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New Moral Order™

Natural Health First™


Natural Health First™ promotes the urgent need for humanity to return to an understanding that in respect to an individual’s health and the health of society as a whole, establishing prevention always supersedes any search for a cure. Indeed, once prevention is reasonably mastered, there is no need for any cure.

Big Pharma is a profit-obsessed industry, and the Rockefeller Dark Age ideology of pharmaceutical-led health, or to be more accurate, pharmaceutical-led sickness, is responsible for billions of ruined and shortened lives over the last 100 years.

It is now time to return to health sanity. It is time to take back our health from those who have stolen it. Natural Health First is the only policy required for every nation’s people to return to optimum health.

Natural Health First™ would eliminate practically all hospital admissions, which are -within the current paradigm – almost totally due to lifestyle choices and negative environmental influences.

Natural Health First™ will usher in a new sick-free society, in which hospitals will almost entirely be used only for emergency trauma incidences, meaning that the financial health burden on the taxpayer would reduce by 95%+.

The people do not need a National Health Service that constantly peddles them experimental pills and procedures, to deal with health problems that are all brought on by the addiction consumerism of collaborating multinational industries.

The people simply need to be taught from birth to adopt a naturally healthy lifestyle. It is not hard. Living and dying with the pain, suffering and misery of an unhealthy lifestyle is what is hard.

The corruption has to stop.
The poisoning has to end.
Natural Health First™.

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Fifth Column Globalism – Francis Bacon, the First Globalist. Origins of Globalism [A Mini Masterclass]

Fifth Column Globalism – Francis Bacon, the First Globalist. Origins of Globalism [A Mini Masterclass]

#NewMoralOrder#PsychoFreeSociety#OrganisedPsychopathy#SocialPsychopathy#FifthColumnGlobalism#FCG#JustStopGlobalism#GlobalismZero#postglobalism"All great events have been distorted, most of the important causes concealed ...If the history of England is ever written by one who has the knowledge and the courage, the world would be astonished."Benjamin Disraeli, first Jewish Prime Minister of Great Britain, 1874-1880.New Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• The Institutionalised Ignorami of Academia.• Normal' People vs. Those Who Are Devoid of Empathy.• Francis Bacon Reveals the Hidden Hand of Organised Psychopathy.• All Politics is a Stage, and All the Politicians Merely Puppets.• 'Shakespeare' - Pseudonym of the Occult Idol ('goddess' Entity) Athena.• The Origins of a 'Deep State' and of 'Dark State' Occult Politics.• Francis Bacon's NWO - A Secret Society Controlled America.The Institutionalised Ignorami of Academia In my experience, the people who are least knowledgeable about politics...

Fifth Column Globalism – The Increasingly Obvious Enemy Within

Fifth Column Globalism – The Increasingly Obvious Enemy Within

FEATURED IMAGE CREDITArtwork: 'Facial Recognition' by Bob Moran []#NewMoralOrder#NewMoralArmy#FifthColumnGlobalism#FCG#JustStopGlobalism#GlobalismZero#postglobalism#FunnelUpEconomicsDefinition of "Fifth Column Globalism"#FifthColumnGlobalism #FCGhttps://fifthcolumnglobalism.comNew Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• Definition of the term Fifth Column Globalism. • Original definition of the term 'fifth column'.• The Left-Hand-Path of Politics - a satanic ideology at its core.• How to Spot a Fifth Column Globalists?• Destroying your Nation State from within - how it's done.• The ultimate aims of Fifth Column Globalism.• Only peaceful, lawful, democratic solutions to globalism will work.• How to eliminate the globalist scourge - what they fear the most.Definition of 'Fifth Column Globalism'Fifth Column Globalism is "the systematic infiltration of institutions within Nation States by agents and agencies of globalism, in order to economically, culturally and politically...

Know Thy Enemy – Look Up!

Know Thy Enemy – Look Up!

#NewMoralOrder#NewMoralArmy#NMA#ToxicWealth#FiftyMillionMax#50MM#OrganisedPsychopathy#SocialPsychopathy"Stop blaming the man or woman on the other side of the street or across the tracks. Look up to the cameras that spy on you, look beyond the screen that brainwashes you, and look behind the stage that hosts the show they call politics. They wear suits, not hoodies. They rob you from private jets, not scooters. They control you with debt, not punches, and they harm and kill you with products, not guns. Know thy enemy!"Quartz of New Moral Order™From 'Quartz on Organised Psychopathy' [Quartz Quotes]New Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• The left-hand-path of politics - controlled opposition to control the masses.• To see the true enemy - look up!• Eight billion problems? No - just a few thousand billionaire psychopaths.• Eliminate the extreme - toxic wealth - and we will have a balanced society.The Chosen Few of the Parasitic Classvs. their Collective ‘Units of Energy’ The people have...

All Wars Are Toxic Wealth Wars

All Wars Are Toxic Wealth Wars

#NewMoralOrder#NewMoralArmy#NMA#ToxicWealth#FiftyMillionMax#50MM#OmsNotBombs#unviolent#OrganisedPsychopathy#SocialPsychopathyQuote by Quartz of New Moral Order™From 'Quartz on Peace vs. War' [Quartz Quotes]New Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• Have you been programmed to accept violence and mass murder?• It is the parasitic class who are solely responsible for all wars.• They fear the 'peaceful evolutionary', not the violent revolutionary.How Many WarmongersDo You Personally Know? All the chaos you see on the news is purposefully constructed. It doesn’t just happen. Only a fool believes in coincidence when it comes to national and global politics. The idea that a war couldn’t be prevented is a myth, one of many that you have been programmed to believe since birth. Walk down a busy street on a Saturday afternoon and you do not see fights suddenly erupt from the crowds. That is because human conflict takes a great deal of effort to bring about. Ninety-five percent of human beings are...

Prohibit Psychopaths from Occupying Any Public Office [NMO™ Political Policy Proposal]

Prohibit Psychopaths from Occupying Any Public Office [NMO™ Political Policy Proposal]

#NewMoralOrder#BullseyePolitics#MoralEugenics#PsychoFreeSociety#OrganisedPsychopathy#SocialPsychopathy#TheStoneCeiling  "Psychopaths have a weak capacity for mentally "picturing" the consequences of their behavior. Concrete rewards are pitted against vague future consequences - with the rewards clearly for the stronger contender. The mental image of the consequences for the victim are particularly fuzzy."ROBERT D. HAREForensic psychologist, expert in criminal psychology and creator of the Psychopathy Checklist.New Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• Bullseye politics - the people must bring about the change.• Social psychopaths run the world.• Why those without empathy more easily rise to the top of society.• The difference between a psychopath and a social psychopath.• What happens when those who are devoid of empathy control society.• How many social psychopaths are walking around the planet.• What crimes are those in power really involved in behind the scenes.• Political...

Enemies of the State of Mind-Control and The World That Never Was

Enemies of the State of Mind-Control and The World That Never Was

#NewMoralOrder#NewMoralArmy#NMA#ToxicWealth#FiftyMillionMax#50MM#postglobalism#BullseyePoliticsNew Moral Army™ []The Only Real Solution to Toxic WealthNew Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• A Socially Engineered Society.• Bad actors aren't just in movies.• We are the creators of the coming postglobalist world.Conscious, Critical, Discerning To my mind, the solutions to the problems we see in society are very simple. Furthermore, the powers that be (but should not be) also know that the solutions are very simple, and that is why the control system spends the majority of its energy on distracting people with disempowering entertainment, sports, consumerism, drugs, food, and other targeted sources of addiction. If enough of the people became critical thinkers rather than just programmed fleshy drones that unconsciously hear and blindly obey the social engineers, the entire criminal, occultic system of political corruption, social control and planetary theft, would...

Fifty Million Max™ – A Universal Cap on Personal Wealth

Fifty Million Max™ – A Universal Cap on Personal Wealth

#NewMoralOrder#NewMoralArmy#NMA#ToxicWealth#FiftyMillionMax#50MMNew Moral Army™ []The Only Real Solution to Toxic WealthNew Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• How will a wealth cap of $50 million transform our society?• Why don't we ever hear politicians and the media discussing a cap on extreme wealth?• Toxic wealth is the problem and Fifty Million Max™ is the solution.• If the people want it, democracy guarantees its implementation.• Find out more about why a wealth cap is moral, lawful and required.• How you can play an active role in securing a cap on toxic wealth.FIFTY MILLION MAX™A New Improved Society A global wealth cap of $50 million per individual. The most important social change in human history. Imagine a society in which everyone lived like a millionaire. That is the society that Fifty Million Max™ will create. The implementation of the Fifty Million Max™ policy will bring about: • The elimination of world poverty, hunger, and suffering.• The eradication...

What is Toxic Wealth and Why We Must Completely Eliminate It from Society?

What is Toxic Wealth and Why We Must Completely Eliminate It from Society?

#NewMoralOrder#NewMoralArmy#NMA#ToxicWealth#50MM#NationalUsury#TUCNew Moral Army™ []The Only Real Solution to Toxic WealthNew Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• What is money, and how much is enough?• Why do politicians target the middle class as being rich?• A lust for wealth always partners a lust for power.• Toxic for democracy, for society and for humanity.• The only real solution.How Much is Enough? If we think of money as a social nutrient, which lubricates the wheels of industry and invigorates the human spirit, we must accept that it can also be poisonous to both the individual and to society as a whole. I have always found it strange that the question of "how much is enough" is one that almost everyone has asked of themselves and others, whilst at the political level and within the media, this issue is never broached. Politicians relentlessly talk about "making the rich pay their fair share", but in truth they are simply aiming their vitriol at the middle...

An Introduction to & the New Moral Army™

An Introduction to & the New Moral Army™

#NewMoralOrder#NewMoralArmy#NMA#ToxicWealth#50MM#NationalUsury#TUCNew Moral Army™ []Defeating the Dragon of Toxic WealthNew Moral Order™ POST INSIGHTS• What you can expect from New Moral Order™ posts.• The only real solution to every social problem.• The three key policies to transform society.• Join the NMA™ to play an active role.Welcome My name is Quartz. My aim is to get you thinking, not simply outside of the box, but outside of the box-making factory. I'll be introducing you to anunnakism, bullseye politics, chivalrism, fifth column globalism, the exostate, funnel-up economics, moral eugenics, organised psychopathy, philopolitics, postglobalism, smaug syndrome, social psychopathy, social satanism, the law doctrine, toxic wealth, unviolence and much more. All these fascinating topics will open your mind and move you to look at our society in a way that the control system wants to suppress. The bad guys will continue to write their harmful scripts, which...

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