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New Moral Order™


16. They Cannot Stop
What the People
Democratically Demand


You don’t need to make any big changes in your life to support this ‘policy for humanity’. Simply make the Fifty Million Max™ strategy a part of your frequent conversations with others, and remember to totally ignore any negative arguments against it from those who have been conditioned to believe that the people have no real power to change anything, or that it’s always been the way it is and that will never change.

Just keep pushing a positive narrative because that attitude is the best way to breakdown the social brainwashing that makes many people falsely believe that they are powerless, and that they must always rely on the established system to make all the decisions about their life.

The established system is so massively corrupted that more and more people every month are waking up to the reality that it is now down to the people to completely replace that system – peacefully, lawfully and democratically – along with every individual who is attached to it. That great social change must begin with eliminating the toxic wealth that fuels the corruption – through the implementation of a Fifty Million Max™ policy.

In terms of social thinking, it is now time to go big, or go home. Those who think big will immediately see why Fifty Million Max™ is exactly what is required right now to solve all the real issues. It is only those who think in such an unrestricted way – free of the incessant social brainwashing – who are required to make this policy a political and social reality. A new political structure is starting to being formulated across the globe, to totally replace the current corrupted system, and this is your chance to be an active part of that new and vastly improved democratic framework. By understanding that the first step has to be the elimination of toxic wealth, you are already half way to becoming one of tomorrow’s political champions.

All arguments against Fifty Million Max™ will be manufactured, in order to stop a policy that will effectively remove the parasitic elite’s immoral and criminal control over humanity. Just ignore the nay-sayers, and continue to promote its universal merits, until the policy becomes reality.

There are now so many brainwashed people, systematically dumbed down by mind-controlling technology and the everyday poisons of the modern consumer world, that you must expect there will be a good deal of apathy and general negativity towards this universally problem-solving policy. Such reticence to such as game-changing strategy – which essentially makes all of society cash-rich and corruption-free – makes absolutely no sense, but that is nothing new when it comes to the opinions and thought processes of the programmed masses. On the flip side, there are now enough people who are as awake as you are, which makes it very easy to cut through the fake narrative of the controlled mainstream, and to bring about real change for all. Once you have a clear and simple idea that everyone can get behind, and you relentlessly promote it, the control system really has no chance against such a rising tide of positive social change.

Fifty Million Max™ makes moral sense; it makes economic sense; it makes democratic sense; and it makes social sense. Just keep promoting it, and keep thinking of the rewards, for you, for your children, and for the whole of society and the planet.

As you are hopefully aware, the faux-democracy that currently exists is a total sham, but the idea of democracy itself is as authentic as it always has been. It is the political power of the people over the parasitic elite. That has always been the understanding, and yet the reality has always been exactly the opposite. It is not that democracy has failed, but that it has always been utterly corrupted and warped by the parasitic elite and their political puppets, to become something far less than the democratic vision that exists within people’s minds. Without their toxic wealth, their system of corruption simply ceases to be functional.

It is time for that subversion of democracy to end. If the majority of people in a nation, or in the world as a whole, declare that they want a Fifty Million Max™ rule applied to THEIR society, then it must and will take place. Surely, that is what a true democracy guarantees. Anyone that dares to stand in the way of such real democracy must be fully and lawfully held to account by our new society.

I predict that virtually no politician will support the idea, and most will simply try to ignore it completely, at least at first. That is because they are completely bought-and-paid-for by the banking and corporate system (not democracy) that actually manages the political system, and which controls each of those corrupted politicians like a puppet on a string.

Fifty Million Max™ will actually ‘cut the top off the pyramid’, and that is where the politicians’ strings all ultimately hang from, and from where their social pay-offs and financial back-handers come, for the illicit services they politically provide to their puppet masters. It is this cap of the social pyramid where all the toxic wealth accumulates. A ‘wealth cap’ of $50 million will effectively remove this cap off the pyramid – forever!

The important question to force all politicians to answer, is not whether they think the Fifty Million Max™ policy is achievable, because every one of them will falsely state that it is not. Instead, simply get them to state in writing whether they think it is morally a good idea, and if not, why not? Remember, $50 million is just a large number that represents the idea that the hoarding of extreme wealth is not socially legitimate. If a politician focuses on that number, simply ask them whether they think it is write that a person should hoard $100 billion, or in the case of a dynastic family such as the Rothschild’s, many trillions of dollars? Push them into a corner in which they are forced to attempt to justify that level of toxic wealth. The old rules no longer apply. Demand only a moral answer that reflects a modern and civilised society that is reasonably fair to all, which can only be achieved by eliminating the very worst of extremes.

Any politician that says that they are fine with a system that permits thousands of people to hoard trillions of dollars while millions of children still die annually from starvation, has no place in modern politics. There is absolutely no justification for such blatant economic ignorance and political stupidity within a moral democracy that we must now all forge into existence.

It is time for politicians to have to persistently prove their moral authenticity and social intelligence to the people who they are supposed to represent. It is the big issues that matter now – only the biggest of issues – and politicians must be forced to transparently discuss those issues on a daily basis, and to discuss them directly with the people.

If a politician supports the ideology of toxic wealth, it is because his or her career relies on toxic wealth for its existence. The parasitic elite know that they must directly control the vast majority of politicians – through bribery, blackmail or extreme coercion, in order to guarantee that such transformational ideas as Fifty Million Max™ never even get discussed at the national or international level of politics.

Perhaps it might be expected that some politicians who openly support big business capitalism, or who are ‘born to the manor’, may well approve of toxic wealth, because it is their ingrained ideological belief to do so. Such an ideology is akin to believing in the rule of kings, along with the subordination and persecution of those who are not ‘divinely chosen to rule’ – in other words, the general population. The views of such outdated ideologues must be exposed and denounced as uncivilised and wholly unacceptable within the modern age. Any politician who is attending meetings with unelected billionaire and trillionaire members of the parasitic elite in places such as Davos or Bilderberg, or at the WEF or CFR, is not a political representative of the people – they are the people’s enemy. It really is that simple.

However, if your political representative pays lip-service to the principles of helping the worst off in society, or the fundamental principle of democracy, by which the electorate ultimately control the society, then they must be able to clearly give their reasons as to why they would ever think that people who hoard billions – and who are thereby able to directly manipulate society and undermine democracy – should be allowed to continue to do so, within our modern society?

It is now time to make every single politician either put up or step down. If they oppose the Fifty Million Max™ policy, then they are not the sort of person that the people can trust to represent them going forward. Fifty Million Max™ sorts the political wheat from the chaff. Do they support the toxically wealthy or do they support a new improved society that is free of corruption and needless suffering. It is a simple choice.

Fifty Million Max™
It’s time to make everyone wealthy!

There is one genuine movement
that will bring about this new utopian society …


Fifty Million Max™ is one of the three paradigm-shifting policies of the New Moral Army™.

Three Policies to Transform the World

• Fifty Million Max™
A global wealth cap of $50 million per individual.

• Abolishing National Usury
An end to private central banks charging interest on the creation of money and national borrowing.

• Total Universal Compensation
Full settlement for all historic crimes against society, because all toxic wealth leads back to criminality.

The New Moral Army™ exists for the sole purpose of promoting these three policies and seeing them fully implemented on a global scale.

Under the corrupted system in which we now find ourselves, there is no more valid social movement or worthwhile cause deserving of your support.

Please consider donating just £10 a month to join the New Moral Army™ and play an active role in the greatest political, social and economic movement in human history.

NEW MORAL ARMY™ Saint George & Dragon Half Curved Text (Black on White).

Find out more about the New Moral Army™ at

New Moral Order™

The Fifty Million Max™ Project

Links to pages in this series...

1 Introduction

2 The Middle Class - The Real Social Utopia

3 Divide & Rule

4 The Working Class vs The Middle Class

5 Communism vs. Capitalism

6 Breaking Through the Stone Ceiling

7 The True Enemy

8 Toxic Wealth & Politics

9 The Moral Imperative

10 'Smaug Syndrome' - A Mental Disorder

11 Why 'Fifty Million'?

12 You Can Have It All!

13 A Democratic Society Cannot Steal What It Already Owns

14 Vote With Your Voice and You Peaceful Actions

15 All the Historic Issues

16 They Cannot Stop This if the People Democratically Demand It

Fifty Million Max™ - Eliminating Toxic Wealth. - #FiftyMillionMax

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