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Fifth Column Globalism – The Increasingly Obvious Enemy Within

Artwork: ‘Facial Recognition’ by Bob Moran []



Definition of the Term "Fifth Column Globalism" - Fifth Column Globalism refers to the systematic infiltration of institutions within Nation States by agents and agencies of globalism, in order to economically, culturally and politically undermine and ultimately collapse each Nation State from within. -

Definition of “Fifth Column Globalism”
#FifthColumnGlobalism #FCG

New Moral Order™


• Definition of the term Fifth Column Globalism.
• Original definition of the term ‘fifth column’.
• The Left-Hand-Path of Politics – a satanic ideology at its core.
• How to Spot a Fifth Column Globalists?
• Destroying your Nation State from within – how it’s done.
• The ultimate aims of Fifth Column Globalism.
• Only peaceful, lawful, democratic solutions to globalism will work.
• How to eliminate the globalist scourge – what they fear the most.

Definition of ‘Fifth Column Globalism’

Fifth Column Globalism is “the systematic infiltration of institutions within Nation States by agents and agencies of globalism, in order to economically, culturally and politically undermine and ultimately collapse each Nation State from within.”

The Origins of the term ‘Fifth Column’

Prior to the above evolved definition that directly relates to the very real agenda of the globalists to manufacture a single global non-democratic, totalitarian State under their control, the Encyclopaedia Britannica defined a Fifth Column’ as a,
“…clandestine group or faction of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation’s solidarity by any means at their disposal… A cardinal technique of the fifth column is the infiltration of sympathizers into the entire fabric of the nation under attack and, particularly, into positions of policy decision and national defense. From such key posts, fifth-column activists exploit the fears of a people by spreading rumours and misinformation, as well as by employing the more standard techniques of espionage and sabotage.”

The term ‘fifth column’, as defined above by the Encyclopaedia Britannica was first coined in the 1930s to describe the marxist-communist agents who had infiltrated the Spanish government, in order to undermine the nation state from within.

The Satanic Heart of the Left-Hand-Path of Politics

The unparalleled atrocities committed by the satanic-communist foot-soldiers to innocent Spanish patriots and Christians at that time are well documented and hard to read, but the crimes against the entire people of that nation, and all other nations that have suffered at the hands of marxist-globalist ideology and its political variants, are a far greater danger to humanity than the crimes of individuals that have succumbed to the antihuman teachings of satanists such as Karl Marx and the totalitarian leadership of modern globalism.

Almost everyone in today’s world has been socially conditioned into a state of total ignorance about marxism’s satanic roots and core, and how satanic ideology and satanic ritual, controls and conducts all marxist-globalist agendas, and I will be fully exposing this in future casts.

For now, so long as you understand that the ‘political left-hand-path’ has always been nothing more than a construct for controlled opposition, designed and manufactured by the parasitic class to control and manipulate the working class, and to pit it against the middle class (the natural adversary of toxic wealth), then you are intellectually heading in the right direction of thought.

Who Are the Fifth Column Globalists in Your Nation State?

It is pointless to begin specifically naming these interloping traitors, who pose as democratic representatives of the people, but whose specific purpose is to betray them. Once you consciously comprehend the reality of Fifth Column Globalism, the culprits will all become very obvious to you.

They exist at every level of government, and within every circle of society. While those in key positions – who are generally social psychopaths – are fully aware of the role they are playing and the real objectives that they are there to impose upon each nation and its people, many other Fifth Column Globalists are simply witless, trusting fools, who have been successfully programmed into blindly believing in one globalist agenda and mantra after another.

Those who are persistently pushing globalist policies and undermining national sovereignty at the highest level of government are plain to see, but behind them, and at the lower levels of national government, the culprits are not so obvious.

Government administrators, or ‘civil servants’ as they are called in Great Britain, have always been a key target for infiltration by Fifth Column Globalism. In essence, those elected representatives of the people (MPs etc) who do actually genuinely act on behalf of the nation and its people, are persistently manipulated or hamstrung by unelected civil servants working on behalf of their globalist masters.

This is how Fifth Column Globalism mostly operates at the top level of government, although of course, there are many very obvious Fifth Column Globalists who are themselves MPs and ministers of government.

At the very top level, anyone with a basic grasp of 21st century politics should be able to name each and every Fifth Column Globalist in the top job (Prime Minister, President). They are not hard to spot.

The authenticity of their counterparts who stand against globalism and against the destruction of their respective nations are a little harder to be sure about. Controlled opposition exists at every political level, and certainly no less at the very highest positions of power.

In order to know who is genuine and who is a ‘pretender for the people’, their decisions and actions must be judged over a period of time. In general, the more they appear to be ‘scripted’ puppets, the less they can be trusted. Those who appear to speak from the heart, and who possess real emotions and genuine anger towards non-democratic and anti-free speech globalist ideology, the more likely they are to be the real deal.

How is Each Nation State Collapsed from Within?

The bottomline is that all these deceiving agents of globalism are purposed to undermine and destroy each sovereign nation state from within their positions of political, economic and social control.

Amongst other things, this is done by:
• Rescinding sovereign economic control to the Fifth Column Globalist central banksters (sold by Fifth Column Globalists within government as “advise” or “independent analysis”) .
• Crippling the economy through increasing the imposed ‘interest rate’ national debt paid to each nation’s globalist-owned private central bank.
• Handing over each nation’s democratic political sovereignty to non-democratic globalist institutions, such as the UN, UNESCO, the EU, the WEF, the WHO, the IMF, the G7 etc.
• Increasing taxes on the middle class, while funnelling-up the proceeds to become the hoarded toxic wealth of the globalist, transnational, parasitic class.
• Devaluing each nation’s currency and its people’s earnings and savings through the private central banks’ policy of ‘quantitive easing’ (printing/manufacturing money out of thin air) and other forms of ‘orchestrated inflation’.
• Destroying small, local, independent, indigenous-owned businesses, whilst expanding, empowering, and subsidising the globalist-owned multinationals to takeover and control all trade and industry.
• Criminalising all forms of ‘sovereign energy’ (petroleum, coal, wood, gas), which allow the individual to be energy independent, replaced by a globalist-owned and centralised ‘grid-energy system’ – falsely sold as ‘green energy’ under the globalist Club of Rome’s ‘sustainable development’ agenda and their manufacturing of ‘manmade climate change’, initiated in the 1960s.
• Depleting and decaying national infrastructure such as roads, railways, airlines and national postal services. Think pot-holes, the war on motorists, rail strikes, and orchestrated airport problems and issues with planes.
• Weakening each nation’s sovereign military and its regional police forces through the reduction in the physical requirements and moral standing of its personnel.
• Wrecking public services through the depreciation of talent in management and the workforce, via globalist policy agendas such as ‘inclusivity, diversity and equality’ (IDE).
• Depleting the health of the indigenous population through the undermining of health services and the introduction of poisons into the environment, food, medicines, and other consumables and products.
• Killing off the eldest in society, as they tend to be the wisest to what is going on.
• Giving ever greater political and social power to young adults and teenagers, because they are most easily manipulated by the social engineering methods and mass mind control techniques of the globalists.
• Exhausting – in both mind and body – the patriotic, conscientious and hard-working indigenous population.
• Dumbing down and distracting the populace from dealing with the real political and social issues, with TV, video games, banal entertainment, and spectator sport.
• Suppressing un-monitored conversations and debate by closing down traditional meeting places such as pubs, social clubs and churches.
• Replacing the native indigenous population with a more malleable, compliant and ideologically aligned foreign populace.
• Demonising and silencing those who expose the above.

What is the End Goal of Fifth Column Globalism?

There are five primary objectives for the globalists. These are to attain a single, globally dominant:
• non-democratic government,
• satanic religion,
• private central banking digital currency system,
• business, consumer goods and trade monopoly,
• and military force.

In military terms, they refer to this as ‘full-spectrum dominance’. If you look around you with eyes wide open, you will see that every political, economic and social move on the world stage is aiming human society towards one or more of these five objectives of globalism.

New Moral Order™


Peaceful, Lawful, Democratic

The most important thing I can instil within you is that the only achievable solutions to this greatest threat to our society that humanity has ever faced, are always peaceful, lawful and democratic.

If you are listening to any influencer who promotes violence in any way as a means to an end, they are without question ‘controlled opposition’ – either knowingly or unwittingly. The globalists require violence at every level of society to operate successfully.

The Globalists’ Weak Spots

Of the five globalist objectives listed above, they have two extremely vulnerable ones (the spiritual and the economic), alongside a third (democracy) that will facilitate the total collapse of their satanic-globalist system when utilised in combination with their economic vulnerability.

The essential spiritual/metaphysical element in this plan to take back our society is a little more in-depth, and so I shall come back to that in a big way in other casts.

Instead, I will in these closing comments wrap things up with exposing the globalists’ key weakness – their immense hoarded toxic wealth and the power that the promise of money has on every single ‘voter’!

• If pouring hundreds of trillions of hoarded dollars that already exists back into society and into people’s pockets was a choice at the ballot box, would almost everyone vote for it? The answer is obviously – yes.

• If cancelling all national debt, and returning all interest paid on that national debt to each nations’s treasury was a choice at the ballot box, would almost everyone vote for it? The answer is also quite obviously – yes.

• If levelling society in a ‘genuine’ way, by getting rid of the absolute extremes of wealth and poverty – thereby making everyone middle-class and ending all starvation, poverty, homelessness and depravation – was a choice at the ballot box, would almost everyone vote for it? The answer is most certainly – yes.

All this can be done peacefully, lawfully and democratically.

New Moral Order™


The Solution Really Couldn’t Be More Simple

So why hasn’t it already been done? Once you understand that the private central banks, the multinational companies, the trillionaires (yes, they exist) and the billionaires, all act in lock-step to keep these choices off the table at the ballot box, but at the same time, how 99% of people would immediately vote for them given half a chance, the problem is simply that people aren’t consciously thinking about these choices and demanding that they must be on the ballot.

Returning all this stolen toxic wealth is so easily achievable through democracy, but the people have been systematically programmed to never consider this most obvious solution to it all. It simply couldn’t happen, right? Your mind is probably telling you exactly that right now.

However, think about it just a little deeper and the reality and the possibilities will hit you like a lightning strike. It’s absolutely enforceable – peacefully, lawfully and democratically, and most importantly, it is unquestionably the moral thing to do. Anyone who attempts to morally argue against these economic changes will be seen for what they are – immoral, amoral, or simply bought-and-paid-for by the bad guys.

Globalism relies on its members’ toxic wealth, and the continual fleecing of every nation by its private central banks in order to function. Once this stolen money has been repaid to the people and to society, globalism will be dead in the water, and we can all then rejoice in building a glorious postglobalist world together, which will provide prosperity and happiness for all.

It’s easy. You simply have to want to vote for it, then do just that.

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Just Stop Globalism™ promotes an end to globalism and to its undemocratic influence over and corruption of democracy.

Globalism is a non-democratic political, social and economic ideology that is focused on expanding transnational monopolies, private central banks and technocratic rule over society, inline with the disempowerment of the people’s elected representatives and the elimination of the sovereignty of nation states and their national borders.

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