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Abolishing National Usury – A Cancellation of Every Nation’s Debt and a Refund of All Interest Ever Paid (up to 300 years)



“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim – nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.”

Carroll Quigley (1910-1977), from his book ‘Tragedy and Hope’ 1966, pg 324.
Professor of History at Georgetown University, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), advocate for globalism, consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense and the United States Navy, and mentor to Bill Clinton.

New Moral Order™


• How the Central Banking Crime Syndicate Works.
• The Central Banking System Operates as a Transnational Monopoly.
• Commercial Banks are Heavily Involved in National Usury.
• Is National Debt A Proceed of Organised Crime?
• Historic Theft of Trillions by the Central Banks Remains Unpaid.
• The Solution.

Quartz "The central banking system may most accurately be described as the fat kid having stolen the cookie jar." NMA™ Quote.

“The central banking system may most accurately be described
as the fat kid having stolen the cookie jar.”

Quartz of New Moral Order™

You’ve Been Robbed…

…and if you are native to a western nation, the likelihood is that you, and your relatives and ancestors, have been persistently robbed through the illicit payment of National Usury for not just many decades, but for centuries.

Central banks have always had one key objective – to fleece each nation and its people, and to funnel-up the proceeds to be hoarded as toxic wealth by the parasitic class.

How the Central Banking Crime Syndicate Works

Until the 20th century, except for short periods in which a nation re-asserted control over its own economy, all central banks were privately owned. This meant that when they created their ‘host’ nation’s money, the parasitic banksters fleeced the people of that nation at the annual rate of 3, 5, 8, 10 percent or more, on every dollar, pound etc in circulation. This was always the main objective of the National Usury con.

Another way to rob each nation was when the monarch or government borrowed money to go to war, and the people were left with a huge debt plus the interest, owed to the central banksters. The more you learn about these banksters, the more you will come to realise with great certainty that “all wars are bankers wars”.

Over time, the introduction of paper money (fiat currency) meant that an even greater ruse could be imposed upon the people of each nation. Each private central bank would simply create paper money without it needing to be backed by any ‘real’ money, such as gold or silver. For the banksters, it was literally ‘a license to print money’ and then to charge interest on it at the expense of the people.

From around 1900 to the present day, there has been a gradual shift to central banks ‘seemingly’ becoming owned by the State. However, some very notable privately-owned central banks still exist. The US Federal Reserve central bank, the Banca d’Italia central bank, and the South African central bank still have no shareholding controlled by the State. The central banks of Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey, Japan etc still contain a proportion of private shareholding, with Switzerland and Belgium only being about half owned by the State.

There are some very important points to consider in regards to this dubious ‘sleight-of-hand’ claim that most central banks are now ‘state owned’, which will enable you to understand not only the great con that is in play, but also how to stop it:

1. The Central Banking System Now Operates as a Single Transnational Monopoly

The term ‘Central Banking System’ refers to the notion of a ‘banking monopoly’, by which all banking procedures are continually further centralised, until eventually they all answer to a one single global bank. The agenda has always been to close down all independent banks, and to make all big ‘commercial banks’ answer to each nation’s central bank, and in turn, make each central bank take its marching orders from transnational globalist agencies, such as the IMF, the WEF etc.

All the big profits on ‘money manipulation’ are now made electronically, and at the global level, and therefore the so-called ‘markets’ have been systematically rigged – more than an 18th century pirate galleon – by the banksters.

This shift to a globally connected electronic manipulation of fiat money, has meant that the main focus of the central banksters is no longer about the direct fleecing of each nation through the charging of interest on paper money creation, as it had been in previous centuries.

Instead, in order for this global syndicate of organised criminals to fleece trillions from nations and the taxpayer, the updated role of each parasitic central bank is now primarily to have control over setting ‘interest rates’ and ‘advising’ (dictating) monetary policy to its ‘host’ nation’s political puppets.

This is why the Fifth Column Globalist double-act of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, as soon as they were ‘selected’ into power in Britain in the late 1990s, were ordered by their central bankster overlords to make all UK monetary policy fall under the control of what they termed an ‘independent’ Bank of England.

The term ‘independent’ when applied to a central bank, simply means ‘privately controlled’. In other words, anyone elected as a representative of the people (the government) would no longer have any control over interest rate policy, aka the monetary economy, of the country.

As all central banks, by default, operate in concert with each other (that’s the whole point), it is now even easier for the central banksters and their globalist allies to make far more money via the ‘markets’, and particularly through manipulating currency exchange rates, than it ever was when they were simply creating money for nations and directly charging interest on it.

The central banking system is quite evidently and blatantly a transnational monopoly – a monopoly for setting monetary policy for once sovereign nations – but we are never supposed to think of it as such. The people are meant to naively believe that each parasitic central bank is actually in total service to its ‘host’ nation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The reality is that all central banks operate for the same joint objectives – to control each nation’s economy in favour of the banksters and the objectives of globalism, and to fleece each nation’s people of their hard earned money, savings, and assets.

2. Commercial Banks (Central Banks subsidiaries) are Now Heavily Involved in National Usury

The Bank of England is now supposedly state owned, but at the same time it is totally ‘independent’ in all its decision making. That in itself is quite obviously something that makes no sense whatsoever to any critically thinking person.

However, just as importantly, central banks no longer have the monopoly to create money out of thin air and charge interest on it, as they once had. For this reason, the move to ‘State-owned’ is virtually irrelevant.

The reality is that 97%+ of Britain’s money supply remains privately controlled by the large commercial banks. This dominance by the commercial banks is likely to be similar in any westernised nation. These subsidiaries of the central banking system create money out of thin air and then charge interest on that ‘scotch mist’, in exactly the same way that their central bank bosses have been doing for generations.

These commercial ‘mini-central banks’ manufacture interest bearing loans to businesses, home buyers, and in the form of personal loans and credit cards at the touch of a keyboard button. This is how the vast majority of fiat money is now placed into each national economy, rather than via the main central banks creating paper money as they once did.

Much has been written about the way in which ‘the principle’ sum of these mortgages and loans – money created out of thin air – is supposed to be destroyed at the end of the loan term, but actually isn’t. The assertion is that the bank magically creates a £200,000 mortgage loan for 20 years out of thin air, but then transfers the debt to another internal account, thereby making the existence of the money permanent. You can judge any relevance of this claim through your own research.

Although the above accusation is massively relevant to this subject, the National Usury issue mostly regards the interest that is charged to the people on this non-existent, ‘invented’ money, and which has been illicitly charged for centuries.

How can it be that a privately owned transnational corporation ever has the right to charge a nation’s people, interest on money that they could just as easily create themselves – out of nothing, and at no interest? This is the practice of usury on steroids.

Throughout history, usurers have been regarded as parasites on the body of society because they do not actually ‘earn’ anything. To earn you must work, and usurers would do nothing but sit back and demand interest to be paid on the temporarily loaning of something (gold or silver) to someone else. This is usury, and it has, for thousands of years, been utterly despised and condemned by rulers, religions and the people at large.

The central banks and the commercial banks took this antisocial and illicit practice of usury to the next level. By inventing ‘fiat’ money – money that only exists on paper or in a computer – they no longer even needed a ‘principle’ hoard of gold or silver. They simply pressed a button and they were allowed (under legislation introduced by compromised politicians) to charge us all interest – on mortgages; on personal loans; on business loans; on credit cards; and historically, on all bank notes (cash).

They now protect this National Usury racket by involving a proportion of the general public in sharing the profits. Holders of bank shares include the better off members of every nation, and most notably pension schemes.

Whistleblowers from within the unions and the financial industry have exposed the fact that pension schemes were purposefully targeted to become investors in the banks, purely in order to protect themselves from going under in the case of a recession.

Sure enough, in 2008, the banksters told the politicians and the people that if the taxpayer didn’t bail them out, then all those pension funds would be made worthless. We all know how well this tactic worked with the ‘bail out’ of those banks being guaranteed. The banksters’ illicit operation was shielded from loss, while the people were once more left with another huge increase in debt. We used to have a name for such a ruse. It was called a ‘protection racket’.

3. Is National Debt A Proceed of Organised Crime?

Historically, have the banksters, the central banks, and their parasitic allies, been operating an international organised crime racket? The accusation is that for centuries they have been compromising and corrupting politicians and others, in order to fleece nations and their people of their money.

If judged to be so by a jury of 8 billion, or individual juries of millions (national referendums) – then not only under the legal precedent set by existing RICO laws (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act), but more importantly, under the superlative power of the democratic process, all proceeds of those crimes (all national debt plus all interest ever paid) is subject to confiscation, and repayment to the victims (the people).

Of course, having looked at all the evidence, which spans centuries, if the majority of the people then decide that no political corruption or organised criminal behaviour was involved in establishing and maintaining the central banking system, then democratically and lawfully, the national debt could remain, and centuries of hoarded wealth might not be confiscated by the people.

The only way for this to be resolved is for the people to decide. I would personally insist on national referendums, run by the people with no government or judicial intervention or involvement, and with a minimum three year open and transparent public debate to take place, publicising to the people of each nation all the available historical evidence. You may have your own ideas on how such a trial by the people should be undertaken.

The potential ramifications and rewards to society and humanity are so huge that this must be done properly and without any chance of corruption taking place, particularly when we know that we are dealing with corporations (the banks) that have already been fined many billions of dollars for their criminal activity and close relationship with international organised crime networks, such as the international drugs trade and illegal arms trade.

Above all, any process to retrieve the people’s stolen money must be wholly peaceful, lawful and democratic.

4. Historic Theft of Trillions (plus interest) by the Central Banks Remains Unpaid

As of 2024, the current supposed debt of all nations to central banks totals over $315 trillion.

This should give you an idea of just how much is at stake, when investigating whether criminal activity or corruption has played a part in the establishment and maintenance of the central banking system, and exactly how much may be lawfully and democratically seizable and returned to the people from whom it is still being stolen.

However, the $315 trillion is not the whole story. In fact, it may be just a drop in the ocean.

In regards to the seizure of any assets and wealth, which are determined to be the proceeds of organised crime, the people simply need to accept that historically, such organised crime did indeed take place. From that point forward, all connected money – whether appearing to be legitimate profit or not – remains a ‘proceed’ of that organised crime.

This general understanding that any and all subsequent profits that originate from organised crime are to be regarded as contraband, is why the US Government has been able to seize ‘seemingly legitimate’ businesses, properties, assets and money from mafia bosses and drug cartels (internationally), which have been found to be guilty of historical organised crime, or even simply suspected of it.

The same lawful action can easily be applied to all banks and financially related individuals, and to dynastic banking families and organisations, if the people democratically decide that the accused have acted in an organised criminal way – currently, in the past, or historically.

Although those involved would likely claim a statute of limitation being applied to such crimes, this is quite obviously irrelevant when we are specifically dealing with historic crimes.

The precedent has now been well established – in the eyes of the people, and in political and legal circles – in regards to renumeration payments for historic crimes against identified groups of people.

A nation of people, geographically determinable, is far more of an identifiable group that could be designated for compensation, than any disparate race of people or other supposed victim of historic crimes, which have already received such compensatory payments.

The only real difference between reparations made to date and compensation payments that could be applied to National Usury and historic crimes perpetrated against the people by the banksters, is that such restitution for banking crimes would be many thousands of times greater than for any other issue.

It is this historic robbery of nations and their people’s wealth, and the many hundreds of trillions that is potentially due in compensation, which should always be the main focus of discussion in regards to the central banking system.

Until this over-arching issue of historical National Usury has been fully exposed to the people of the world, and fully debated by them, nobody with any moral character should remain silent on the matter. Our capacity as a society to communicate across the world with each other makes this the perfect time to resolve this superlative financial crime of National Usury once and for all.

Stephen Mitford Goodson "At the start of World War I in 1914 the [UK] national debt stood at £650 million... As at March 2017 it stands at over £1.8 trillion. However, if one includes all liabilities, including state and public pensions, it exceeds £5 trillion." NMA™ Quote

“At the start of World War I in 1914 the [UK] national debt stood at £650 million. On March 31, 1919 it had increased to £7.434 billion of which £3 billion is still outstanding after 95 years at an interest rate of 3.5% per annum. In the 1919 budget 40% of expenditure was allocated to the payment of interest. In World War II the national debt rose by almost 300% from £7.1 billion in 1939 to £20.1 billion in 1945. As at March 2017 it stands at over £1.8 trillion. However, if one includes all liabilities, including state and public pensions, it exceeds £5 trillion.”

Stephen Mitford Goodson (1948-2018)
South African Reserve Bank director and whistleblower, leader of the Abolition of Income Tax and Usury Party, economist, historian, reformer, and author of 7 books including ‘A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind’ (2014), and ‘Inside the South African Reserve Bank – Its Origins and Secrets Exposed’ (2014).

New Moral Order™


There is currently only one movement seeking justice and full compensation for the people, in regards to National Usury and the existing and historic crimes of the central banksters.

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• Fifty Million Max™
The wealth of every individual capped at $50 million.

• Abolishing National Usury
An end to private central banks charging interest on the creation of money or on national borrowing.

• Total Universal Compensation
Full settlement for all historic crimes against society, because all toxic wealth leads back to criminality.

The New Moral Army™ exists for the sole purpose of promoting these three policies and seeing them fully implemented on a global scale.

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