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New Moral Order™

Stopping Sex Slavery


Sex Slavery covers a large breadth of related topics and themes, none of which should be regarded as acceptable in a modern, civilised society. Sadly, we live in a 21st century society that feigns civility in favour of a corrupted and socially satanic network of criminality, which trades in three key commodities: addiction, sex and violence. Sex Slavery involves all three.

The subject of Sex Slavery encompasses, but is not limited to, the themes of sex trafficking, child trafficking, child sexual abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), child sacrifice, cannibalism, organ harvesting, snuff movies, serial killers, satanic cults, sex slave farms & dungeons, pornography and prostitution.

All the above sexually deviant and associated activities are intrinsically connected; all are very real; and all are protected by very powerful people and organisations within the criminal networks, secret societies and establishment institutions of organised psychopathy.

Many people have been brainwashed into considering pornography and prostitution to be socially acceptable industries, but this a purely modern phenomenon. Gaining a knowledge of the nefarious agendas behind the recent promotion of these two most common Sex Slavery activities, as well as the less accepted ones, is essential for understanding the wider implications of how modern politics and society are being corrupted, controlled and collapsed, as the majority of the populace fall ever further into the cauldron of systematic immoralisation.

Keep reminding yourself and others of what is used to control you in your life: addiction, sex and violence. Everything that you are brainwashed into doing and thinking revolves around the manipulation of these three influences on your body, mind and soul.

The more you are able to control your addictions, normalise your sexual habits, and remove all forms of violence from your senses, the less you will be controlled by the social manipulators, and the more conscious, healthy and happy you will become. That is an absolute guarantee. Bring your children up to understand this golden rule of sovereign, moral living and they will thank you for it in the years to come.

Those who are the social gatekeepers of this criminal sex world will tell you that such things as Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) simply don’t exist. The problem they have is that an overwhelming amount of corroborating evidence is now there to prove otherwise. It not only exists, it is far more extensive than was ever previously imagined, and points the finger at perpetrators who reside at the very top of the social ladder down to the very bottom, and everywhere in between.

You may at first adopt a pathological state of denial regarding the countless corroborating testimonies of women and children who all clearly state exactly the same things, and all finger the very same people and institutions involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse and other forms of Sex Slavery.

The police, the judiciary and the governments have systemically adopted such a position of denial, repeatedly failing or refusing to believe the victims and survivors. The reasons why become blatantly obvious when you listen to enough. of the survivors’ testimonies, and even more so when you listen to the heroic whistleblowers of such institutions of the establishment, who have taken great risks in exposing the extraordinary levels of corruption and complicity within them.

Quite simply, if we believe the thousands of victim testimonies, we must accept that many, if not most of the key players within those institutions of power are either directly involved in the crimes themselves, or are sufficiently compromised by other means to result in the same complicity – to conceal such crimes from public, to protect the perpetrators, and to scupper any chance of a successful prosecution.

The simple decision you have to eventually come to is whether you believe the testimonies of thousands of victims who have nothing to gain and much to lose by exposing what they have experienced and who they have witnessed committing the crimes, or whether you believe the police, judges and politicians who have been shown again and again in these modern times to have been compromised and corrupt. It’s very simple – listen to the testimonies and then decide for yourself.

Lastly, for every time you turn your eyes, your ears and your mind away from this subject, and rely on your defensive mechanism of denial to ignore something that you would rather believe does not exist, millions more children and vulnerable adults are raped, beaten, enslaved, tortured, murdered, and even cannibalised.

That is because 99% of people just like you are also turning their heads away from this reality every day of the week, and every week of the year. Until you come realise that it is you that has to make a stand – simply by learning the truth and talking about it with others – the suffering and misery of the victims will continue. It’s in your hands to solve this.

I believe because the mountain of evidence is undeniable.
I believe the children.
I believe the victims.
I believe the survivors.
Do you?

Topic Categories

International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ)
The ITNJ is purposed to apprehend the abuses and tyranny of systems and institutions whose agents act as if they are above the Law.

New Moral Order™

International Tribunal
for Natural Justice

The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) is an initiative founded in around 2015 by Humanitad and NewEarth Project.

“The ITNJ Treaty is the mandate Of the People to establish the ITNJ By the People and For the People.”

 New Moral Order™ supports the ITNJ for the exemplary way in which it has provided a judicial voice to victims of child sexual abuse & SRA, and other critical social issues, by providing those victims and campaigners for truth with an international platform to present their video testimonies, many of which are truly mind-blowing in their level of exposure of the establishment’s crimes against humanity.

Statements from the ITNJ website:

“The ITNJ is purposed to apprehend the abuses and tyranny of systems and institutions whose agents act as if they are above the Law. The ITNJ intends to restore the Rule.

ITNJ Vision
“A world in which the Earth is honoured; Truth is spoken; Love is the basis of all action; and Justice is an organic, self-fulfilling function of respect for natural law.

ITNJ Mission
“To apprehend the abuses and tyranny of systems and institutions; restore truth and reason to the delivery of justice in the world; and uphold natural justice as the foundational tenet of human expression beyond the artifice of borders and boundaries.

Open Court
“In homage to its overriding commitment to Truth and transparency, the ITNJ is committed to video-recording all proceedings and live-streaming hearings and trials whenever possible, with all video recordings archived for public access. Never again shall the corrupting influence of secrecy be permitted to colour the hearts of those whom we entrust as guardians of our ancient treasures; our birth-right of natural justice.”

Read more…

International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ)

New Moral Order™

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International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ)


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