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New Moral Order™

Natural Health First


Natural Health First promotes the urgent need for humanity to return to an understanding that in respect to an individual’s health and the health of society as a whole, establishing prevention always supersedes any search for a cure. Indeed, once prevention is reasonably mastered, there is no need for any cure.

Big Pharma is a profit-obsessed industry, and the Rockefeller Dark Age ideology of pharmaceutical-led health, or to be more accurate, pharmaceutical-led sickness, is responsible for billions of ruined and shortened lives and over the last 100 years.

It is now time to return to sanity. It is time to take back our health from those who have stolen it. Natural Health First is the only policy required for every nation’s people to return to optimum health.

Natural Health First will eliminate over 95% of all hospital admissions, which are currently due to lifestyle and environmental choices. Natural Health First will usher in a new sick-free society, in which hospitals will almost entirely be used only for emergency trauma incidences, meaning that the health burden on the taxpayer will also reduce by 95%+.

The people do not need a National Health Service that constantly peddles them pills and procedures, to deal with health problems that are all brought on by the addiction consumerism of collaborating multinational industries.

The people simply need to be taught from birth how to adopt a naturally healthy lifestyle. It is not hard. Living and dying with the pain, suffering and misery of an unhealthy lifestyle is what is hard.

The corruption has to stop.
The poisoning has to end.
Natural Health First.

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Rockefeller Medicine
The profit focused alopathic Medical Dark Age of the last century.

New Moral Order™

Rockefeller Medicine


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Rockefeller Medicine

New Moral Order™

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Rockefeller Medicine

