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Marxism-Globalism – The Destruction of Patriotism and the Nation State



The Collectivist Deception (Marxism-Globalism) consists of the ‘political left-hand-path’ ideologies of: marxism, communism, socialism, progressivism, liberalism and globalism.​

Article: Marxism-Globalism – The Destruction of Patriotism and the Nation State.

New Moral Order™


• The Importance of the Sovereign Nation to Culture, Civilisation & Society
• Marxism-Globalism’s Orchestrated Wars to Destroy the Nation State
• ‘Trojan Horse’ Tactics of Marxism-Globalism
• Definition of Globalist Non-Democratic Organisations (GNOs)
• How Fifth Column Globalists Control Government
• Collapsing the Nation’s Economy
• Collapsing the Nation’s Infrastructure
• Collapsing the Nation’s Public Services

Henry Kissinger "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer." - NMO™ Quote

“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”

Henry Kissinger (1923-2023)
Top level globalist operative and geopolitical advisor, Propaganda Due (P2) freemason,
former U.S. Secretary of State & National Security Advisor.

What is Marxism-Globalism?

The term Marxism-Globalism is derived from ‘the beginning and the end’ of the monstrous Collectivist Deception, which has been targeted against the people of the world for the last 250 years.

The Collectivist Deception (Marxism-Globalism) consists of the ‘political left-hand-path’ ideologies of: marxism, communism, socialism, progressivism, liberalism and globalism.

These six ideologies were all founded on social-satanic ideals, and are all tentacles of one concealed over-arching agenda of the parasitic class – to achieve total control over the world’s monetary wealth, its natural resources, its political institutions, and ultimately over the whole of human society, by means of deception, corruption and violent revolution.

There are six foundation stones of civilised society that Marxism-Globalism must undermine and destroy, in order for it to be able to rule over society. These are the destruction of:

  • Family.
  • Religion.
  • Patriotism.
  • Individuality.
  • Objective truth.
  • Private property.

This article is an introduction to the Marxism-Globalists’ agenda to destroy Patriotism and the Nation State.

The Vital Importance of the Sovereign Nation to Culture, Civilisation & Society

The idea of being a ‘citizen of the world’ sounds just peachy, until you realise that it is a phrase manufactured by the world’s richest psychopaths, simply in an attempt to turn people against their nation’s sovereign status. The Nation State is perhaps the greatest obstacle to the Marxist-Globalists being able to secure a worldwide authoritarian dictatorship.

Nation States are the wombs that give birth to civilisations and the incubators of culture.

You can judge the cultural supremacy of a nation by the loudness of its anti-government patriots, because true patriotism is never about the culture of the State; it’s about the culture of the people who have lived there for generations and for centuries.

Nobody stands up to defend the borders and sovereignty of a nation that is worthless. Instead people leave such nations in droves.

Many will always stand up to defend the borders and sovereignty of a nation that is worthy of such patriotism. Protecting the integrity of such a nation is priceless, not only for its indigenous members, but for the good of society as a whole.

Every religion, every ideology, every invention, every piece of art, every technological advancement, every moral principle, owes its existence and its survival to one Nation State or another. Without Nation States, the world would have a lot less culture, a lot less diversity of ideas, and a lot less social advancement.

The Nation State is the greatest treasure that human society has ever possessed. Yet Marxism-Globalism is determined to destroy everyone sovereign nation via its antisocial, antihuman and antidivine agenda to form a New World Order dictatorship.

Marxism-Globalism’s Orchestrated Wars to Destroy the Nation State

When you consider that all the violent revolutions and all the major wars over the last 250 years (and almost all of the minor ones too), were purposefully orchestrated by the Marxist-Globalists, as part of their geopolitical plan to obliterate all Nation States, it’s not difficult to imagine how that rich diversity of sovereign cultures might have looked today, if those wars had not been forced upon humanity, and the middle class had been allowed to continue unabated with its continual civilising of our society.

WW1 and WW2 alone accounted for well over 100 million deaths, with the historic architectural culture of many cities and towns obliterated out of existence. The regimes of communism (just one of the six political tentacles of MG) in the 20th century alone accounted for at least another 100 million victims, although that may be an underestimation of the true figure.

Any scholar of hidden history will know that what I am stating above about the orchestrated nature of all this violence and murder is well-founded – “all wars are bankers wars”… and all violent revolutions besides.

‘Trojan Horse’ Tactics of Marxism-Globalism

It was only after about 150 years of all this planned bloodshed – following WW2 – that those behind Marxism-Globalism decided on a new strategy to destroy the Nation States of Europe and western civilisation as a whole – by destroying the Nation State from within, through Fifth Column Globalism and other ‘Trojan horse’ tactics.

If you don’t know what Fifth Column Globalism is yet, it’s time to catch up.

‘Western democracy’ may still exist on paper, but in reality, it’s ‘government by selection’, not by election.

Wherever you live in the world, but particularly if you live in Britain, the US, Canada or a European country, you will have noticed that in the last 20 years, more and more national and regional policy is being made by those who are unelected by the people.

Globalist Non-Democratic Organisations (GNOs) are replacing government departments when it comes to making all the political and social decisions. They infest all levels of social governance, from international politics, businesses and charities right down to the small community projects in cities and towns.

[Definition of Globalist Non-Democratic Organisations (GNOs)
Deceivingly called NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations), these agencies are, in fact, Globalist Non-Democratic Organisations (GNOs). These are Fifth Column Globalist institutions, which are specifically designed to infiltrate, undermine and ultimately replace institutions that were formed to serve each sovereign nation and its indigenous population.

The objective of the largest international GNOs is manipulate public policy to fall inline with Marxist-Globalist objectives, and to fleece national treasuries, transferring taxpayer’s funds from paying for traditional and expected public services into national Marxist-Globalist projects and agendas, as well as smaller regional and local GNOs that are undermining the political and social infrastructure at the city, town or community level.]

Many millions of people awakened to this GNO branch of Fifth Column Globalism during the scamdemic. Unelected officials who took their orders from GNOs such as the WHO, the CDC, the WEF, the EU, and the UN were given equal or greater powers than elected politicians in setting government policy and telling the people of each nation what they could and couldn’t do.

These organisation of Marxism-Globalism have no democratic mandate, but over the last few decades they have gradually been sidling their way into positions of greater and greater power within each sovereign nation. The ultimate objective of the Marxist-Globalists is for these GNOs to completely replace all elected representatives of the people within government.

How Fifth Column Globalists Control Government

As far as those ‘elected’ representatives of the people are concerned, the two-party system that still rules the roost in American, and practically does in Britain, Canada and many other countries, is now more blatantly then ever ‘selecting’ candidates who all offer the electorate no real policy alternative whatsoever. That is because all these ‘selected’ candidates work for MG. They are all Fifth Column Globalists.

In the last few years, when a leader of Britain or America has stepped down, it is the ‘controlled’ party who decides who will be the next leader, not the people of the country. Further more, that new leader is always a ‘card carrying globalist’. This is Marxism-Globalism, not democracy.

So long as the Marxist-Globalists have at least two Fifth Column Globalists in the running for any political position, they can make it look as though there is a choice. This works the same as the classic washing powder duopoly con…

Almost all supermarket washing powders used to be manufactured by either Unilever or Proctor & Gamble, yet the consumer thought they had a choice of dozens of products from which to choose. The only reason why there were two companies was because a ‘duopoly’ got around the laws not permitting a ‘monopoly’. The same is true with faux-democracy. Having the two main parties controlled by the same ‘hidden hand’ – Marxism-Globalism – isn’t labelled as a dictatorship, even though the result is essentially the same.

City mayors (individuals who are far easier to corrupt or compromise than entire councils) are being given powers to by-pass central government policy. Fifth Column Globalists promote the term ‘Democratically Elected Mayors’, but it is only when you know the history of communist policy that you understand the use of the word ‘democratic’, just like the use of words like ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’, and terms like ‘equal rights’ and ‘social justice’ are well-documented as systematic ruses to fool a well-meaning and gullible public into supporting one or another Marxist-Globalist policy.

It is all very calculated and very deceitful. The reality is that it is very easy for the hidden hand of Marxism-Globalism to bribe, blackmail or brainwash 50 individual city mayors, which would give them almost total control over 90% of the population of country like England.

Another Fifth Column Globalist tactic is to make councils and communities ever more reliant on grants for ‘social projects’ handed out by GNOs. Over the last 20 years, GNOs that claim to be working for social reform and social justice have suddenly sprung up in every city, taking over the public services that were once underpinned by the State.

This has made the citizenry of these communities beholden to Globalist-Marxist funding rather than taxpayers funding. So now when their MG funder says “jump”, the community says “how high”. Again, this is classic Fifth Column Globalism. It’s all about infiltrating the social infrastructure and either controlling it or destroying it.

When enough Fifth Column Globalists – both institutional and individual – have infiltrated positions of political and social power, as they now have done in all nations, the overall plan to collapse the nation from within can begin in earnest.

This is what you are currently witnessing all around you. The present collapsing of your nation and your society is in no way natural or random – it is systematic and very well orchestrated by the Marxist-Globalists.

Every Nation’s Big Three – Economy, Infrastructure & Public Services

This purposeful collapsing of your society is achieved through degrading and destroying your nation’s economy, material infrastructure, and public services.

Collapsing the Nation’s Economy
The collapsing of each nation’s economy is now almost entirely achieved through the policies of the central banks, which all work in collaboration with one another under Marxist-Globalist control to manipulate inflation rates and national currency rates, and generally influence (rig) the financial markets – always to the advantage of the transnational parasitic class and to the detriment of the middle class and ‘subsistence class’ of every nation.

Collapsing the Nation’s Infrastructure
The collapsing of each nation’s material infrastructure, such as roads, railways, airlines, communication, food supply, energy supply etc is achieved through a combination of:

• Reducing government spending to vital and existing services.

• Increasing government spending to non-essential MG projects (generally prescribed by the WEF), such as Net Zero, Sustainable Development, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), 15 Minute (Prison) Cities etc etc etc.

• Continually increasing taxes, costs and regulations on small, independent businesses, whilst subsidising and promoting the ‘transnational’ corporations of the parasitic class.

• Prohibiting the use of cheap, existing and locally resourced energy, banning independent creation of energy, and increasing all fuel and energy prices.

• Reducing the capacity of a nation to feed itself with local food production, and to become wholly reliant on food that is under the control of multinationals.

• Penalising the general public for using independent modes of transport, such as through driving and parking penalties, enforcing irrational speed limits, ‘zoning’ vehicle use, and by not making road repairs.

• Using Fifth Column Globalists within the civil service and government to undermine policies and practices that are beneficial to the nations’ infrastructure.

Collapsing the Nation’s Public Services
The collapsing of each nation’s public services is achieved through the infiltration of Fifth Column Globalists within public sector positions of power and influence, in both senior positions and within middle management.

This infiltration has been going on for many decades, and in some cases for close to a century, in order for these Marxist-Globalist agents to be able to undermine every level of a nation’s public service infrastructure.

Having gained positions of influence, they were then able to purposefully employ (with the help of Marxist-Globalist policies such as DEI) less than capable people for public service jobs.

Implementing this agenda over time results in what is now a very obvious degradation of public services, from the police, to social services, to the military, to national health services, to teaching, to mental health services, to prisons, etc etc etc. Just look around you and what do you see?

William Blum "No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are,
what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." NMO™ Quote

“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are,
what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”

William Blum
Political analyst and author who exposed the US role in overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, nearly 60 foreign governments since the Second World War.

New Moral Order™


The devastation of this highly systematic attack on western civilisation by Marxism-Globalism is now so very plain for all to see.

The only real problem we have is that there are still people who naively belief that this collapsing of their society is not purposeful and systematic.

If you are just such a person, you need to know that all the evidence exists in black and white. You simply have to read it for yourself, or to start listening to those who have taken the time to do so.

New Moral Order™


It is imperative that you realise that satanic ideology lies squarely behind Marxism-Globalism. From Marxism to Globalism and everything in between, the left-hand-path of politics has been manufactured and controlled by those who also follow the-hand-path of religion.

Karl Marx was quite openly – as his early writings prove – a worshipper of satan, and yet almost nobody who adheres to his political writings is aware of this.

Moving forward to the establishment of globalism with the construction of the UN Building in New York, few know that in the basement of that building lies what many refer to as “the Temple of Satan” – a small ‘meditation room’ that is shaped like a pyramid without the capstone, and is filled with luciferian symbolism and numerology. A concentrated pinpoint beam of light radiates down onto the largest piece of magnetite ever mined, a 6.5 ton, 4 feet high, black, trapezoid, casket-shaped altar, donated by the King of Sweden, and overseen on the wall opposite by a modernistic interpretation of the all-seeing eye and a snake.

What is notable is how very few people who have heard of Karl Marx or the UN Building know about their direct links to satanism. When you further research the left-hand-path of politics as a whole, these direct links to satanic ideology are numerous and undeniable. Which brings me to the point.

The greatest trick the devil ever played was getting people to believe that he doesn’t exist. Exactly the same is true of Marxism-Globalism.

For 250 years, these nefarious psychopaths who lurk in the shadows of politics have managed to fool the vast majority of people that what they witnessed in the world of politics was the reality, and that there was no ‘hidden hand’; no ‘wizard behind the curtain’.

Now the devils’ mask is falling off this political left-hand-path. The people can see how they have been lied to by the charlatans of the parasitic class – the banksters and the billionaires who have sponsored marxism, communism, socialism, progressivism, liberalism, and globalism to fool the poorest in society into believing that the carrot they were offering them was not on a stick, but that they really did care about their welfare and prosperity.

People in every country are waking up in ever greater numbers to the reality that all politics is just a stage show of puppet politicians who take their orders from Bilderberg, Davos, the BIS, the WEF, the Club of Rome, the CFR, Chatham House etc etc.

It is this light of truth that will save society from these psychopathic criminals. It sears into their frozen hearts just as it does into the devil’s own black heart. Keep yourself bathed in that light of truth, and keep sharing it with more and more of your fellow human beings.

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