New Moral Order™
Quotes by Quartz of New Moral Order™ on the topic of
New Moral Order™
“We desperately need a society in which the people report on the reporters, watch the watchdogs, fact check the fact checkers, prosecute the prosecutors, police the police, judge the judges, govern the government and rule the rulers. The people must now accept nothing less than a form of true democracy, by which they may completely control the controllers.”
They call it ‘The Great Game’ and you are a pawn. Don’t wait to be sacrificed.”
“Most politicians, most of the time, lie to you about most things. For the populace to allow such dishonest people to decide what they are allowed to do, and what they are not allowed to do, is surely a collective disorder, and one that seems to be the most prevalent mental disability of our time.”
“Just as spirituality is real and religions are the lie, the people are the truth and politics is the great deception.”
Churchill – a man who wrote with so much apparent consideration of the people’s thoughts, but who acted with so little consideration for their lives. A man as greatly bloated in his speech as in his posterior.”
“Faux-democracy – rule by those who covertly control the programmed minority.”
“In essence the problem is not between jews and muslims. When you look at the historical record, the facts on the ground, and the real-world motivations, the problem is between zionists and a population – mostly women and children – who stand in the way of a land grab.”
“You may best know the white hats of politics by their consistent enemies, more than you can ever identify them by their supposed friends.”
New Moral Order™
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