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New Moral Order™

Ending Toxic Wealth

#EndToxicWealth #FiftyMillionMax
#MyWealthCap #Cancel Corp

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Fifty Million Max™
A wealth cap for everyone in society to finally eliminate all Toxic Wealth.

Personal Acquisition Limits (PAL)
Limitation Empowerment via a personal commitment to cap your own wealth.

Trade Wars vs Multinational Control
Discover why a global, sustained trade war is what society desperately needs. 

New Moral Order™

Fifty Million Max™

Fifty Million Max™ - Eliminating Toxic Wealth. - #FiftyMillionMax

This is Policy #1 for New Moral Order™. Once implemented, things will change overnight, and you will witness the veil of corruption and deceit slip away from society like water off a ducks back.

Forget the two-party political con-game that you have been conditioned to believe represents democracy. Instead, demand this one policy to be guaranteed for implementation before you agree to vote again. IT really is that simple.

Politics is no longer about waiting for years to be permitted a single vote and then to see everything simply continue as normal. The corruption has to end. The Fifty Million Max™ project guarantees to do exactly that.

All you need to do is promote the policy. Wear the t-shirt. Distribute the flyers, cards and promotional goods. Talk about it in the pub, bar, coffee shop, office, and with your family and friends.

You can get to understand just how monumentally the Fifty Million Max™ policy will super-charge your life and everyone else’s life in the Fifty Million Max™ section of this website. 

Discover ways to promote the policy at

Fifty Million Max™ - Eliminating Toxic Wealth. - #FiftyMillionMax

A New Improved Society

Politicians don’t work for you – they work for the parasitic elite.

You are not causing the destruction of the environment. The multinationals owned by the world’s richest families are the only culprits.

Millions of children don’t die every year in the 21st century because you hoard ‘Toxic Wealth’. It is a few thousand ‘rich sick’ billionaires who are guilty of allowing that crime to continue.

If you want to see an end to the corruption.
If you want to see an end to the destruction.
If you want to see an end to the death and suffering.

Then simply support and promote
the Fifty Million Max™ Project.

In a truly civilised society, there would be no billionaires. It’s time to make everyone wealthy by not allowing anyone to be ‘toxically’ wealthy.

A $50,000,000 maximum wealth cap for every individual will make everyone rich, and will end poverty, political corruption, global conflict, and economic uncertainty almost overnight.

Are you ready to wake up and help make a real difference?

Forget small change. It’s time to establish a real paradigm shift.

‘Toxic Wealth’ is Illegitimate Wealth

An End to Political Corruption
Toxic Wealth provides the Parasitic Elite with an infinite slush fund by which to undermine decent politicians, subvert democracy and install their own puppet-politicians and totalitarian policies. It is now time to put an end to that corruption, once and for all.

The Only Policy to Vote For
Implementing the Fifty Million Max™ policy will solve every major issue in society, not just the extreme corruption that is so plain to see within government, finance, multinational business, the media, and other institutional systems controlled by Toxic Wealth.

When Money Becomes Power
Toxic Wealth has one purpose – to achieve greater political, social and personal power for the Parasitic Elite and their partners in crime. It is not money in the normal sense of the word. Instead, it is a tool of social influence and political function. Such Toxic Wealth has no place in a moral, democratic society.

5 Million Children Starve Each Year While Some Hoard Trillions
Anyone who seeks to oppose the Fifty Million Max™ policy has no soul. It really is that simple. Each and every year, five million children die of thirst, starvation and malnutrition, while individuals, along with banks, multinationals and institutions on behalf of them, hoard trillions upon trillions. There is no moral argument for any individual to be allowed by society to hoard such excessive amounts of wealth when that same society permits so many to die in suffering and to live in abject misery.

You Can Have It All
Fifty Million Max™ not only levels the playing field by eliminating the hoarding of unjustifiable amounts of money (Toxic Wealth), but it will also transform society overnight into one in which everyone is living a millionaire’s lifestyle, rather than a tiny privileged minority living as billionaires.

Dispelling the Myth of ‘Class War’
Class War was an invention of those with Toxic Wealth, designed to pit the Working Class and the Middle Class against each other, thereby protecting the Parasitic Elite from being targeted by the populace as a whole for being the true enemies of society.

Fifty Million Max™ finally brings the Working Class and the Middle Class back together, as they should be, with the understanding that everyone living in the 21st century can and should possess a millionaire’s lifestyle. There is only one true enemy, now and throughout history, and that is the Parasitic Elite – those who relentless accumulate and hoard Toxic Wealth.

This hoarding of Toxic Wealth is the one barrier in the way of attaining a truly fair society for all.

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Fifty Million Max™

New Moral Order™

Personal Acquisition Limits (PAL)

A Personal Acquisition Limit (PAL) involves the individual making a public commitment to limit his or her income and assets – for life. Making an open statement on the wealth limits that you have set for yourself is not only the best way of positively altering your mindset in regards to money, but it also serves to project a positive economic message to others, and ultimately to society as a whole.

Those who do decide to set their own Personal Acquisition Limits can expect to be rewarded with a new sense of balance, purpose and meaning in their life.

Take a moment to consider how the gatekeepers of Toxic Wealth have been continuously brainwashing you and every member of the general public into idolising those who have extreme, toxic amounts of wealth, and to crave acquiring such wealth for yourself.

How many people play the lottery? How many follow people on social media simply because they are famous for their wealth, or are promoting things that normal people simply cannot afford? How many people admire celebrities because they look good in the free luxury fashion that they are constantly given, or love members of a monarchy because of the pageants and ceremonial spectacles that are relentlessly spoon-feed by them?

Once you wake up to the reality that such things are all systematically manufactured, in order to produce a well-calculated addiction to extreme wealth within the populace, then you begin to understand not only the importance of eliminating the Toxic Wealth that allows such agendas to be imposed on humanity, but also, and perhaps even more importantly, the necessity for you to make a visible display of your own awareness of that programming, and your capacity as a sovereign individual to counteract it. Establishing your own lifelong Personal Acquisition Limit does just that.

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Personal Acquisition Limits (PAL)

New Moral Order™

Trade Wars vs Multinational Control

It’s time to wake up to the fact that there is an enemy in our midst, and that the people have been relentlessly programmed over generations to consider this enemy simply as part of the furniture, as though it was as normal and as necessary as the walls of a house. However, it is not the walls of the house, nor the furniture in the room. It is the elephant in the room, and the elephant is a total psychopath.

When it comes to general pollution, plastics in the oceans and soil, chemicals in drinking water, toxins in the food supply, and almost every other environmental issue, the multinational controlled media wants you to believe that the human populace are the problem; that ‘you’ are the problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are gaslighting you, in order to protect their profits and to maintain the advance the agendas of globalism.

Multinational globalist business is the true perpetrator of all major pollution and environmental issues.

Only the multinational corporation can and must be blamed for any and all environmental issues. Your responsibility comes only in how you respond to knowing this truth.

Stop accepting the word of psychopaths in suits. Instead, have the morality and strength to accept nothing less than the total elimination of multinational corporations in favour of an independent business model and national, locally-orientated economic system.

We need an economic system of the people; by the people; and for the people. The multinational is anti-human, antisocial, and amoral. Are you?



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Trade Wars vs Multinational Control

Fifty Million Max™ - Eliminating Toxic Wealth

New Moral Order™

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Fifty Million Max™

Personal Acquisition Limits (PAL)

Trade Wars vs Multinational Control


#Cancel Corp