself within human society.

The 3 core objectives of social satanism, which ultimately lead to a separation of society and humanity from the divine spirit, are:
• The immoralisation of society (making society more immoral, degenerate and animalistic).
• The debeautification of society (making society ugly and gross).
• The artificialising of society (disconnecting society from nature and the natural order).

Manifestations of social satanism within society include:
• The inversion of natural morality.
• The inversion of all time-honoured social norms.
• The inversion of reality.
• The denial of objective truth and promotion of subjective truth (no truth at all).
• Total secrecy for society’s controllers and a total absence of privacy for the controlled.
• The glorification of murder and bloodshed.
• Broadcasting of violence, horror, terror and other trauma-inducing sights, sounds and sensations.
• The promotion of grotesque, deformed and unaesthetic art.
• The promotion of tuneless, inharmonious and bland music.
• The promotion of animalistic cultures over more civilised human cultures.
• The promotion of satanic symbols, sigils, and demonic (pagan) gods and goddesses.
• The broadcasting and presentation of satanic/pagan rituals, festivals and spells.
• The promotion of so-called ‘magician entertainers’ who partner with demonic entities to conjure ‘impossible’ acts of sorcery.
• The promotion of satanists in popular culture and youth culture.
• The promotion of satanic personalities, imagery, words and symbols within the music industry, the book industry, the film industry and the fashion industry.
• The erection of satanic/pagan statues, architecture and symbolism in and around public and political buildings.
• Timetabling major political and social events to occur specifically on core satanic sacrificial dates in the calendar, such as May 1st, October 31st etc.
• The normalisation of prostitution and the cover-up of female and child abduction, sex-slavery and sex trafficking on an unprecedented scale.
• The sexualisation of children and the destruction of childhood innocence.
• The promotion of sexualised children to encourage pedophilia.
• The progressive normalisation of any and all sexual deviances and perversions.
• The derision of, and opposition to, the Jesus egregore, which predominantly emanates peace, compassion, love and positive energy into human society.
• The demonisation of the divine sovereign individual and promotion of the hive-mind society via collectivist ideologies.
• The destruction of the spiritual feminine through the destruction of the material female/woman.
• The destruction of the spiritual masculine through the destruction of the material male/man.

Most younger people, due to their socially satanic programming from birth, will consider many if not most of the above list to be fairly ‘normal’, rather than so obviously satanic (spiritually and socially negative) in every imaginable way. Even many of those who consider themselves to be spiritually or socially positive in their worldview are likely to have never really considered the above as being blatantly satanic, even though these things are now staring at them from every direction in today’s socially satanic society.

A social satanist is someone who manifestly behaves in a social satanic manner, either knowingly or naively.

People have been falsely conditioned to believe that satanism within the modern world is nothing other than a Christian delusion, and this level of disinformation is very much akin to the CIA’s promotion to its mainstream media assets of the term ‘conspiracy theory’ in the 1960s, which was invented in order to ridicule and denounce any genuine conspiracy that threatened to expose the CIA’s (globalist deep State’s) illegal black projects. Indeed, in its modern guise, satanism is explicably partnered in many ways to both black projects of secret service agencies and to the very core of globalist ideology.

Even mainstream materialist science (scientism) has now been forced to accept the reality of metaphysical dimensions and realms, which it has been resisting since quantum physics first became an established science at the start of the 20th century. We exist in a tiny fraction of the light spectrum, which is itself a tiny fraction of the universal spectrum. It took Einstein years to admit to the quantum physicists that he was wrong for stating that the metaphysical couldn’t affect the physical in unexplainable ways. Don’t make the same mistake as Einstein. He called it ‘spooky science’ but although he couldn’t explain it, he eventually came to understood that it was very real. The reality of the spiritual realms had a great effect on Einstein, and in the last two years of life he turned to God.

Within those realms there are negative entities and forces, which feed on the low frequency and negative energy that human beings (and animals) produce when they are in fear, in physical pain, in mental anguish, depressed, shameful, violent, and highly sexualised. This is why many religions that still harbour pagan beliefs, sacrifice animals to their ‘god’ or ‘gods’. Only negative entities require their worshippers to murder innocent animals, in order that they can feed off their dying fear and anguish. That is the reality, whether you like it or not. Once you have researched and accepted this reality, much about the world that once seemed nonsensical will begin to make total sense.

Satanists, in collaboration with their metaphysical masters and allied spirits, have existed for thousands of years and continue to plague society in the modern age. They will relentlessly deceive you into believing that satanism doesn’t exist, or is simply a benign cultural activity. That’s what liars do. They lie.

Social-satanism relates to the true understanding of satanism, which is an alliance with negative or deceivingly positive metaphysical entities and forces, and connected in varying degrees with Anunnakism, luciferianism, wicca, theosophy, marxism, nazism, atheism, all pagan religions, voodoo, spiritualism, certain shamanism, and the negative (dark) side of all major religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Opposing social-satanism does not require you to be spiritually enlightened or religious in any way. It simply requires you to be a good person. Any good person will naturally oppose most, and be extremely wary of the rest, of the above list of social agendas. Now that you are aware of social-satanism, you no longer have the excuse of ignorance. You simply have the decision to make of exactly when to begin actively opposing its evil advance over human society.

New Moral Order™


Definition of the word “Speciescide”




Speciescide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a species or sub-species of humanoid or animal group.

In regards to the human race, speciescide may refer to the calculated aim to eradicate a particular race or races within the human family, such as the European race, the African race, the Asian race, or a perceived subset of such racial aggregations, such as the Japanese race, the Australian Aborigine race, or the Native Indigenous Northern European Race (NINER).

Whereas genocide may refer to the targeted annihilation of any national, racial, political or cultural group, speciescide specifically targets race, in both cultural and genetic terms, seeking to eradicate both the social and material existence of the targeted human group.

Speciescide may also refer to the more esoteric notion of an extermination of the homo sapiens sapiens race (humankind) by an interloping parasitic humanoid sub-species that is present on Earth, such as a remnant of the Anunnaki species, referred to by by Anunnakists and their pagan counterparts as ‘the ancient gods’; the gods and goddesses referred to in classical and pagan theology and myth.

In regards to the targeted groups societal presence and influence, mass disinformation and indoctrination are employed, and in regards to the groups material existence, genetic bioweaponry in the form of pharmaceuticals, ‘therapeutic’ injections, aerosol geoengineering, microwave and millimeter wave radiation, and commercial (consumer) poisoning are the likely preferred methods of speciescide extermination within a 21st century setting.

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “Surrogate Psychopath”



[Please see PROXY PSYCHOPATH for definition.]

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “The Law Doctrine”




The Law Doctrine defines the hierarchical order of the main categories of law that are recognised by human society:
1. Natural Law (moral, divine).
2. Democratic Law (democracy).
3. Legislative Law (statute, parliamentary legislation).
4. Judicial Law (case, precedent).

Natural Law supersedes Democratic Law.
Democracy supersedes Legislative Law.
Legislative Law supersedes Judicial Law.

A telling feature of The Law Doctrine hierarchy is that the least legitimate types of law (legislative and judicial) are also the most complex, tortuous and unfathomable to those who are not specifically trained to understand them. Indeed, the legal system even has its own dictionary and language, called ‘legalise’ (or ‘legalize’).

In contrast, Natural Law (timeless morality) and Democratic Law (democracy) can be understood in their entirety by virtually anyone. In fact, The Law Doctrine can be listed in exactly the same order, simply by placing the most straightforward law at the top of the hierarchy depreciating to the most convoluted at the bottom.

This is because the truly legitimate rules of society are always those that make the most sense to the most people, and are thereby the simplest, whereas the least legitimate and most complex social regulations are invariably produced for purposes of control over the populace rather than to serve them.

The more complex they are, the less that those who are not trained in the profession will be able to argue against them, and the more the law will be able to be manipulated or interpreted to serve the ruling order and to benefit only those who operate it from behind the scenes. The phrase, “the devil is in the detail” reminds us of exactly who are the kind of people to utilise this tactic of ‘control via complexity’.

As is expected, certain disagreements exist over the exact definitions that may be applied to these key types of law listed within The Law Doctrine, so the following definitions are made as concise as possible, in order to be as close as possible to their generally understood meaning.

Natural Law is the system of fundamental social rules, commonly considered as ‘that which is right’ to the vast majority of human beings. Natural Law is most simply defined as what is ‘innately moral’.

Natural Law aims to define the most appropriate rules for social prosperity in response to the natural instincts of some, most, or all people. The almost eternal idiom, “do to others as you would have done to you” perfectly exemplifies Natural Law.

The political concept of people’s god-given “inalienable rights” is directly attributable to the idea that Natural Law is innately felt in the hearts and minds of human beings because it reflects that which is divinely positive.

It may be asserted that all which is ‘good’ and ‘appropriate’ within society aligns with Natural Law, while all that is ‘bad’ and ‘inappropriate’ either significantly or wholly disregards Natural Law.

DEMOCRACY (Democratic Law)
The Law of Democracy asserts that the largest proportion of the people, in respect to a political position or a social opinion, should hold sway over other minority positions or views.

Some would argue that the above definition may allow for the subjugation or persecution of minorities by the majority, but so long as the The Law Doctrine is adhered to, and thereby Natural Law always remains superlative to Democracy, any such accusation is rendered meaningless. No legitimate democratic system may supersede or circumvent Natural Law, which broadly protects the individual’s right to fundamental freedom from physical harm, and his or her private property and home from theft or invasion.

A major threat against Democratic Law is in its capacity to be manipulated into a faux-democracy. When a democratic system is significantly corrupted through the control of its political parties, civil service or electoral process by non-elected individuals and institutions, such as Globalist Non-Democratic Organisations (GNO’s), controlled mainstream media or social media, or by toxic wealth, it becomes something less than a true democracy.

The most perfect democratic system is one in which all major decisions are directly voted on by the people in the form of a referendum (perhaps many each year), and in which information on all politicians and political parties – such as all financial, commercial and political connections, and particularly any links to institutions that rely on secrecy – is persistently disclosed to the entire electorate as a key element of the democratic process. Secrecy is the ultimate enemy of democracy.

LEGISLATIVE LAW (Legislation and Statute)
Legislation is constructed by a parliament or similar public body in a supposed attempt to deal with more specific elements of criminality or social concern.

Within a democracy, legislation is meant to be read and analysed by the parliament – the political representatives of the people – prior to its accession into law. However, since a parliament was first formed in England in 1275, the legislative bills of parliament have continued to balloon to what is sometimes many thousands of pages relating a single proposed bill. No politician can be expected to persistently read such reams of small print on behalf of their constituents, and so it can be reasonably claimed that legislative law no longer serves the people, if it ever did.

There is certainly a valid argument in the 21st century for a forward thinking government, which is acting on behalf of the people, to eradicate every single parliamentary Act and to start afresh from a base of Natural Law with a completely new and simplified legal system.

Regardless, in respect to the hierarchy established under The Law Doctrine, there can be absolutely no question that if the majority of any nation state democratically decide to overturn, amend or otherwise make changes to any legislation, or to the legislative system a whole, then they have the absolute right to do so. The power of democracy always legitimately supersedes the power of legislation.

When a judge gives a written opinion with a court, it may become Case Law. This sets a precedent within the court system that is then repeatedly built upon by subsequent judges who give their own legal opinions.

Thereby, for different reasons than those outlined in regards to Legislative Law, Case Law also over time becomes extremely convoluted, and ultimately comprehendible only to those who are part of the legal profession. This serves to legally disempower the vast majority of the public.

Both the judiciary and lawyers are complicit in maintaining the complexity of Case Law, because when a member of the public represents him or herself in court and understands the legal terminology as well as knowing the general tricks of the court ‘game’, the gravy train suddenly stops running. The court system has become not much more than a closed-shop for the purpose of its membership’s potential to earn big money. Representing yourself in court is therefore very much opposed by all gatekeepers of the court system. As a barrister once stated to me with a very straight face, “there is no such thing as law, there is only money.” Within the Judicial/Case Law system of justice, that is certainly true.

This Judicial Law existed prior to the first English parliament, and therefore did not originally set precedent in relation to legislation, but rather in relation to Natural Law or to existing laws that had been founded on Natural Law.

The people at the time logically supported this form of law, because it tended to respond to regional and local anomalies, with the judge applying a specific interpretation of the Natural Law for that particular ‘case’, therein it became known as ‘case law’.

However, since the introduction of Legislative Law, which has had over seven centuries to become utterly corrupted by malign influences and interests, judges have been establishing legal precedents based on legislation that serves the corporation and the State, rather than on Natural Law that serves the people.

Ultimately, all Legislative Law that is to be regarded as legitimate must be under the direct control of authentic democracy, and thereby under the direct control of the people.

In practice, a majority of the people could simply elect a parliament, which in turn could create legislation that eliminated the judiciary and court legal system as a whole, and replace it with a pro-people, anti-corporate alternative, based entirely on Natural Law and not on money.

For this reason alone, it must be determined that Legislative Law always supersedes Judicial/Case Law, because Democratic Law supersedes both, and whereas an elected parliament has an ultimate capacity to command a body of lawyers and judges – who only exist to serve the citizenry and the nation – those same lawyers and judges are not elected by the people, and therefore – within any genuinely democratic system – have no predominant or determining power over the people’s parliament.

The most important thing to understand about The Law Doctrine is that it illustrates the very real political power of the people over those who falsely consider themselves to be in control of society. In reality, the politicians, the judges, the lawyers, the civil servants, the banksters, the billionaires, and the globalists, are not in control; you are.

The trick to their illusion of control is that they manufacture ideological divisions within the populace, and petty social concerns that act as distractions from the real issues and the real solutions that they don’t want you to consider, or even to think about.

So the next time you hear a politician or media hack stating in no uncertain terms that the government cannot ignore the courts or breach international law (legislation), you should understand that they are simply attempting to pull the wool over your eyes and to call your bluff.

They know that what they are saying relies entirely on the consent of the people, because they understand full-well – as clearly illustrated within The Law Doctrine – that a majority of the people always has the absolute democratic right to ignore any court or to breach any legislation that it democratically decides is no longer legitimate. All such legislation only remains relevant and binding so long as the people consent to its validity. That is the fundamental reality of democracy; of the democratic system; of the Democratic Law.

The entire political and social system can be dismantled and replaced hook, line and sinker by any democratically elected body, if it so wishes to do so. If the objective is clearly a moral one, which is aligned with Natural Law and the Sovereign rights of a people, and has the clear support of the majority of the people, then its mandate will be respected and upheld by all but the most shameless, sociopathic and uncivilised within society. #TheLawDoctrine.

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “The Stone Ceiling”




The Stone Ceiling refers to the barriers within the hierarchical social pyramid, which act as gatekeeping limits to stop those who do not belong to the secret society and round table networks from accessing any real financial or political power.

Central to freemasonic ritual and origin is the work of the stonemason. The pseudo-religious ideology of freemasonry is founded on the myths surrounding the building of the temple of Solomon, a supposed jewish king. The freemasons’ most iconic symbol is the architect’s square and compass, and arguably the second most iconic is the pyramid with all seeing eye, as seen on the US dollar bill, designed by a freemason.

Many of the splinter group secret societies that have been formed by its broader membership over the last few centuries have also tended to have the same obsession to historic stone building and stone architecture. This is why The Stone Ceiling perfectly represents the malign stranglehold of control that these antisocial institutions of secrecy currently have over our society, and have had for millennia.

The term “breaking the stone ceiling” or “breaking through the stone ceiling” refers to the people’s current struggle to expose the deceptions, disinformation and lies of mainstream media, the scripted political stage show, and the bogus institutions of central banking, big business, the court and prison system, the police, the military, controlled science (scientism), history, medicine, education etc.

The closed shop of freemasonic and associated secret society advantage in business and positions of power is without question the biggest impediment to those who think and act openly, honestly, and with moral awareness, of ever gaining equal opportunity within society or holding similar positions as their freemasonic counterparts.

So long as The Stone Ceiling exists, humanity will continue to suffer under the oppressive dominance and dictatorship of toxic wealth, organised psychopathy, and the pathological greed and corruption of the parasitic class.

We must all now come together as one, in order to break through The Stone Ceiling once and for all and free humanity from the evil clutches of those who plot and scheme in secrecy beyond its freemasonic construction.

New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “Toxic Wealth”





Toxic Wealth is extreme wealth at the level of a mental illness.

Other terms related to Toxic Wealth are Destructive Dominance Disorder (DDD), Smaug Syndrome and Dynastic Dementia.

Toxic Wealth is the level at which money becomes socially toxic. When somebody has so much money that they are able to purchase politics, that is unquestionably a ‘toxic’ problem for society.

Not only is Toxic Wealth the direct cause of over 95% of the problems that exist in society – political corruption; wars and armed conflicts; State and Dark State terrorism; organised crime and the global narcotics trade; orchestrated economic recessions and depression; planned food scarcity; multinational destruction of independent trade and small businesses; orchestrated immigration and the systematic destruction of the Nation State by globalist interests; hidden technology and back-engineered alien tech; free (overunity) energy technology stolen and removed from public use; and the targeted poisoning of humanity and open-laboratory testing on the populace with pharmaceuticals, microwaves, geoengineering and ultra-processed food, to name just a few – it is also a totally illegitimate acquisition of money and assets by a parasitic and social-psychopathic sub-class.

It is a well observed reality that above a certain level of wealth, all wealth is intrinsically and unavoidably connected to criminality.

To a large or absolute degree, currently, or at some point in the past, all Toxic Wealth was acquired through organised criminal means, and therefore by default, all subsequent ensuing revenue from that wealth must logically be deemed to be the proceeds of crimes against society and/or humanity, and dishonestly obtained, either tacitly or explicitly.

When Toxic Wealth is finally criminalised by society, humanity will at last be able to breath a sigh of relief, without the continual fear of those with absurd hoardings of wealth using the populace as nothing more than pawns in their insane game to relentlessly acquire ever more power and control over society, over humanity, and over the world.

To discover how the elimination of all Toxic Wealth can very easily be achieved – peacefully, lawfully, and democratically – check out the Fifty Million Max™ Project, which alongside two other key policies will bring an end to Toxic Wealth once and for all, and in doing so, bring make society as close to a utopia as is possible at this time.

The New Moral Army™ is the movement that is dedicated to promoting and implementing these three key policies – a Fifty Million Max™ worldwide cap on all personal wealth; abolishing National Usury; and attaining Total Universal Compensation for all historic and current crimes against humanity and against society.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to achieve wealth or with being wealthy, and society must always promote the entrepreneurial spirit. However, there is everything wrong with being toxically wealthy just as there is everything wrong with being poverty stricken.

It is Toxic Wealth, and the social psychopath that hoards it, which manifests all of the poverty and general suffering within our society. Once you wake up to the reality that only those with Toxic Wealth are the only real enemy, and that the middle class, the working class, the underclass, and the starving millions are all on exactly the same side – only then will there be positive change in the world, and that change will happen almost overnight.

New Moral Order™


Full List of Words, Terms & Acronyms

An overview list of the words, terms and acronyms created by Quartz & New Moral Order™.

Click on the relevant letter and word page links to see their full definitions.

A / B / C / D

Anunnakism, Anunnakist
Bullseye Politics
Carbon Climate Change Con (CCCC)
Chivalrism, Chivalrist
Deep Underground Private Homes (DUPHs)
Destructive Dominance Disorder (DDD)

E / F / G / H

Earth Mind, The
Faux Democracy or Faux-Democracy
Fifth Column Globalism, Fifth Column Globalist
Funnel-Up Economics
Globalism Zero™, Globalism Zeroist
Globalist Non-Democratic Organisations (GNOs)

I / J / K / L


M / N / O / P

Moral Eugenics
National Usury
Organised Psychopathy or Organized Psychopathy
Political Triad, The
Postglobalism, Postglobalist
Proxy Psychopath or Proxy-Psychopath

Q / R / S / T

Satanic Left, The
Satanic Six or Satanic 6, The
Smaug Syndrome
Social Destruction Movement (SDM)
Social Psychopathy, Social Psychopath
Social Satanism or Social-Satanism
Surrogate Psychopath or Surrogate-Psychopath
The Law Doctrine
The Stone Ceiling
Toxic Wealth

U / V / W / X / Y / Z