New Moral Order™
• What you can expect from New Moral Order™ posts.
• The only real solution to every social problem.
• The three key policies to transform society.
• Join the NMA™ to play an active role.
My name is Quartz. My aim is to get you thinking, not simply outside of the box, but outside of the box-making factory.
I’ll be introducing you to anunnakism, bullseye politics, chivalrism, fifth column globalism, the exostate, funnel-up economics, moral eugenics, organised psychopathy, philopolitics, postglobalism, smaug syndrome, social psychopathy, social satanism, the law doctrine, toxic wealth, unviolence and much more.
All these fascinating topics will open your mind and move you to look at our society in a way that the control system wants to suppress. The bad guys will continue to write their harmful scripts, which they need you to believe in, but you’ll be watching a different movie with a positive plot that deals only with the real solutions that will truly transform our society.
Above all, when you support my writing and work, you’ll be supporting something so important – for you and your family’s future prosperity, and for the benefit of humanity as a whole. That something is the New Moral Army™.
Following almost twenty years of working full-time to unearth the real truth about our society, our world, and our universe, in order to truly understand the biggest social problems, and in turn, the solutions to those problems, I came to exactly the same conclusion as every other truthseeker ultimately deduces, who devotes their life to that worthy cause of following the information wherever it might lead.
New Moral Order™
So here’s the bottom line …
Nothing whatsoever will really change until the people have control over society’s money and the systems that governs it. It doesn’t matter who you vote for, what charities you support, or how much you struggle for a fairer world, those who control the money supply will simply continue to exploit you, fleece you, and control you.
Once you truly comprehend this absolute social reality, everything else in politics will forever more take a backseat in your mind. If you don’t immediately realise the truth in what I’m stating, give me time, and I guarantee that I will convince you that there have never been more important social objectives than the three key policies of the New Moral Army™, and never a more exciting movement in which to play an active role.
Once I had fully appreciated this epiphany that many years of research and learning had led me to, I knew that for the rest of this lifetime I must dedicate my work to the implementation of this ultimate solution to all of society’s biggest problems. The New Moral Army™ is quite literally “the solution to it all”.
The three key policies of the New Moral Army™ are the culmination of months of consideration and evaluation of what exactly will bring about the quickest and most permanent solutions to this overarching social issue.
These three policies are:
• A personal wealth cap of $50 million per individual (Fifty Million Max™).
• The abolition of National Usury (the interest on national borrowing), and a cancellation of all related debts and return of all prior interest payments made.
• The implementation of Total Universal Compensation (reparations for all historic crimes against society and humanity, to be paid for by toxic wealth).
These policies will be explained and discussed in ever expanding detail over the coming weeks, months and years, in order that you can fully appreciate their legitimacy, why they will become the central policies at the ballot box within the next few years, and how, once implemented, they will monumentally and positively transform our society almost overnight.
The people are owed hundreds of trillions of dollars (a very conservative estimate), for illegitimate debt; for the non-democratic manipulation of governments and economies; for countless orchestrated wars; and for all other historic crimes against humanity and society – all repayable from hoarded toxic wealth funds, and all legitimately enforceable through the superlative power of democracy.
The sole purpose of the New Moral Army™, and the central purpose of my future work, is to elucidate and promote these three policies, which are guaranteed to shift human society from its current state of orchestrated decline and immoralisation, to one of worldwide optimism and prosperity, the likes of which has never before been seen.
I urge you to support this movement by becoming a member of the New Moral Army™ for just £10 a month via Donorbox or via a £10 paid monthly subscription on Substack.
The ‘Million Member Mission’
Every £10 monthly subscription/donation will increase the reach of the New Moral Army™ and the message it promotes. While a thousand members will ensure a dedicated, full-time campaign, a million members will guarantee a global movement that will make these game-changing policies the number one political topic in every nation around the globe.
We must “Aim high. Target long. Shoot far.” When it comes to saving our society, anything less is unacceptable.
Scroll down to find out more about the New Moral Army™, for links to the New Moral Army™ website, and to shop at the New Moral Army™ store.
New Moral Order™
• Fifty Million Max™
The wealth of every individual capped at $50 million.
• Abolishing National Usury
An end to private central banks charging interest on the creation of money or on national borrowing.
• Total Universal Compensation
Full settlement for all historic crimes against society, because all toxic wealth leads back to criminality.
The New Moral Army™ exists for the sole purpose of promoting these three policies and seeing them fully implemented on a global scale.
Under the corrupted system in which we now find ourselves, there is no more valid social movement or worthwhile cause deserving of your support.
Please consider donating just £10 a month to join the New Moral Army™ and play an active role in the greatest political, social and economic movement in human history.

Find out more about the New Moral Army™ at newmoralarmy.com.