New Moral Order™
10. ‘Smaug Syndrome’
– A Mental Disorder
The official definition of Smaug Syndrome is “a chronic addictive mental disorder characterised by an innate or learned insatiable desire to accumulate and hoard unlimited or outrageous levels of toxic wealth.”
See the full definition at
Smaug is a character from J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit’. He is a dragon (reptilian creature) that has relentlessly hoarded gold and jewels inside a mountain lair that already contained the mined riches of the dwarves. He expelled the dwarves from their home and by doing so stole their wealth. He then simply sat and slept on his ill-gotten gains, his only task being to kill anyone who threatened his extreme and supreme wealth status.
In Tolkien’s mind, Smaug represented the parasitic elite who control central banking and the corporate world of multinational monopolies.
The term Smaug Syndrome perfectly describes the ‘rich sick’ dynasties that infest human society as a parasitic force of organised crime against humanity.
The hoarding of toxic wealth is the only form of acute pathological addiction that you will never see discussed by the mainstream institutions of government, medicine, media and charity. That is because the mentally ill wealth hoarders own and control those institutions. Those institutions simply aren’t allowed to discuss this most serious of all mental disorders.
This is in spite of the fact that this mental illness causes many thousands of times more suffering than all other addictions combined, because it actually provides the facility for those who are affected to negatively impact the lives of literally billions of victims.
Combine with this danger the fact that psychopathy, sociopathy, and other anti-social disorders almost always overlap the mental illness of toxic wealth hoarding, and you have a perfect recipe for mass murder and social destruction on a global scale.
This mental illness is the real underlying cause of all wars and social misery.
The term ‘Smaug Syndrome‘ was coined to describe the mental illness that so clearly infects the parasitic class. In fact, the parasitic class would not exist without this mental disease being present in each of its members. It is passed down through the genes of their bloodlines, as well as being programmed into their behavioural patterns from a very young age.
When a member of the parasitic class is pictured in the press abusing narcotics, alcohol, or women, they are sent to rehab by the head of the family. However, when they commit a concealed crime that increases their wealth by a few billion, they are praised by the head of their family.
This is how the parasitic class, over centuries of toxic wealth acquisition, have come to own and hoard 95% of all the land, commodities, assets, food, and money, which billions of people in society actually created and earned, and subsequently had stolen from them. Of course it is a crime, but more importantly, it is a crime perpetrated by people who are quite simply ‘sick in the head’.
As a society, we must now be looking to medically analyse and treat these individuals in a ‘safe’ environment, where they can no longer be a danger to society.
If we were talking about a person addicted to heroin, the first cause of action would be to take the drug away from them, and to stop them acquiring anymore. This is exactly what the Fifty Million Max™ policy puts in place.
In the same way that a heroin addict is a clear and present social danger to the person and property of others, so too is the toxic wealth addict a clear and present danger to the person and property of the general public on a far greater scale.
We must first peacefully, lawfully and democratically, remove all toxic wealth from society – just as we should remove all recreational narcotics such as heroin from society – and then provide medical treatment to all members of the parasitic class, in order that this lethal mental illness can be fully understood and remedied once and for all.
Smaug Syndrome is truly viscous disorder. Unlike alcoholism, which affects – through violence and chaos – the family and friends of the addict, or heroin addiction, which expands to affect – through theft and criminal behaviour – the entire neighbourhood of the addict, Smaug Syndrome affects society as a whole, and in modern times, the entirety of humankind on a global scale.
Wars, poverty, disease, social violence, crime, and ‘Addiction Capitalism’ – which includes: loan debt (from usury), the drug industry (both illegal and pharmaceutical), gambling from casinos to lotteries, fast food, sugar, retail consumerism, video games, TV, spectator sports, pornography, and many more ways of fleecing people through addiction – are all manufactured by those with Smaug Syndrome.
Anyone who has a billion dollars in the bank and thinks that it’s not enough, quite blatantly has a mental illness. This fact is in no way debatable to any rational thinking person. If I asked a thousand people in the street whether giving them $50 million was enough or would they want more, I expect that virtually all of them would say it is enough. Those who said they wanted more would clearly not be thinking in a socially acceptable, ‘normal’ way.
As mentioned above, other dangerous antisocial mental disorders, such as psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissism, more than often run hand-in-hand with Smaug Syndrome, but whereas someone with psychopathy is not automatically identifiable by sight, those who are inflicted by an unquenchable need to hoard ever more toxic wealth are highly visible to everyone. This makes the disorder, and all its terrible social side-effects, actually very easy to resolve at the economic and social level.
People with Smaug Syndrome do not deserve accolades and praise for hoarding billions of dollars. They desperately need mental health care, and society desperately needs them to get that care today.
We are living in a society that is akin to a mental asylum in which the psychopathic killers in the secure ward have not only been put in charge of the institution but have gained control of the entire business. That must be remedied, and it must be remedied as soon as possible. Not starting tomorrow, or next year, but beginning now!
Fifty Million Max™ is the most logical and quickest way to achieve that essential goal.
New Moral Order™
The Fifty Million Max™ Project
Links to pages in this series...
1 Introduction
2 The Middle Class - The Real Social Utopia
3 Divide & Rule
4 The Working Class vs The Middle Class
5 Communism vs. Capitalism
6 Breaking Through the Stone Ceiling
7 The True Enemy
8 Toxic Wealth & Politics
9 The Moral Imperative
10 'Smaug Syndrome' - A Mental Disorder
11 Why 'Fifty Million'?
12 You Can Have It All!
13 A Democratic Society Cannot Steal What It Already Owns
14 Vote With Your Voice and You Peaceful Actions
15 All the Historic Issues
16 They Cannot Stop This if the People Democratically Demand It
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Fifty Million Max™ is one of the three paradigm-shifting policies of the New Moral Army™.
Three Policies to Transform the World
• Fifty Million Max™
A global wealth cap of $50 million per individual.
• Abolishing National Usury
An end to private central banks charging interest on the creation of money and national borrowing.
• Total Universal Compensation
Full settlement for all historic crimes against society, because all toxic wealth leads back to criminality.
The New Moral Army™ exists for the sole purpose of promoting these three policies and seeing them fully implemented on a global scale.
Under the corrupted system in which we now find ourselves, there is no more valid social movement or worthwhile cause deserving of your support.
Please consider donating just £10 a month to join the New Moral Army™ and play an active role in the greatest political, social and economic movement in human history.
Find out more about the New Moral Army™ at