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New Moral Order™

Freedom & Sovereign Rights
– The Individual vs. The State –


Quotes by Quartz of New Moral Order™ on the topic of
Freedom & Sovereign Rights (The Individual vs. The State).

New Moral Order™

Freedom & Sovereign Rights
– The Individual vs. The State –


“The duty of an authority is to inform. The responsibility of an individual is to decide.”


“If they rule by consent, and you consent to every one of their rules, then you are just a fool who desires to be ruled.”


“Men’s ambition makes legislation but man’s conscience made the Common Law.”


“Government legislation has no lawful or moral defence whatsoever against the absolute power of democracy.”


“The only true unit of social diversity is the individual. Everything else is delusory and divisive.”


“The only thing that will ensure a lasting culture of human freedom is a fundamental acceptance of individual sovereignty under Natural Law.”


“There is no ‘U’ or ‘I’ in ‘The State’.”


“Only those who have much to hide and a lust for control would prohibit an adult from accessing any news, opinion or idea. For the one true enemy of society, look no further than those who censor information.”


“Stand for freedom. Speak for others. Think for yourself.”


“In order to judge a system, ideology, or institution, you simply need to judge those it attracts to its highest ranks.

“The political establishment, judiciary, religious institutions, police, military, media, central banks and transnational corporations of your society are each dominated and controlled by freemasons, psychopaths, sociopaths, thieves, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles.

“It is never you who is at fault for any of society’s problems. It is the institutions that rule over you, and those who manage them from the shadows. They are always and forever fully responsible.

“Stop blaming the man or woman on the other side of the street or across the tracks. Look up to the cameras that spy on you, look beyond the screen that brainwashes you, and look behind the stage that hosts the show they call politics.

“They wear suits, not hoodies. They rob you from private jets, not scooters; they control you with debt, not punches; and they harm and kill you with products, not guns. Know thy enemy!”


“The problem with ‘The Social Contract’ is the same as with any contract – people simply don’t read the small print. In regards to politics of the State, the devil really is in the detail.”

[inspired by the book ‘The Social Contract’ – Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762)]

“The concept of ‘hate speech’ is quite simply the ideology of those who hate speech. In other words, it is an invention by those who don’t believe that the people should have a voice.”


“I may think you’re an idiot, but I will defend with my life your freedom to speak like one.”


“You may wrongly assume that hate speech laws are no threat to you. They are the blasphemy laws of globalism. If you allow them, what follows is a globalist inquisition.”


“The civilised man neither kneels to another nor permits another to kneel before him.”


“Just as every servant has a master, every master has a servant. The existence of one requires and promotes the existence of the other. If you wish to eliminate all slavery and servitude within society, you must also seek to eliminate all ideas of mastery over others.”


“You cannot rely on any system that in turn relies on your money, your ignorance, or your submission.”


“The level of advancement of any society may be judged by the individuality of the individual rather than by the state of the state.”


“There is no equality in idolatry.”


New Moral Order™

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