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Smaug Syndrome. The Perilous Mental Illness of Billionaires and Trillionaires



Article: Smaug Syndrome. The Perilous Mental Illness of Billionaires and Trillionaires.

‘Conversation with Smaug’ – Smaug in his lair under the mountain, guarding his hoarded gold.
Original illustration by the author, from ‘The Hobbit’ by JRR Tolkien (1937).

New Moral Order™


• Definition of ‘Smaug Syndrome’.
• Why extreme wealth addiction is not officially recognised.
• Smaug – Tolkien’s reptilian thief of society’s wealth.
• A mental illness with no equal in Its capacity to cause harm.
• A disease that has destroyed the lives of countless millions.
• The simple peaceful, lawful and democratic solution.

Confucius "The superior man understands what is right. The inferior man understands what will sell." NMA™ Quote

“The superior man understands what is right. The inferior man understands what will sell.”

Chinese philosopher and politician (551–479 BC).

Summary Definition of “Smaug Syndrome”

[ smawg sin-drohm, -druhm ]

Smaug Syndrome is a chronic addictive mental disorder characterised by an innate or learned insatiable desire to accumulate and hoard unlimited or outrageous levels of toxic wealth.

Why Extreme Wealth Addiction is not Officially Recognised

Anyone who has more than a few million dollars, and who continues to seek to acquire and accumulate more wealth, could be said to be under the influence of this highly antisocial mental illness. All billionaires and their complicit offspring have Smaug Syndrome addiction.

Smaug Syndrome – or any equivalent term for the condition – is not officially recognised by the psychiatric or medical professions as an addiction. The reason for this is because those industries are owned and managed by those who have Smaug Syndrome.

To their eternal shame, the establishment – through its propaganda tools of media, entertainment and consumer corporations – persistently glorifies and promotes billionaires and their hoarding of extreme amounts of wealth as a positive social and personal trait, instead of allowing the true antisocial and undemocratic effects of such toxic wealth accumulation to be fully understood by the people.

Smaug – Tolkien’s Reptilian Thief of Society’s Wealth

Smaug is a character from J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit’. He is a dragon (reptilian creature) that has relentlessly hoarded gold and jewels inside his mountain lair, which already contained the mined riches of the dwarves. He expelled the dwarves from their home and by doing so stole their wealth. He then simply sat and slept on his ill-gotten gains, his only task being to kill anyone who threatened his extreme, gross wealth status.

In Tolkien’s mind, the dragon Smaug represented the ‘parasitic class’ who control central banking and the corporate world of multinational monopolies, and who have throughout history impoverished humanity through their hoarding of society’s wealth.

A Mental Illness that Has No Equal in Its Capacity to Cause Harm

The term Smaug Syndrome perfectly describes the ‘rich sick’ dynastic families that infest human society as a pathologically controlling negative force, and who use their toxic wealth to corrupt politics and undermine natural social structures, in order to relentlessly gain ever more control over humanity and over the planet.

Smaug Syndrome is a mental disease, by which one single individual with this incessant greed addiction can negatively affect millions or even billions of innocent victims within society. It is for this reason that Smaug Syndrome should be regarded as one of the most, if not the most, severe of mental afflictions.

We know that chronic alcoholism can negatively affect the friends and family of the addict to a serious level. We know that someone with a gambling addiction can do the same. A person with a narcotics addiction can cause immeasurable harm to a community at large, but none of these addictions can ever be compared to the unprecedented harm that Smaug Syndrome causes to society at large.

A Disease that Has Destroyed the Lives of Countless Millions

An addiction that causes the individual to hoard billions, and in some cases trillions, and yet still requires them to accumulate evermore of society’s wealth, without ever believing that they have enough, is a form of depraved rivalry that is ultimately bound to result in the misery and death of countless millions of people, as history has clearly shown to be the case.

No wars are started by the poor or the middle class, but only by those with toxic wealth.

No economic collapses or recessions occur because of the machinations of the general public, but only because of those with Smaug Syndrome who fix the financial markets and happily gamble with the economies of nations.

No violent revolutions ever take place without being bankrolled from behind the scenes by the usual billionaire and trillionaire suspects.

Quartz Quote "The parasitic class want you to own nothing, simply because they want to own everything. 'Possession obsession' is central to the controlling psychopathic personality, and thereby central to their political ideology. They are rich sick." - NMA™

“The parasitic class want you to own nothing, simply because they want to own everything. ‘Possession obsession’ is central to the controlling psychopathic personality, and thereby central to their political ideology. They are rich sick.”

New Moral Order™


The people, who remain as constant victims of the hazardous effects of toxic wealth, must comes to realise that the only solution to Smaug Syndrome is to cap the legal level of wealth that any individual may accumulate and retain.

That is what makes the New Moral Army’s number one policy: Fifty Million Max™ – globally capping every individual’s wealth at a maximum of $50 million – not only the obvious solution to this most serious mental illness, but moreover, the key solution to every single major social problem that humanity currently faces.

Can we really ever say that we are living in a civilised and democratic society, when we still allow millions of children to die of starvation and malnutrition every single year, while at the same time we permit individuals and dynastic families to relentlessly hoard billions, and in some case trillions of dollars, which will never ever be spent? The sole reason for its accumulation is because these mentally ill addicts are constantly driven to secure evermore financial, political, and social power for themselves.

Those who have Smaug Syndrome require medical analysis, hospitalisation and therapy for this most dire mental disorder, not adulation and praise for their illicit hoarding practices.

It is high time that Smaug Syndrome is recognised as a mental illness by the people of the world, if not yet by the corrupted institutions of psychology and medicine. Furthermore, all hoarded wealth above and beyond a reasonable limit – to be set by the people – must be returned to our society forthwith. Now is the time to end the existence of toxic wealth forever.

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Quartz Quote "There's only one type of person more dangerous than a psychopath, and that's a billionaire psychopath." - NMA™

“There’s only one type of person more dangerous than a psychopath, and that’s a billionaire psychopath.”



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