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The Middle Class – The Real Social Utopia



The Middle Class and the Working Class vs. the Parasitic Class.

Article: The Middle Class – The Real Social Utopia

New Moral Order™


• The middle class – the equilibrium of society.
• The poverty class & the parasitic class.
• The middle class grows – poverty, war, crime reduce.
• The parasitic class fears growth of the middle class.
• The middle class under attack.
• Toxic wealth is the only real enemy.
• Stop shouting at the political brick wall.
• Bullseye politics – targeting the foundations of evil.
• The Solution to It All – whenever you’re ready.

Donald Trump "The middle class is getting clobbered in this country. You know the middle class built this country, not the hedge fund guys, but I know people in hedge funds that pay almost nothing, and it's ridiculous." - NMA™ Quote

“The middle class is getting clobbered in this country. You know the middle class built this country, not the hedge fund guys, but I know people in hedge funds that pay almost nothing, and it’s ridiculous.”

President Donald Trump
45th president of the United States.
Statesman, anti-globalist, survivor of three assassination attempts in 2024.

The Middle Class – The Real Social Utopia

In its simplest terms, the middle class refers to the equilibrium of society. It is the stabilising ballast that anchors and orders it. Without the middle class, society would become a truly dystopian nightmare, much like the feudal system of centuries ago.

Those who regard themselves as being of the middle class are generally living a comfortable existence. It is that life of reasonable comfort – a life in which society itself is not the enemy – that we should wish on everyone, and strive to bring to everyone. The Fifty Million Max™ policy achieves exactly that.

Socially beneath the middle class are the disadvantaged, the poverty stricken, and the starving, whilst above it sit the dynastic families of political and social power, the overly-privileged, and all those who have relentlessly hoarded toxic wealth – the parasitic class.

As the middle class expands to harness society’s wealth – poverty, war and crime recede at the same pace. This is because the monopoly and negative impact that toxic wealth has over politics, finance and society, diminishes as the middle class gains more economic influence.

Just as the ballast in the middle of a ship stops the vessel from rocking from side to side, and ultimately from sinking, so does the middle class stop society from repeatedly pivoting between the extremes of a totalitarian State and violent revolution. The more ballast the ship has, the less the passengers feel the wash of the waves and the lurching of the ship.

The bigger the middle class becomes within society, the more its members are cushioned from any natural disaster or social turmoil – whether that be the desperate actions of the poor, or the illicit conspiring of those at the very top of the financial heap.

This is why the parasitic class have always regarded the middle class as its greatest existential threat.

If the middle class were to succeed in its natural progression to envelop the whole of society, the excessively wealthy would simply cease to exist. There would also be no more starving people, no poor, no financially insecure members of society.

Those who control society for their own personal benefit – those who hoard billions and trillions in toxic wealth – know this truth only too well, and that is why they have constructed modern society in such a way as to persistently attack the middle class from all sides, always aiming to weaken its social power, fleece it of its earnings and savings, and diminish its overall size.

The parasitic class want only an enslaved underclass beneath them. The working class was gradually turned into the welfare class – to become wholly reliant on the State. The welfare class was then expanded to involve the middle class (think tax credits, childcare payments etc) and disintegrate it from within. That is what the planned Universal Basic Income (UBI) agenda is really all about.

Those with toxic wealth want to see the total elimination of the middle class – an objective that they have been working towards for the past 250 years. Without a burgeoning middle class, we can say goodbye to any kind of a truly civilised society.

Quartz Quote "The parasitic class want to utterly destroy the middle class. By making everyone middle class, we will destroy the parasitic class." - NMA™

“The parasitic class want to utterly destroy the middle class.
By making everyone middle class, we will destroy the parasitic class.”

New Moral Order™


Every day, I see people on social media complaining about all the things that people should be complaining about – orchestrated wars, pharmaceutical dependency and tyranny leading to coerced or forced depopulation, attacks on free speech, the brainwashing and sexualisation of children, SRA, the war on moral culture, the agenda to destroy the sovereign Nation State and western society, and the general marxist-globalist political and economic gravy train heading towards its final destination – a global dictatorship.

These are all extremely important concerns and I applaud anyone spending their time on social media discussing the above rather than simply using the Internet for aggrandizement or chin-wagging about TV, movies, spectator sport, consumer goods, or any other systematic distractions that have been specifically manufactured to dumb-down the people and stop them thinking about… well, just to stop them thinking.

However, very, very few of those who do really care about the important things, take the next critical step in conscious thinking, which is to stop shouting at the brick wall, but to instead step back, consider what is holding up that wall, and then focus on removing those foundations. Without foundations, the brick wall of psychopathic control, war, violence, and parasitic greed no longer has the strength to sustain itself.

This is bullseye politics. Forget the rest of the target, simply aim for the bullseye. If only a fraction of people began to target just the bullseye in politics, everything would immediately begin to change for the better. Stop being distracted by anything other than taking out the foundations of this wall of evil.

Every single true expert of conspiracy reality that I have ever researched eventually comes to exactly the same conclusion – nothing will change until the people take control of the money system. I came to exactly the same conclusion. They were all absolutely correct.

Toxic wealth is the problem. Whether you are discussing Israel’s war on the people of the Levant, NATO’s war in Ukraine, the planned ‘cost of lockdown crisis’, election rigging, faux-democracy, orchestrated terrorism, triggered recessions, the depopulation agenda, geoengineering, chemtrails, weather modification, the climate change con, illegal medical experimentation, the establishment-run international drugs trade, Fifth Column Globalism’s non-democratic control of national governments, or any other issue, it is the trillions in hoarded wealth, stolen from the people, and held by just a few thousand out of an 8 billion populace, which funds all the illicit criminal activity against the people, and has done for centuries.

If you don’t eliminate – peacefully, lawfully and democratically – the trillionaires, the billionaires and the banksters from society, then it will never be your society. It will be theirs, and you will always be an unwelcome guest within it.

New Moral Order™


There is currently only one political, social and economic movement – the New Moral Army™ – that is promoting a worldwide personal wealth cap policy, as one of its three game-changing policies that are guaranteed to solve every major social issue immediately.

This authentic utopia for everyone can easily be achieved, simply through peacefully, lawfully and democratically returning all the stolen and hoarded toxic wealth back to the people, and by putting a permanent stop to the theft from your pocket (your earnings, your savings, your nation), which is still being undertaken every single day.

You have the power if only you realise it. It’s called ‘democracy’, but if you don’t use it to make the really important changes soon, you may no longer have it at all. The sooner you act, the sooner the theft will stop. If you do nothing, you can only expect everything to continue to get worse. It’s up to you.

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Always Peaceful • Always Lawful • Always Democratic

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• Fifty Million Max™
The wealth of every individual capped at $50 million.

• Abolishing National Usury
An end to private central banks charging interest on the creation of money or on national borrowing.

• Total Universal Compensation
Full settlement for all historic crimes against society, because all toxic wealth leads back to criminality.

The New Moral Army™ exists for the sole purpose of promoting these three policies and seeing them fully implemented on a global scale.

Under the corrupted system in which we now find ourselves, there is no more valid social movement or worthwhile cause deserving of your support.

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