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All Wars Are Toxic Wealth Wars



"In the 21st century, there is no war or military conflict that cannot be immediately stopped through economic and corporate means. The reality is that central banks and transnational corporations fund and capitalise on war for profit and expansion. As soon as the people close down the central banking system and the multinational hegemony, war and military conflict will cease to exist." Quote by Quartz of New Moral Order™.

Quote by Quartz of New Moral Order™

From ‘Quartz on Peace vs. War’ [Quartz Quotes]

New Moral Order™


• Have you been programmed to accept violence and mass murder?
• It is the parasitic class who are solely responsible for all wars.
• They fear the ‘peaceful evolutionary’, not the violent revolutionary.

How Many Warmongers
Do You Personally Know?

All the chaos you see on the news is purposefully constructed. It doesn’t just happen. Only a fool believes in coincidence when it comes to national and global politics. The idea that a war couldn’t be prevented is a myth, one of many that you have been programmed to believe since birth.

Walk down a busy street on a Saturday afternoon and you do not see fights suddenly erupt from the crowds. That is because human conflict takes a great deal of effort to bring about. Ninety-five percent of human beings are not the real problem. They never have been.

If wars were not profitable for those who never take part in them but who have financed them all, arms companies and the military would not exist in modern society. You are being programmed with violence from the womb to the wake. Your sense of humanity has been reduced to the point at which you go to the cinema or watch a movie on TV and actually believe that violence can be entertainment for the whole family.

You are told that armies are necessary in a modern world in which 99% of people directly communicate with strangers across the planet but who never call for a war against each other. They discuss, they argue, they may dislike or even hate, but then they go to bed.

It takes the other 1% to be in control of the money, the media, and the governments to orchestrate war and terrorism. No, the phrase “all wars are bankers’ wars” is only ever denied by those who secretly enjoy the killing, and by those who seek to profit from the killing. It’s high time that we took all the money and the power away from that parasitic class.

Organised Psychopathy
Controls Our Society

Only the people can stop the insanity and the wrongdoing that is infecting our society because the politicians are the gatekeepers of conflict and chaos; they are simply there to make sure it continues unabated.

Once the people decide to peacefully, lawfully and democratically take over the running of our society, which they can now do and must now do, nothing and no one will be able to stop them.

You simply need to realise that you can do exactly that. We have the democratic power to start running our own society, rather than continuing to allow a bunch of social psychopathic interlopers to control it, fleece it, and destroy it.

The great ruse of the controllers has always been in getting the people to believe that a few psychopaths and sociopaths at the top of the pyramid are the only ones who can effectively manage human society.

The British establishment, aka the British Empire (it was never ‘the people’ of Britain), in full collaboration with their transnational banking partners in crime, controlled hundreds of millions of people in India with just a few thousand puppet civil servants. They managed to convince the people of that nation that there was no other option for them other than to accept the rule of their foreign masters.

This is exactly the same as they are doing today. The same banking institutions and dynasties, hand in hand with their billionaire lieutenants, are attempting to coercively force upon the people of every nation their acceptance of transnational medical interventions, central banking CBDCs, tyrannical rulings dictated from Davos, and the economic policies of globalism: of its transnational corporations; its NGOs; its technocrats; and its billionaires.

A century ago, once the people of India began to see through the scam of collectivist rule, the globalists of that day, masquerading as ‘The British Empire’, had no choice but to give up control and flee the country. India didn’t free itself with guns. It freed itself with consciousness.

They Assassinate Every ‘Peace Leader’
Because They Fear Peaceful Rebellion

Gandhi, who led the people of India to their freedom from colonial rule, understood the political power of peace, not violence, and that’s exactly why ‘the hidden hand’ of the parasitic class assassinated him. That’s also why they murdered JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King Jnr., John Lennon and every other individual who has threatened their anti-human control system.

Those leaders began to focus the people towards peaceful evolution instead of violent revolution.

Our society is ruled through violence and fear, but unlike the centuries of the past, it is now ruled through making the people desire the violence as much as making them the victims of it.

Our assassinated leaders of peace envisaged a society in which everyone thinks for themselves, but act in harmony with every other free-thinking individual, under humanity’s fundamental and eternal moral principles.

New Moral Order™


The New Moral Army™ is the only movement that’s mission is to promote a worldwide cap on personal wealth with Fifty Million Max™, alongside its two other key policies to abolish National Usury (plus a full refund of all interest ever paid by nations to private central banks), and to instigate Total Universal Compensation for the people (historic compensation for all society – the victims of the parasitic class).

Visit to find out more.

Join the New Moral Army™

If you want to join the New Moral Army™, and thereby play an active role in this game-changing movement to implement a Fifty Million Max™ worldwide wealth cap, along with the two other key policies of the New Moral Army™, then go to to find out more.

To join the New Moral Army™ now, simply donate £10 a month by following the links at and, or go directly to You can also join by signing up for a paid subscription at

Scroll down to find out more about the New Moral Army™, for links to the New Moral Army™ website, and to shop at the New Moral Army™ store.



New Moral Order™
Always Peaceful • Always Lawful • Always Democratic

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New Moral Order™



• Fifty Million Max™
The wealth of every individual capped at $50 million.

• Abolishing National Usury
An end to private central banks charging interest on the creation of money or on national borrowing.

• Total Universal Compensation
Full settlement for all historic crimes against society, because all toxic wealth leads back to criminality.

The New Moral Army™ exists for the sole purpose of promoting these three policies and seeing them fully implemented on a global scale.

Under the corrupted system in which we now find ourselves, there is no more valid social movement or worthwhile cause deserving of your support.

Please consider donating just £10 a month to join the New Moral Army™ and play an active role in the greatest political, social and economic movement in human history.

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New Moral Army™ St. George & Dragon Logo Giant Coffee Mug at Zazzle.

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The Greatest Political, Social & Economic Movement in Human History

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NEW MORAL ARMY™ Saint George Logo (White) Unisex Baseball T-Shirt.

NEW MORAL ARMY™ Saint George Logo (White) Unisex Baseball T-Shirt.


Just Stop Globalism™ Black Classic Logo Men's 50:50 T-Shirt.

Just Stop Globalism™ Black Classic Logo Men's 50:50 T-Shirt.


A.I. MUST DIE™ Circle Logo (Black Military Font) Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt.

A.I. MUST DIE™ Circle Logo (Black Military Font) Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt.


Oms Not Bombs™ Logo (Black) Men's Vintage T-Shirt.

Oms Not Bombs™ Logo (Black) Men's Vintage T-Shirt.


New Moral Army™ Information Cards (100).

New Moral Army™ Information Cards (100). Hand out and leave in coffee shops, libraries etc to promote the 3 key policies of the NMA™.